5th event in the „ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures” series: „Diverse Arenas of Political and Social Participation and Learning”
On Thursday, 27.06. at 12:15 p.m. CET, political scientists Prof. Antonia Graf and Tomma Wagner and educational scientists Prof. Christian Fischer and Dr. David Rott will give short lectures on the topic „Diverse Arenas of Political and Social Participation and Learning” as part of the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures". | Continue
4th event in the „ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures” series: “Diverse Lifestyles, Work, and Livelihoods”
On Thursday, 06.06. at 12:15 p.m. CET, political scientists Dr. Pia Mamut and Lea Becker and business information scientist Prof. Tobias Brandt will give short lectures on the topic of "Diverse Lifestyles, Work, and Livelihoods" as part of the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures". | Read more
3rd event in the „ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures” series: “Biodiversity and Bio-Cultural Diversity”
On Thursday, 16.05. at 12:15 p.m. CET, landscape ecologist Prof. Tillmann Buttschardt and microbiologist Prof. Bodo Philipp will give short lectures on the topic of "Biodiversity and Bio-Cultural Diversity" as part of the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures". | Read more
Germany reaches its “Country Overshoot Day” – Interview with Doris Fuchs
On May 2nd, Germany reached its “Country Overshoot Day”. On this occasion, ZIN member Prof. Doris Fuchs gave an interview to the local newspaper Westfälische Nachrichten, which was published under the title “Climate policy is Social Policy”. | Read more
2nd event in the „ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures” series: “Diverse Beliefs, Norms, and Value Systems”
On Thursday, 02.05. at 12:15 p.m. CET, communications scientist Prof. Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer and psychologist Simin Ziegler will give short lectures on the topic of "Diverse Beliefs, Norms, and Value Systems" as part of the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures". | Read more
1st event in the “ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures” series: “Diverse People, Diverse Knowledges”
On Thursday, 18.04. at 12:15 p.m. CET, the "ZIN Brown Bag Lectures" will start with short lectures by political scientist Julia Wiethüchter and landscape ecologist Dr. Cornelia Steinhäuser on the topic "Diverse People, Diverse Knowledges". | Continue
ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures, Summer term 2024: „Digging for Diversity”
ZIN-scholars offer a wide range of sustainability-related courses in the summer term 2024
In the summer term 2024, ZIN members and staff will once again be offering a variety of exciting sustainability-related courses in various disciplines. These include, for example, the excursion "Von Tieren lernen; Münster anders erfahren", seminars on topics such as "Energiekommunikation" or "Soziologien der Nachhaltigkeit" and also lectures, for example on "Umweltmikrobiologie" or "Klimarecht". | Read more
Lecture by ZIN spokesperson Tillmann Buttschardt at the "Farbe der Forschung" conference
New episode of “Fokus Frieden” with Lena Siepker and Carolin Bohn
The new episode of the podcast “Fokus Frieden” was released today. In this episode, ZIN scholars Lena Siepker and Carolin Bohn discuss the topic of deliberative participation. The two political scientists focus on this topic, among others, in their research. They discuss both the potential additional value of dialogue-focused participation formats and the challenges associated with them, as well as their potential contribution to sustainability transformation. | Read more
Call for contributions to the anthology „AI Infrastructures and Sustainability”
Together with Dr Anne Mollen, Dr Fieke Jansen and Dr Julia Velkova, ZIN-member Professor Sigrid Kannengießer is planning to publish an anthology on the topic of ‘AI Infrastructures and Sustainability’. | Read more
Münsteraner Klimagespräch on possible paths to a socially just and green future, on February 22nd
Climate protection, as a jointly accepted and supported cause, is increasingly under attack. This is primarily due to the widespread feeling that the burdens of an ambitious climate policy are not fairly distributed. The debate surrounding the Building Energy/Heating Act, the increase in CO2 pricing and the reduction of climate-damaging subsidies have caused considerable resistance from society. | Read more
Tillmann Buttschardt was part of "BADDABÄM! Show für parapolitische Abendunterhaltung"
"Despite good intentions, we often fail to celebrate a ‘sustainable’ Christmas"
Open access journal "Sociology and Sustainability" shares new CfP
The open access journal “Sociology and Sustainability - Contributions to Socio-Ecological Transformation Research” (SuN) has published a new call for papers: Interested authors are cordially invited to send an abstract on the main topic "Time of Transformation, Time of Silence?" to the journal by February 15 2024.
"Sustainability with God's blessing"
Invitation: Book launch for Anne Käfer's "Gottes Werk und Fleisches Lust"
Interview with Prof. Svenja Ahlhaus on the occasion of the"Animal Rights Day"
Last week, an interview with political scientist and ZIN member Prof. Svenja Ahlhaus was published on the University of Münster's homepage on the occasion of the "Animal Rights Day" (December 10).
Anne Remke as a guest on the podcast "Fokus Frieden"
"About the gross misunderstanding of Christian freedom and the love of animals"
Numerous activities offered by ZIN members at the “Tag der Lehre” of the University of Münster
The „Tag der Lehre“ of the University of Münster, taking place on 27 November 2023, is dedicated to the topic of “Education in times of societal challenges”. Activities on five main topics are proposed, including “Sustainability” and “Interdisciplinary Approaches”. Zin members are involved in a total of seven different agenda items.
"How sustainable is your university?" - Share your opinion
How can effective levers be found for Münster's climate policy?
Funding for the BIOSTORE project led by ZIN member Prof. Jochen Schmid
On October 31, the press office of the University of Münster announced that the research project "BIOSTORE" is being funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW) NRW. | Read more
Conference "The rights of nature in the Basic Law" - registration now open
Craving the Academic Doughnut?
CAMPUS EARTH 2023/ 2nd Sustainability Day at the University of Münster with diverse ZIN participation
Interdisciplinary ZIN seminars in winter semester 23/24
Among the numerous sustainability-related courses offered by ZIN scholars in the winter term 23/24 are two interdisciplinary seminars: While Prof. Anne Käfer (Protestant Theology) and Carolin Bohn (Political Science) teach together on the "Future of Old Ideas", the joint advanced seminar by Prof. Anne Käfer and Prof Tillmann Buttschardt (Landscape Ecology) focuses on the topic of "Rights of Nature".
Münsteraner Klimagespräch on September 21: "Enforcing Climate Targets - even against Opposition? What promotes Citizen Participation?"
What encourages citizen engagement, and how can climate targets be effectively achieved? These questions will be addressed during the Münsteraner Klimagespräche at the event "Enforcing Climate Targets - even against Opposition?" on Thursday, September 21, at 7 pm, in the VHS Forum, Aegidiimarkt 2.
Lecture Series "Climate Change and Peace - Shaping the future"
We are pleased to draw your attention to the lecture series "Climate Change and Peace - Shaping the Future", which will start on September 11 at 7:30 pm with a lecture by Prof Dr Stefan Rahmstorf.
Journal "Sociology and Sustainability" launches an accompanying blog
The journal "Sociology and Sustainability" (SuN) has recently launched a blog in addition to its regular journal activities. The journal is published by the Working Group on Community and Sustainability Research, which includes several members of ZIN.
"How to Achieve the Transport Transition?" - Film Screening and Subsequent Panel Discussion with Antonia Graf and Julia Hansel September 1, 2023 - Kurbelkiste, Münster – Free Admission
ZIN member Prof. Antonia Graf and ZIN employee Julia Hansel will join Jochen Roes (Stadtwerke Münster) as panelists on September 1 for a discussion on the topic of the transport transition. The discussion will follow a screening of a documentary of successful transport transitions starting at 4:30 pm at Kurbelkiste Münster (Cinema).
Report on Microplastic Investigations in the Rieselfelder in Lokalzeit Münsterland
On 17 July 2023, WDR's Lokalzeit Münsterland reported on the microplastic investigations in the Rieselfelder of Münster. The team led by Dr. Friederike Gabel (ILÖK) and Prof. Dr. Bodo Philipp (Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology) examined the occurrence and distribution of microplastics in the bird paradise of the Rieselfelder.
ZIN-scholars offer a wide range of sustainability-related courses in the winter term
In the winter term 2023/24, ZIN scholars will once again be offering a wide range of exciting sustainability-related courses in various disciplines. These include, for example, a seminar on the conference "Rights of nature in the Basic Law", seminars on topics such as "Sustainability and digitality in the school context" or "AI and sustainability - potentials, challenges and conflicting goals" and also lectures series such as the one revolving around "Water as a lifeline".
Invitation: "1st Conference on Sustainability and Data - Connecting Perspectives Between Practicioners and Researchers"
Full speed ahead - MExLab ExperiMINTe joins the MS Wissenschaft Come and join us!
On Monday, July 10 2023, the MExLab ExperiMINTe will be on deck of the ship “MS Wissenschaft”, which is touring Germany as part of the "Science Year 2023 - Our Universe". The floating science centre will dock in Muenster’s city harbour, near the Kunsthalle, from 8 to 11 July 2023. In addition to the interactive exhibition (open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.), you can also experience exciting experiments together with scientists from the University of Muenster on July 10 and 11.