Nachhaltiges Landmanagement und Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel für den Westsibirischen Getreidegürtel

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  • Presse

    3,8 Millionen für deutsch-russisches Forschungsvorhaben
    Münstersche Landschaftsökologen koordinieren Forschung zu Folgen des Klima- und Landnutzungswandels in Westsibirien

    Münster (upm), 26. September 2011

    Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) stellt 3,8 Millionen Euro für ein deutsch-russisches Forschungsprojekt zur nachhaltigen Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen in Westsibirien zur Verfügung. Durch den Klimawandel und eine Ausweitung von Agrarflächen in Sibirien befürchten die Forscher erhebliche negative Effekte, die auch globale Auswirkungen haben, beispielsweise durch die Freisetzung von Treibhausgasen. Sie wollen daher in den kommenden fünf Jahren Konzepte für eine nachhaltige Landnutzung erarbeiten, um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen. Das Institut für Landschaftsökologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU) koordiniert das Verbundprojekt. Die münsterschen Landschaftsökologen erhalten gut 1,8 Millionen Euro. mehr...

    In Sibirien, so befürchten Wissenschaftler, wird es zu Veränderungen der Landschaft kommen, die auch negative globale Auswirkungen haben. Foto: WWU
  • Project desciption

    The project is part of the BMBF-Funding Measure “Sustainable Land Management“ Module A "Interaction between Land Management, Climate Change and Ecosystem Services".

    SASCHA as a German-Russian research project aims to provide basic knowledge and practical management tools to cope with recent and future ecological change and landscape transformation in Western Siberia. The interface between the steppe and the northern forest zone is of global significance in terms of carbon sequestration, food production, and biodiversity. All these subject matters have been and will continue to be affected by climate change and rapid socioeconomic development. Climate-induced agricultural expansion and increasing cultivation of energy plants in this region will trigger fundamental changes in land use. Negative impact on the budgets of greenhouse gases (GHGs), on sustainable soil and water resources management, and on biodiversity are anticipated. The impact of different agricultural land-use types and intensities on various ecosystem goods and services such as carbon sequestration, soil fertility, water resources, and biodiversity in the Tyumen region will be assessed and evaluated.  The gained information will be used for (i) developing optimized, long-term, sustainable agricultural land-use practices at farm level, and (ii) for the definition of priority areas for different land-use types and intensities under various scenarios of climate change at landscape level. To apply the project results in an operational planning framework, implementation and monitoring tools will be developed under strict consideration of institutional structures of governance and other socio-economical needs and constraints.

  • Subproject overview and Project partners

    Title Involved German Institutions
    SP100 Project Coordination University of Münster
    Working Group Ecosystem Research
    SP200 Analysis and Monitoring of land cover and current land use change EFTAS Remote Sensing Transfer of Technology
    SP300 Hydrology: Modelling of water and matter balances under global change Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
    Hydrology and Water Resources Management
    SP400 Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes University of Münster
    Working Group Climatology
    SP500 Sustainable agricultural management and adaptation strategies to climate change University of Osnabrück
    Geoecology and Agricultural Ecology and
    University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
    Vegetation Ecology and Botany and Research Group Sustainable Agriculture
    SP600 Assessment of carbon stocks and biodiversity values in non-arable ecosystems University of Münster
    Working Groups Ecosystem Research and Community Ecology
    SP700 Landscape planning for a successful implementation of sustainable management within the Tyumen region University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
    Landscape planning/Landscape management
    SP800 Institutions, property rights, governance structures and implementation capacities Humboldt University Berlin
    Division of Resource Economics

    Russian Project partners

    Tyumen State University (TSU)
    Tyumen State Agricultural Academy (TSAA)
    stakeholders from the regional governmental Departments