Housing in Münster

For many people, the start of their studies also means moving to their future university town. But what is the best way to do this? And what do you have to consider?
Especially at the beginning of a semester, many students are looking for a flat in Münster. So it's worth starting your search early and looking at lots of flats. If at first you get a few rejections, don't be too sad, you're sure to find something in time.

Shared flats and flats

Shared flats (in German WG for Wohngemeinschaft) and flats are arranged both through an estate agent and privately through classified postings. The range of offers extends from single apartments to shared flats (WGs) for six or more people. Each of these forms of housing has advantages and disadvantages. In general, however, individual needs should be the main consideration - after all, you have to feel comfortable in your new flat. Often it is good for people not to live alone at the very beginning. The search for flats is best done in person, as there are often actual interviews for flat-sharing places and flats. The most useful tip for flat advertisements is the local magazine "Nadann [de]", which is published free of charge every Wednesday at 12 noon, is available in the city and in the canteens, and is also available on the internet. Flats can even be found via eBay [de]. You can also find rooms in shared flats under WG-gesucht [de].

Offers of the AStA of the Univeristy of Münster

The General Students' Committee (AStA) runs a housing market. In addition, the AStA has created a website where you can obtain further information on finding accommodation, but also on offers such as "Deine Couch für Erstis" (Your couch for first-year students), "Wohnen für Hilfe" (Living for help) and identification of scammers.

Dormitories of the Studierendenwerk

A large number of the student dormitories are run by the Studierendenwerk. In their often very large housing facilities, there are often rooms in the order of twelve square metres, but larger flats are also available. For those looking for community contact, shared kitchens are recommended. You can have a look at the housing facilities and further information on the webpage of Studierendenwerk. You can apply online for a space in one of these dormitories.

Privately run dormitories

Private dormitories, usually run by churches, are a popular alternative to the huge housing facilities run by the Studierendenwerk. They are smaller in terms of the number of residents and usually focus on creating a personal atmosphere, which makes the first semester of study much easier. Even though the application deadlines and requirements are quite different, it is often worth trying to find a place there. You can find some of the dormitories under Wohnheime in Münster [de].

Found a place to live, but what now?

Within two weeks of moving in, you have to register at a citizens' office of the city of Münster. To do this, you need a certificate that you will receive from your renter. If you register later, you could be charged a fine. When registering, you must decide whether you want to register your Münster flat as your only residence or as your first/second residence. If you plan to have your main living centre in Münster, you should decide for the former or for a first residence in Münster. In addition, there is a tax on secondary residences [de] in Münster, which means that you pay 10 percent of your annual net cold rent as tax.

Once you are living in your new flat, you will be contacted by the ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice. They collect the so-called broadcasting fee (formerly GEZ), which has to be paid per flat (not per person). If you live in a shared flat, you can split the amount. To be exempt, you have to prove that you don't have enough money each month, for example, if you receive BAföG. In this case, you will even receive the correct certificate with your BAföG notification. You then submit this with an application for exemption [de]. However, an exemption only applies to exempt persons. If you live in a shared flat, your flatmates will still have to pay even though you are exempt.

Links for the search for accommodation

Information page of the WWU
List of institutional and private housing providers from the Office for Housing and Neighbourhood Development of the City of Münster