© Münsteraner Klimagespräche

Münster Climate Talks: Climate policy necessities and democratic majorities - how do they work together?

The next event of the Münster Climate Talks will take place this week (Thursday, 22.04.2021, 19:30) under the title "Münster Climate Talks: Climate policy necessities and democratic majorities - how do they work together?".
Long-term future projects like an ambitious climate protection strategy often have a hard time getting accepted in our parliamentary democracy. Especially when they are accompanied by serious changes and fears of economic disruption and loss of prosperity. Does an ambitious climate policy have a real chance of being rewarded by citizens in elections? Since the climate problem is associated with uncomfortable truths and unpleasant insights, political parties and politicians often shy away from addressing them with the required clarity. The climate policy measures called for by the scientific community encounter considerable obstacles in a political arena that tends to be characterized by short-term orientations due to four-year legislative periods. Should a "Council for Intergenerational Justice" be established - as recently proposed - with at least a suspensive veto right in certain cases? Could citizens' councils also be a contribution to the solution?
Questions and problems like these are the subject of the information and discussion evening "Climate policy necessities and democratic majorities - how do they work together?" as part of the Münster Climate Talks on Thursday, April 22 at 7:30 pm.
Guest speakers will be ZIN member Dr. Sabine Schlacke, Professor of Public Law and Managing Director of the Institute for Environmental and Planning Law at the University of Münster, and Ruprecht Polenz (Christian Democratic Union, CDU), until 2013 a long-standing member of the German Bundestag and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Dr. Robin Korte, Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection, Climate Protection and Construction of the City of Münster, will moderate the climate talk.
Registrations until 21.4. at the Climate Initiative Münster at m-tillmann@muenster.de. The invitation link/access code will be sent by mail the day before.
The series of events Münster Climate Talks is supported by an alliance of the Climate Initiative Münster, the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research of the Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster (ZIN), the Advisory Board for Municipal Development Cooperation of the City of Münster, the Environmental Forum Münster, the Protestant Forum and the Volkshochschule Münster.