
798. WE-Heraeus-Seminar at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Universität Münster ehrt Autoren der 15 besten Dissertationen

Prof. Dr. Michael Klasen appointed Visiting Professorial Fellow

Öffentliche Vorträge im Schloss: 10 Jahre Higgs-Jubiläum und Neustart des LHC

Physics at Lunchtime

Prof. Olness (Dallas, USA) on sabbatical at ITP

Millionenförderung für Physiker der Universität Münster

WWU particle physicists participate in Collaborative Research Center ISOQUANT

How the Earth was born - a radio play for children

Four million euros granted for particle physicists at the University of Münster

Unity and diversity in the sciences - new book published with de Gruyter

Excellent master thesis wins departmental award

Million euro grant for particle physicists

Humboldt research award for Prof. Dr. Christophe Royon

Honorary doctorate awarded to Dr. Johannes Georg Bednorz

Physics for lunch

Could the Universe exist without a weak interaction?

Annual meeting of the DPG 2017

Searching for dark matter

Center for Philosophy of Science celebrates 10th anniversary

International Year of Light: From the Big Bang to accelerators

DFG funds new research training group at the University of Münster in particle physics

IQ Campus Science

Experts comment on dark matter at ICHEP 2014

Theories of the century – clearly explained

Rent a Prof: Physics lesson at Werner-von Siemens-Gymnasium in Gronau

Children’s University: What did the Big Bang sound like? And what makes music nicer?

Dark matter researchers meet in Münster

Interdisciplinary “Higgs Day” at the Center for Philosophy of Science

Novel elementary particle discovered at CERN

Funding by federal ministry

Inaugural lecture

Helmholtz alliance for astroparticle physics