Information Security Committee

The Information Security Committee supports the CISO in coordinating university-wide measures, collecting information and carrying out control tasks.

  1. the CISO as chair
  2. the head of the IT security department at the CIT
  3. at least two and a maximum of four CIT experts
  4. at least two, maximum four experts of the IVVs with the exception of IVV 10 (ULB)
  5. an employee of the ULB
Members of the Informations Security Committee
CISO Dr. Ludger Becker
head of the IT security department at the CIT Dustin Gawron
CIT experts Matthias Kannengießer
Matthias Rese
Christian Schild
Guido Wessendorf
experts of the IVVs Markus Arns, IVV4
Johann Pelz, IVV8
Gerrit Schwerdt, IVV5
Michael Surkau, IVV2
employee of the ULB Sven Haubold