Welcome to the Wagner Lab


© PhysAgeNet

Invitation to hybrid Training School “Artificial Intelligence meets Physical Activity”

From 16th to 18th September 2024, the hybrid COST Action PhysAgeNet training school “Artificial Intelligence meets Physical Activity” will take place in Ankara at the NÖRÖM Center (Neuroscience And Neurotechnology Center Of Excellence). We invite all interested people to join online without any costs. You can find the programme and zoom link here.  

© Active Ageing Lab

Successful “AgeWell” project meeting in Athlone, Ireland

As part of “AgeWell Europe”, the members of the Erasmus project met in Athlone from August 30 to 31, 2024. Led by the “EduFit” team from Ireland, the project partners from Italy, Slovenia and Germany focused on the successful implementation of sports and fitness courses with older adults and the effects of ageing on sport and exercise.

© Active Ageing Lab

Two Guests at the Department of Movement Science

On August 7, our guest researcher Prof. Demet Iangil from the University of Health Sciences in Istanbul presented her expertise on movement-based, individualized fall prevention programmes for older adults in a LabTalk. We hope that we will be working together on this topic in the future. Zhao Liu, who is in the final stages of his Master's degree in Sports Science at the University of Göttingen, took the opportunity to visit our department as well. Thank you both for visiting us!

© Ulysseus

The UniMS Centre for Europe

Michael Brach, AB Movement Science, was appointed to the Ulysseus Steering Committee, which provides strategic advice to the Rectorate and the project management. The vision of the European University Network Ulysseus is to develop an excellent European university based on the European values of social cohesion and respect for human rights. The alliance firmly believes that European universities should be open to the world, institutions of solidarity beyond European borders.