Dr. Nektarios Zarras

Humboldt-Stipendiat (03/2016 - 07/2018)

Tel.: +49 251 83-25110

Nektarios Zarras has been Senior Visiting Lecturer at the Universities of Patras and of the Aegean.

He is currently an Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Fellow at the University of Münster working on the project: Identity and Patronage in Byzantium. In 2013 he was awarded the “Maria Theochari” Grant by the Christian Archaeological Society (Greece) for the publication of his Doctoral Thesis, The Iconographic Cycle of the Eothina Gospel Lections in Palaiologan Monumental Painting of the Balkan Peninsula (Thessaloniki 2011) and in the summer of the same year he was Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks.
He has participated in the survey and excavation of archaeological sites in Athens and on the islands of Andros and Kos. In summer 2012, he organized an archaeological workshop in Rhodes for graduate students at the University of the Aegean. His fieldwork focuses mainly on Early Christian basilicas and on the excavation at Kymissala of southern Rhodes, a large cemetery with graves dating from the Late Classical, Roman and Early Christian periods.

Research projects in progress involve Early Christian archaeological material from Rhodes and Palaiologan monumental painting in the Peloponnese (Mystras). His research also, focuses on the Middle and Late Byzantine painting and texts in Constantinople, Greece, Cyprus and Serbia. In addition to participation in congresses and symposia in Greece and abroad, he has published books and several articles and chapters in periodicals, conference proceedings and collective volumes.