The CERes workshop programme

With our varied programme of workshops, we provide support for doctoral researchers and postdocs in the development of their generic competences. If you would like to take part in our workshops to plug some gaps in your competences, discover your hidden talents or expand your professional perspectives, simply register for the current semester programme. We look forward to meeting you! Registration for the winter semester 2024/25 begins on 13 September 2024 at 7 pm.

The University of Münster offers a large number of workshops which are also open to doctoral researchers and postdocs. The programmes of generic competences workshops offered by various institutions can be found under “Weitere Qualifizierungsangebote” (“Further Training Offers”).

Academic professionalism

  • 20.–21.11.2024 / 09:00–13:00 / Navigating power hierarchies and nurturing partnerships


    Gain transparency on possible paths to academic independence or a permanent position in the science sector in Germany. Understand how formal structures, implicit rules, and biases in the German academic system influence individual researchers. Learn to integrate the knowledge of diverse aspects (e.g., gender, culture) into your personal behaviour and communication. Improve your ability to implement self-presentation and networking tips to support your career success.

    Facilitator: Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi (KTE Coaching)
    Venue: Zoom


  • 02.12.2024 / 09:00–17:00 / Disciplinary identity, methods, and objectivity


    This workshop will help you to understand and articulate the distinctive methods and standards of objectivity in your own and other disciplines. It will also assist you in establishing common methodological ground with peers from different disciplines to facilitate interdisciplinary projects. Furthermore, you will be better equipped to communicate and defend your methodological decisions and avoid common pitfalls when discussing your research.

    Facilitator: Dr. Stefan Roski (Center for Philosophy of Science (Zentrum für Wissenschaftstheorie))
    Venue: Schlossplatz 6, room 001


  • 03.12.2024 / 09:00–16:00 / Konfliktmanagement für Forschende


    Erlangen Sie ein fundiertes Verständnis für psychologische Sicherheit und erfahren Sie, wie diese im Team gemessen werden kann. Lernen Sie effektive Ansätze zur Stärkung der vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit im Team kennen. Verstehen und anwenden Sie verschiedene Methoden des Konfliktmanagements.

    Workshopleitung: Dr. Viktoria Leonhard (Coach, Teamberaterin, Trainerin)
    Ort: Zoom


  • 04.12.2024 / 09:00–12:00 / Open Science: Preregistration


    In this workshop you will learn about preregistration in the context of exploratory versus confirmatory research and how it can help you to design studies more efficiently. You will also familiarize yourself with best practices for preregistration, get an overview of preregistration types and templates and learn how to document deviations transparently. Furthermore, you will discuss the feasibility and standing of preregistrations in the context of your field of research

    Facilitators: Dr. Lukas Röseler (Münster Center for Open Science)
    Venue: Zoom


  • 12.–13.12.2024 / 09:00–14:00 / Good scientific practice


    In this workshop, you will practice articulating the virtues that guide your scientific practice and distinguishing between different types of 'bad' practices. You will make informed decisions that uphold principles of good scientific practice. Additionally, you will assess the broader impact of scientific practice on individual, professional, and community levels.

    Facilitator: Dr. Iva Ognjanovic (CERes)
    Venue: Zoom


  • 15.01.2025 / 09:00–12:00 / Digital publishing & open access


    Learn about various publication processes, including the challenges and pitfalls involved, and understand the important legal aspects of publishing. Gain knowledge on how to submit and publish your dissertation, and explore the publishing services offered by the library. Discover funding opportunities for your open access publications.

    Facilitators: Wibke Fellermann, Dr. Viola Voß (University and State Library of Münster (ULB))
    Venue: Zoom


  • 16.01.2025 / 10:00–12:00 / Research data management


    Become familiar with FAIR principles and the data lifecycle, and understand how to use metadata in daily scientific work. Learn ways to publish and preserve research data, know which licenses to use for your data and publications, and learn how to set up data management plans. Gain an overview of RDM services at the University of Münster.

    Facilitators: Dr. Frank Berkemeier, Wibke Fellermann (University and State Library of Münster (ULB))
    Venue: Zoom


  • 19.–20.02.2025 / 09:00–14:00 / Good scientific practice


    In this workshop, you will practice articulating the virtues that guide your scientific practice and distinguishing between different types of 'bad' practices. You will make informed decisions that uphold principles of good scientific practice. Additionally, you will assess the broader impact of scientific practice on individual, professional, and community levels.

    Facilitator: Dr. Iva Ognjanovic (CERes)
    Venue: Zoom


  • 06.03.2025 / 13:00–17:00 / Want to be a perfect copycat? Master anti-plagiarism strategies


    In this workshop, you will define and recognize different types of plagiarism and explore the importance of providing accurate citations. You will acquire strategies to avoid falling into the plagiarism trap and assess whether the use of (Gen)AI constitutes plagiarism.

    Facilitator: Dr. Iva Ognjanovic (CERes)
    Venue: Zoom


Techniques of academic work

  • 21.10.2024 / 09:00–17:00 / Schreiben mit Leichtigkeit und System

    PROMOVIERENDE (die sich kurz vor oder in der Schreibphase befinden)

    In diesem Workshop lernen Sie, Ihre eigenen Schreibprozesse zu verstehen und zu steuern. Sie erhalten schnelle Schreibimpulse und vertiefende Methoden zum Strukturieren, Visualisieren und Losschreiben, die auf unterschiedliche Schreibtypen abgestimmt sind. Außerdem gibt es Tipps zum ressourcenorientierten Umgang mit Hürden im Schreibprozess.

    Workshopleitung: Dr. Eva-Maria Lerche (Schreibraum Münster)
    Ort: Zoom


  • 26.11.2024 / 09:00–17:00 / Auf den Punkt gebracht: Texte fokussieren, ansprechend aufbauen und verdichten

    PROMOVIERENDE (die sich kurz vor oder in der Schreibphase befinden)

    Lernen Sie, Themen zu fokussieren und den Kern herauszuarbeiten, Texte ansprechend und lesefreundlich zu strukturieren sowie Inhalte sprachlich und inhaltlich zu verdichten.

    Workshopleitung: Dr. Eva-Maria Lerche (Schreibraum Münster)
    Ort: Zoom


  • 28.–29.11.2024 / 09:00–15:00 / Academic writing: Crafting clear and coherent research papers


    This workshop helps you clarify and define the storyline of a research article, and refine word choice and sentence structure for better clarity and impact. You will learn to identify and address common mistakes in academic writing. Additionally, the workshop provides strategies to overcome writer’s block and improve writing productivity.

    Facilitator: Lesley-Anne Weiling (Write English)
    Venue: Zoom


  • 21.01.2025 / 10:00–16:00 / Academic writing: Advanced


    In this workshop you will practice techniques for writing compelling texts that engage reader interest, apply self-editing techniques and peer-review techniques to pre-prepared texts as well as implementing strategies for effectively giving and receiving feedback on your work

    Facilitator: Dr Julie Davies (Supportstelle Englisch)
    Venue: Zoom


  • 29.–30.01.2025 / 09:00–16:00 / Disputationstraining

    PROMOVIERENDE (in der Endphase der Promotion)

    In diesem Workshop erhalten Sie einen Überblick über den Ablauf und die Funktion einer Disputation sowie typische Fragen der Prüfungskommission. Sie lernen, souverän auf kritische bis provozierende Fragen zu reagieren und erhalten Vorbereitungswerkzeuge für häufige Fragen. Zudem indentifizieren Sie Ihre Stärken und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten im Vortrag und in der Fragerunde.

    Workshopleitung: Torsten Rother (Sprechwege)
    Ort: Zoom


  • 12. & 19.03.2025 / 09:00–13:00 & 10:00–12:30 / Reading, fast and slow: Shifting gears from skimming to deep dive


    In this workshop, you will learn to skim and scan texts rapidly to identify key information and save time. You will explore active reading and annotation strategies to improve comprehension and retention. Additionally, you will develop a personal reading toolkit to enhance your performance and motivation.

    Facilitator: Sabine Schneider, M.A., M.A. (CERes)
    Venue:  Schlossplatz 6, room 001 (on 12 March) & Zoom (on 19 March)



  • 23.01.2025 / 09:00–17:00 / „Just do it!“? Anti-Prokrastinationsstrategien für Forschende


    In diesem Workshop erarbeiten wir gemeinsam, welche kognitiven und welche emotiven Prozesse Prokrastination ausmachen und begünstigen, wie Sie Ihre eigenen Verhaltensmuster erkennen und Strategien entwickeln können, wieder selbst das Steuer in die Hand zu nehmen. Sie werden am Ende des Workshops allerdings nicht frei von Prokrastination sein!

    Workshopleitung: Rebecca Meier (CERes)
    Ort: Schlossplatz 6, Raum 001


  • 13.02.2025 / 10:00–17:00 / Mentale Gesundheit im Wissenschaftssystem


    In diesem Workshop diskutieren Sie Kriterien und Einflussfaktoren mentaler Gesundheit sowie psychischer Erkrankungen. Sie reflektieren den Zusammenhang zwischen Strukturen des Wissenschaftssystems, individuellen Voraussetzungen und möglichen Belastungen im Dialog. Gemeinsam erarbeiten Sie Präventionsmaßnahmen und Strategien zum Umgang mit psychischen Belastungen während der Promotions- oder Postdoc-Phase.

    Workshopleitung: Rebecca Meier (CERes), Anne Wienströer (Beratungsstelle für Mitarbeitende und Führungskräfte)
    Ort: Schlossplatz 6, Raum 001


Research management

  • 28.–29.10.2024 / 13:30–17:00 & 09:00–12:30/ Leading the next generation: Effective student supervision


    In this workshop you will reflect on your role and style of supervision, enhance your ability to communicate clearly, provide constructive feedback, and support (doctoral) students in various academic contexts. Furthermore you will learn how to engage in a supportive network among postdoctoral researchers, encouraging the exchange of best practices and experiences in student supervision.

    Facilitator: Dr. Viktoria Leonhard (coach, team consultant, trainer)
    Venue: Zoom


  • 06.02.2025 / 09:00–12:00 / Doctorate and then what? Third-party funding for your future in academia

    DOCTORAL RESEARCHERS (at a final stage of a doctorate), POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS (at an early career stage)

    This workshop provides you with an overview of funding opportunities for the early postdoc phase and helps you develop perspectives for your scientific career. You will gain knowledge about opportunities for mobility and network expansion, as well as different research tools and their applications. Additionally, the workshop equips you with basic knowledge for successful applications.

    Facilitators: Dr. Christine Schmidt, Dr. Vanessa Kloke (SAFIR Research Funding Support)
    Venue: Zoom


Social responsibility & transfer

  • 05. & 24.03.2025 / 10:00–17:00 & 10:00–13:00 / Wissenschaftskommunikation, warum und wie? Wie Sie Ihre Forschung verständlich vermitteln


    Nach dem Workshop können Sie die Relevanz von Wissenschaftskommunikation für Ihre Karriere einschätzen. Sie kennen grundlegende Qualitätskriterien und verschiedene Formate der Wissenschaftskommunikation. Außerdem haben Sie erste Ansätze entwickelt, wie Sie Fachfremden Ihr eigenes Projekt vermitteln können. Gegebenenfalls konnten Sie auch bereits einen ersten Beitrag platzieren.

    Workshopleitung: Dr. Anneka Esch-van Kan (CERes), Doris Niederhoff (Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre)
    Ort: Schlossplatz 6, Raum 001 (am 05.03.), Zoom (am 24.03.)


LinkedIn Learning Tip

PowerPoint: Visualisation

Discover LinkedIn as a platform for learning! LinkedIn Learning offers many videos on business, technology, and creativity – for beginners to professionals, in German, English, and more! If you’re a member of the University of Münster, you can even access it for free through the University and State Library of Münster. And with the LinkedIn Learning app, you can continue your training and gather new ideas on the go. Follow the link, type your university email ending with ““ and sign in via Single Sign-On.

PowerPoint: Visualisierung (365/2019) (fortgeschrittene) by Maria Hoeren (3 hrs 39 mins, in German)
PowerPoint Data Visualization: High-Impact Charts and Graphs (intermediate) by Echo Swinford (1 hr. 47 mins, in English)