Awards for early career researchers

The achievements by early career researchers at the University of Münster are distinguished by various organisations and awards, e.g. the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize, induction into the Junges Kolleg of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of the Arts and Sciences, and the funding of independent research groups, such as within the DFG’s Emmy Noether Programme.
Membership in the Junges Kolleg is an extraordinary acknowledgment of my past research accomplishments. The financial support and the freedom its offers will allow me to devote myself intensively to my research and advance innovative projects alongside my clinical work. The Junges Kolleg is a unique platform for engaging in dialogue with other outstanding researchers, and thereby offers me new perspectives.
My induction into the Junges Kolleg has given me the opportunity to intensify my research in the field of Islamic philosophy and ethics together with outstanding, young researchers around the country and to continue growing in an interdisciplinary and inspiring environment. The valuable networks not only promote exchange and collaboration, but they also strengthen the impact and visibility of my research work.