Professional Etiquette (B2-C1)

When successful communication is our goal, more often than not we are happy to “get the message across.” Sometimes, however, this is not enough. Official occasions, meetings with high dignitaries, applications and requests, and emotionally charged situations require a soft touch to communication in addition to a clear transfer of meaning.

This course focuses on the social and professional conventions that govern communication in an internationally networked environment like the University of Münster. It can be understood as an extension of our Office Communication courses and is relevant to everyone who communicates with international members, guests and co-operation partners of the University in difficult and high-stakes situations.

Block, 19.-21.3.2024, 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr,

Lernziele: Etiquette, politeness and assertiveness in professional English communication

Methoden: All English courses and workshops follow a communicative language teaching approach and integrate content and language learning.

Referent: Gerry McClean, Leiter Sprachenzentrum West, Bundessprachamt Münster AD
