Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Mathematics and Computer Science in Münster
Mathematics and computer science are dynamic key technologies of growing importance and attractiveness. Their results are typically applied in fields like physics and engeneering sciences. Innovation in other sciences like biology, medicine and social sciences utilizes mathematization more than ever before. The foundations of applied mathematics and computer science were developed in theoretical mathematics. Münster's mathematical departments are among the most renowned in Germany.
Four winners of the Leibniz award conduct research and teaching at the University of Münster. Innovative exchange between theoretical mathemathics on highest level and cutting-edge research in new applications is a mission of the University of Münster.
Digitale Mathenacht aus Berlin, Bonn und Münster
Die Mathematik-Exzellenzcluster aus Berlin, Bonn und Münster laden am 29.11.2024 alle Interessierten zu einem breitgefächerten Programm ein - alles online via Zoom: nachmittags Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche, abends Mathe-Quiz, Talkrunde zum Thema Mathematik und KI und Vorträge von Forschenden. weiter
Thursday, 14.11.2024 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Peter Hintz (ETH Zürich): Perturbations and weak interactions of black holes
Thursday, 21.11.2024 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulte (TU Hamburg): Stochastic geometry, Poisson processes and Stein's method
Thursday, 28.11.2024 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Daniele Semola (Universität Wien): tba
Thursday, 12.12.2024 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Richard Höfer (Universität Regensburg): Derivation of effective rheology of suspensions
Thursday, 09.01.2025 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Francis Brown (University of Oxford): tba
Thursday, 16.01.2025 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Louis-Pierre Arguin (University of Oxford): Large Values of the Riemann Zeta Function: A probabilistic journey
Thursday, 23.01.2025 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Scott Armstrong (New York University): tba
Thursday, 21.11.2024 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulte (TU Hamburg): Stochastic geometry, Poisson processes and Stein's method
Thursday, 28.11.2024 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Daniele Semola (Universität Wien): tba
Thursday, 12.12.2024 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Richard Höfer (Universität Regensburg): Derivation of effective rheology of suspensions
Thursday, 09.01.2025 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Francis Brown (University of Oxford): tba
Thursday, 16.01.2025 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Louis-Pierre Arguin (University of Oxford): Large Values of the Riemann Zeta Function: A probabilistic journey
Thursday, 23.01.2025 14:15 Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Scott Armstrong (New York University): tba