prof. dr. lienhard legenhausen, em.

His research interests include the study of learner language, technology-enhanced language learning as well as learner-centred approaches to classroom learning/teaching with a special focus on autonomous language learning.
Together with Leni Dam, Denmark, he started the LAALE project (Language Acquisition in an Autonomous Learning Environment) in which they systematically observed the linguistic development of a class of Danish mixed ability learners over a period of four years. Identical data elicitation procedures and tests were administered in German Gymnasium classes as well as in Danish and German Comprehensive Schools. A summary of results is included in:
Little, D., Dam, L. & Legenhausen, L. (2017). Autonomous Language Learning – Theory, Practice and Research. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Ever since 2008 he has taught methodology courses and linguistics in the English and German departments of the National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine as a Visiting Professor.


Englisches Seminar
Johannisstraße 12-20
D - 48143 Münster

Room: 4
Phone: +49 (0) 251 - 83 - 2 45 01
E-Mail: legenha