ERC Starting Grants at the University of Münster

With funding from an ERC Starting Grant, excellent early career researchers (two to seven years into their post-doc phase) are given the opportunity to pursue an outstanding project idea as part of an independent junior research group.

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  • 2024 | Prof Dr Rudolf Zeidler | Comparison and rigidity for scalar curvature (COMSCAL)

    Funding period at the University of Münster



    Questions involving  the scalar curvature bridge many areas inside mathematics including geometric analysis, differential geometry and algebraic topology, and they are naturally related to the mathematical description of general relativity. There are two main flavours of methods to probe the geometry of scalar curvature: One goes back to Lichnerowicz and uses various versions of index theory for the Dirac equation on spinors. The other is broadly based on minimal hypersurfaces and was initiated by Schoen and Yau. On both types of methods there has been tremendous progress over recent years sparked by novel quantitative comparison and rigidity questions due to Gromov and by on-going attempts to arrive at a deeper geometric understanding of lower scalar curvature bounds. In this proposal we view established landmark results, such as the non-existence of positive scalar curvature on the torus, together with the more recent quantitative problems from a conceptually unified standpoint, where a comparison principle for scalar and mean curvature along maps between Riemannian manifolds plays the central role. Guided by this point of view, we aim to develop fundamentally new tools to study scalar curvature that bridge long-standing gaps in between the existing techniques. This includes a far-reaching generalization of the Dirac operator approach expanding upon techniques pioneered by the PI, and novel applications of Bochner-type methods. We will also study analogous comparison problems on domains with singular boundary motivated by a first synthetic characterization of lower scalar curvature bounds in terms of polyhedral domains, and by the general quest for extending the study of scalar curvature beyond smooth manifolds. At the same time, we will treat subtle almost rigidity questions corresponding to the rigidity aspect of our comparison principle.

    Prof Dr Rudolf Zeidler at the University of Münster

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Completed projects

  • 2021 | Dr Manuel van Gemmeren | Dual Ligand-Enabled Palladium Catalysis: Unlocking Novel Reactivities and Selectivities in Aromatic C–H Activation (DULICAT)

    Funding period at the University of Münster



    The transition metal catalyzed activation of aromatic carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds has enabled a variety of novel transformations that complement traditional approaches towards complex aromatic compounds. The vast majority of methods developed in this field relies on the use of directing groups, which coordinate the catalyst prior to the C-H activation step to induce activity and selectivity. In contrast, nondirected methods have remained underdeveloped, since it has remained highly challenging to achieve reactivity and induce good selectivities in such processes. My research group has recently discovered a new design paradigm for palladium catalysts, which exhibit extraordinary activities and selectivities. Through the combined action of two complementary ligands these catalysts enable the activation of arenes without requiring a directing group or the use of an excess of the substrate. Here, I propose to initiate a broadly conceived research project aiming at three major goals: 1) The development of highly active palladium catalysts that can activate even the most challenging arene substrates. This goal will be pursued by building a broad ligand library and conducting systematic structure activity studies that are designed to deliver an in-depth mechanistic understanding. 2) The development of catalysts that enable high sterically controlled regioselectivities. This goal will be tackled using a mechanism-based design approach, aiming to minimize the influence of electronic effects and to suppress unintended directing effects. 3) The development of novel synthetic methods for late-stage functionalization. A particular focus will be on transformations that exhibit otherwise challenging regioselectivities and deliver attractive motifs for medicinal chemistry. Overall this project is expected to establish dual ligand-enabled palladium catalysis as a novel tool in synthetic organic chemistry that will prove highly useful in both academic and industrial laboratories.

    Dr Manuel van Gemmeren at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2018 | Prof Dr Seraphine Valeska Wegner | Artificial cell-cell interactions for light switchable cell organization and signaling (ARTIST)

    Funding period at the University of Münster



    The bottom-up assembly of tissue from cellular building blocks constitutes a promising, yet highly challenging approach  to engineer complex tissues. The challenge lies in controlling cell-cell interactions, which determine how cells organize with respect to each other, how they work together and consequently whether such a multicellular architecture will be functional. The limited spatial and temporal control over cell-cell interactions current biological and chemical approaches provide severely restricts bottom-up tissue engineering. Here, I propose a new way to control cell-cell interactions. I aim to regulate cell-cell interactions with visible light using proteins that reversibly homo- or heterodimerize under blue or red light. These photoswitchable cell-cell interactions provide sustainable, non-invasive, dynamic and reversible control over cell-cell interactions with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. First of all, we will focus on various light dependent protein interactions to mediate cell-cell contacts. The detailed characterization (strength, dynamics, interaction modes and orthogonality) of these new photoswitchable cell-cell interactions will provide the framework for the bottom-up construction of tissue-like structures. Secondly, we will use these photoswitchable cell-cell interactions to assemble cells into multicellular architectures with predictable and programmable organization. The dynamic and reversible nature of the photoswitchable contacts will allow us to locally alter interactions at any point in time, to rearrange and obtain asymmetric multicellular structures, which are typical of tissues. Finally, we will also explore how the photoswitchable cell-cell interactions alter cell behavior and signaling. Ultimately, this will pave the way for the bottom-up assembly of multicellular architectures, enabling us to control precisely and dynamically their organization in space and time as well as regulate how cells work together.

    Prof Dr Seraphine Valeska Wegner at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2017 | Prof Dr Gustavo Fernández Huertas | Systems Chemistry Approach towards semiconductive supramolecular copolymers with homo and hetermometallophilic interactions (SUPRACOP)

    Funding period at the University of Münster



    Infinite one-dimensional structures with a metallic main chain of short metal-metal contacts have attracted considerable attention in the field of materials science for many decades due to their excellent optical properties and remarkable dichroism and electrical (semi)conductivity. These materials suffer, however, from decomposition prior to melting and low solubility and processability. The strategy of introducing alkyl side chains of different nature in the past two decades proved to be particularly successful towards better soluble materials or gels with implications in optoelectronics. However, this comes at the price of reduced bulk conductivities leading in some cases to electrical insulators due to the perturbation of the metal-metal contacts.In this proposal, a Systems Chemistry approach will be introduced to create unprecedented supramolecular copolymers that are anticipated to exhibit: a) high solubility, reversibility and stability in organic solvents and water and, b) short metal contacts involving either positively and negatively charged metal ions of the same nature (Pt2+/Pt2-) or dissimilar metal centres (Pd(II)/Pt(II) and Ag(I)/Au(I)) with equivalent coordination geometry. To achieve this goal, ligands with an extended aromatic surface for pi-stacking supported by complementary non-covalent interactions have been selected to bring suitable metal ions in close proximity. This can be summarized in three approaches. 1) Optimization of the geometrical complementarity between the interacting ligands; 2) Introduction of hydrogen bonding and electrostatic complementarity between side groups, and 3) Exploiting weak interactions between geometrically equivalent electron rich and electron poor units. The extent of metal-metal interactions can be ultimately controlled by introducing suitable light switchable groups. This concept is expected to provide access to novel, highly-ordered materials with rich photophysical and semiconductive properties.

    Prof Dr Gustavo Fernández Huertas at the University of Münster

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  • 2015 | Prof Dr Martin Salinga | Dynamics of Amorphous Semiconductors: Intrinsic Nature and Application in Neuromorphic Hardware (NEURAMORPH)

    Funding period at the University of Münster

    2019–2022 (startet 2015 at the University of Bonn)


    After decades of perfecting the established way of computing, it is now evident that the fundamental logic of today’s computers will prevent them from ever reaching the efficiency of neural networks as found in nature. Neuromorphic hardware promises a leap forward by following the inherent working principles of biological neural networks. In very-large-scale integrated neuromorphic circuits incorporating an immense number of artificial neurons, the even much larger number of synapses poses the challenge of imitating especially the synaptic functionality in a most compact way. Over the last years, various memristive devices have been proposed to represent the weight of a synapse, determining how well electrical spikes are transmitted from one neuron to another. Existing attempts to achieve spike-timing-dependent plasticity, however, possess inherent problems. The NEURAMORPH project aims to develop a simple and compact circuit element to regulate the access to the memristive device for weight modifications. The dynamics of electrical excitability intrinsic to the employed amorphous semiconductors will naturally be able to mimic spike-timing-dependent plasticity. For full control over the properties of these synaptic access elements, a fundamental understanding of the relaxation processes in such amorphous materials is imperative. To this end, amorphization conditions will be systematically varied over a wide-range to create very distinct amorphous states. As a measure for relaxation the temporal evolution of their electrical properties will then be investigated. Based on experimental results for a variety of materials, molecular dynamics simulations will be employed to elucidate the relationship between elemental composition, structural dynamics and changing electrical excitability. Finally, as proof of concept, a prototype of a neuromorphic chip will be developed incorporating the new kind of synaptic device.

    Prof Dr Martin Salinga at the University of Münster

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  • 2015 | Prof Dr Angela Schwering | Wayfinding through Orientation (WayTo)

    Funding period at the University of Münster



    Wayfinding is a task that we manage every day while going to work or on vacation. Although wayfinding research has gone through tremendous development, it suffers from fundamental shortcomings: State-of-the art wayfinding research still adheres to the principles of turn-by-turn navigation. This proposal suggests a new wayfinding paradigm “Wayfinding Through Orientation” that supports the acquisition of spatial knowledge and cognitive mapping for advancing the user’s orientation. Users learn the spatial configuration of their environment through navigating. This makes wayfinding more successful because users with orientation can take informed spatial decisions. Our project goals are achieved through four objectives: 1.We develop a scientific understanding of orientation in wayfinding through empirically analyzing what kind of information induces orientation in humans. 2.We generate orientation information automatically. Orientation information is different to spatial data stored in geographic information systems, because it does not have a consistent level of generalization, it is schematized and it refers to vernacular, vague places not included in traditional maps. 3.New means of communication are developed to integrate orientation instructions into route directions. New maps are required to account for the characteristics of orientation information. 4.To evaluate orientation wayfinding, we cannot apply traditional measures such as travel time, but develop new methods to determine the effect of orientation wayfinding on peoples’ ability to solve wayfinding tasks that require orientation and cognitive mapping. “Wayfinding Through Orientation” is a paradigm change in wayfinding which has profound impact well beyond GI Science research. Our research lays the scientific foundations for a new way of navigation. We strongly believe that we have the necessary expertise to pursue this interdisciplinary project. Preliminary results have been well received by the community.

    Prof Dr Angela Schwering at the University of Münster

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  • 2015 | Prof Dr Björn Braunschweig | Structure-Property Relations in Aqueous Foam and Their Control on a Molecular Level (SUPERFOAM)

    Funding period at the University of Münster

    2017–2020 (startet 2015 at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)


    Foams are of enormous importance as we find them in many technological relevant applications and food products. Foams as hierarchical materials are dominated by the arrangement and distri-bution of gas bubbles on a macroscopic scale, as well as by thickness and composition of lamella on a mesoscopic scale. Liquid-gas interfaces are, however, the building block of foam with over-whelming importance as their molecular properties easily dominate hierarchical elements on larger length scales. In order to formulate foam with specific properties, its structure must be controlled at the molecular level of a liquid-gas interface. Here, the molecular composition, molecular order and interactions such as electrostatics dominate, and thus must be addressed with molecular level probes that can provide access to both interfacial solvent and solute molecules. Specifically, mo-lecular structures of aqueous interfaces can be modified by adding different mixtures of surface active molecules such as proteins, surfactants and polyelectrolytes, and by adjusting electrolyte properties. This is achieved by varying pH, introducing ions at different ionic strengths as well as by changing viscosities. Such model systems will be characterized with nonlinear optical spectroscopy amongst other surface sensitive probes. The gained information will be used to deduce properties of structures on larger length scales such as lamella, bubbles in a bulk liquid - as a precursor of foam - and finally macroscopic foam. For each length scale, experiments will be performed to gain access to molecular buildings blocks at liquid-gas interfaces and their effects on other hierarchical elements. These experiments thus provide essential information on foam stability and bubble coalescence, they can be used to verify structure-property relationships and to advance our understanding of foam on a molecular basis.

    Prof Dr Björn Braunschweig at the University of Münster

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  • 2013 | Prof Dr Ryan Gilmour | Carbohydrate Mimesis using Fluorinated Sugars for Chemical Biology: From Reaction Design to Applications in Molecular Imaging (CHMIFLUORS)

    Funding period at the University of Münster



    The principle objective of this proposal is to validate fluorinated glyco-structures as effective carbohydrate mimics for the next frontier in pharmaceutical research. Herein we propose to capitalise on the major advances in statistical data analysis which are unravelling the complexity of mammalian and bacterial “glycospace”. Molecular mimicry is a powerful drug design approach. It is therefore envisaged to develop a focussed programme of research to validate fluorinated glycostructures, and in particular 2-fluoro sugars, as carbohydrate mimics for chemical biology, exploiting the ubiquitous role of carbohydrates in molecular recognition. Salient features of the 2-fluoro substituent include (i) enhanced hydrolytic stability to enzymatic degradation, (ii) the presence of a NMR active reporter nucleus (19F) for facile analysis, and (iii) the possibility for molecular imaging application when using 18F labelled glycostructures. Phase one of this project will aim to develop synthetic routes to the target fluoro-glycostructures. This will involve a substantial component of physical organic chemistry including conformational analysis, advanced 19F NMR spectroscopy and the possible isolation of oxo-carbenium analogues by exploiting advances in the development of large, weakly co-ordinating anions. From first principle reaction design and development, through a basic understanding of conformation and reactivity, phase 2 will focus on the application of these materials for chemical biology applications. Phase 2 will then heavily focus on the application of complex oligosaccharides containing the PET active 18F moiety. It is envisaged that by exploiting the ubiquitous role of carbohydrates in molecular recognition that this would conceivably lead to the development of selective imaging agents, thus bypassing the current problem of relying on the metabolically controlled distribution of the commonly used PET tracer 2-fluorodeoxy glucose (18F-FDG).

    Prof Dr Ryan Gilmour at the University of Münster

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  • 2011 | Prof Dr Ralf Seidel | DNA based nanometry: Exploring chromatin structure and molecular motors (DNAmetry)

    Funding period at the University of Münster



    DNA metabolism is governed by a delicate balance between compacting the stored genetic information while simultaneously ensuring a highly dynamically access to it. This interdisciplinary project aims (i) to understand the mechanics and dynamics of chromatin as well as the mechanism of enzymes involved in DNA metabolism on a molecular level and (ii) to develop new nanometric tools based on optical methods and 3D DNA nanostructures that allow addressing new experimental questions. Within the research project novel nanoscopic detection assays based on the combination of magnetic tweezers and optical methods shall be developed, such as ultra-fast torque spectroscopy and combined FRET-force spectroscopy. Our single-molecule assays shall be applied to study the material properties of self-assembled 3D DNA nanostructures, which shall then be used to set up improved high resolution single-molecule assays. These technological improvements will become key to obtain insight into structure and dynamics of in vitro reconstituted chromatin as response to external mechanical stress but also into the operation of molecular motors that themselves generate forces and torques on DNA and chromatin. The main goal of the project is to use nanotechnological tools to understand design principles of biomolecules, biomaterials and biological motors, which in turn shall be used to develop smarter nanotools and functional elements.

    Prof Dr Ralf Seidel at the University of Münster

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  • 2010 | Prof Dr Frank Glorius | New Concepts for Utilizing a Ubiquitous (Non-)Functional Group – CH Bond Activation for Increased Efficiency in Organic Synthesis (C-H ACTIVATION)

    Funding period at the University of Münster



    C-H activations and related reactions can potentially revolutionize the way organic molecules are made and allow a more efficient use of earth's natural resources. Despite the rapid progress of the last couple of years, many problems like limited scope, extreme reaction conditions (temperature, excess of reagents) or low reactivity and selectivity remain in many cases. In this comprehensive proposal containing a number of projects and work packages, we want to develope new C-H activation methods 1) for the efficient synthesis of heterocycles, 2) for the activation of non-activated C(sp3)-H bonds, 3) by employing newly designed Fe-NHC complexes and 4) demonstrating the application of C-H activation for the functionalization of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The realization of these goals would render organic synthesis greener and more efficient and would have an impact on the preparation of compounds in academia and industry.

    Prof Dr Frank Glorius at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2010 | Prof Dr Thorsten Quandt | The social fabric of virtual life: A longitudinal multi-method study on the social foundations of online gaming (SOFOGA)

    Funding period at the University of Münster

    2012–2014 (startet 2010 at the University of Hohenheim)


    Online games have developed into mainstream entertainment: a growing number of gamers communicate and interact in virtual worlds - and spend a good part of their spare time there. However, research has yet to adequately acknowledge this socio-cultural shift toward the mainstream: psychological 'effects' studies and anecdotal case descriptions remain the dominant approaches. The proposed research programme follows a different approach, focusing on the social foundations of online gaming in a holistic way, revolving around the central question of how social order is built and organised in online game environments; i.e. how this affects the so-called 'real life' (the 'out-of-the-game' experience) of the user - and vice versa: how real life affects the experience 'in' the game ('virtual life'). Both the virtual and real lives of the users, as well as the interrelations between the two, will be analysed with reference to social micro-, meso- and macro-levels. The research will start on the macro-level: the first step involves an analysis of the economic and regulatory background to online gaming, based on expert interviews. Overview data on the general status of the social phenomenon will be collected via a survey, using a pre-selected sample drawn from an omnibus study. On the meso-level, the structure of specific user groups will be explored via interviews and observations in real life and in the virtual worlds (immersive research). On the micro-level, the integration of online gaming into the everyday life of individual users will be studied via guided interviews and observations, again both in-game and in real life. All research steps will be repeated using a panel design with three waves, enabling the documentation of temporal changes in this dynamic field.

    Prof Dr Thorsten Quandt at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2009 | Jun-Prof Dr Yong Lei | Three-Dimensional Surface Nano-Patterning: Concepts, Challenges and Applications (THREEDSURFACE)

    Funding period at the University of Münster



    Multifunctional surface nano-patterns on substrates are the foundation of semiconductor nano-devices. There is a major shortcoming of the existing surface nano-patterning techniques - in fact almost all synthesized surface patterns are two-dimensional (2-D) planar structures with low aspect ratio. Thus one of the most attractive advantages of nanomaterials, an extremely large surface area, is missing in the existing 2-D surface nano-patterns. This largely limits the application potential of surface nanostructures on semiconductor devices. In this project, a new concept of three-dimensional (3-D) nano-patterning is proposed. Using this multi-functional 3-D surface nano-patterning technique, large-scale surface patterns of well-defined one-dimensional (1-D) nanostructures can be synthesized by different fabrication strategies. The realization of the 3-D surface nano-patterning will not only retain the attractive features of the conventional 2-D surface nano-patterning (e.g. high patterning density), but also bring back one of the basic advantages of nanomaterials, i.e. an extremely large surface area. Using an innovative addressing system proposed in this project, it is possible to investigate and analyze the properties of an individual unit within a regular surface nanostructure array and the coupling interaction between the adjacent units. By integrating these data, the properties of the whole ensembles could be obtained. This bottom-up investigation might pave the way to a complete property tuning based on the structural design of surface 1-D nanostructures. The large-scale 1-D surface nano-patterns with well-defined structures have broad application potentials for different high-performance and property-controllable nano-devices.

    Jun-Prof Dr Yong Lei at the University of Münster

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