Request for additional email addresses for institutes, projects or workgroups

Email IDs for workgroups, institutes, projects, conferences, etc. should not be a member of the respective project group of the workgroup.

This prevents such an ID from gaining unnoticed access to resources worthy of protection in the IT systems of the IVV, where it can be misused, for example, to encrypt files (ransomware attack).

Instead, such email identifiers are assigned as non-personal IDs to the group "z2email" and can use either the OpenSource email offering or the university's Exchange server.

Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to apply for such an email identifier.

  • Applicant

    Request additional user ID for email in the IT portal

    Log in to the myNWZ IT portal with your user ID.

    In the left vertical navigation, select: WWU ID (account) and group memberships > Additional WWU ID or click this direct link.

    Request additional user ID for email in the IT portal
    © IVV Naturwissenschaften

    Request for additional non-personal WWU account for university members in z2email

    Fill out the Application for new WWU ID:

    Personal or non-personal: Non-Personal
    Role (function): university employee
    User group: z2email = Primärgruppe für Funktions-Email-Kennungen im Bereich der IVV4 / Ivv-4- Naturwissenschaften

    Click "Continue".

    Request for additional non-personal WWU account for university members in z2email
    © IVV Naturwissenschaften

    Purpose and Confirmation of the application for a new non-personal WWU ID

    Purpose of the nonpersonal WWU ID
    For "Purpose (no more than 250 characters)" enter the purpose of the Email ID, e.g.:

    Purpose: Email address for Institute of Examplary Research

    Please enter a pseudo given- and surname, e.g.:

    To be used as given name: Institute of
    To be used as surname: Examplary Research

    You can suggest a user ID, provided it fulfills the WWU regulations and is not claimed yet, it will be used. Please note a user ID may have a maximum of eight characters and has to begin with a letter, e.g.:

    Favored WWU ID: examrese

    Choose a "User group leader" from the list to confirm your application:

    ivvnwz = Fachbereiche 11, 12, 13 Ivv-4-Naturwissenschaften

    Click on "Send application now".

    Purpose and Confirmation of the application for a new non-personal WWU ID
    © IVV Naturwissenschaften

    Application saved and sent for Confirmation

    You get a confirmation, that your application has been saved and sent for conformation to the user group leader.

    Application saved and sent for Confirmation
    © IVV Naturwissenschaften

    Copy of the application by email

    You will also receive a copy of the email with the application that was sent to the group leaders for approval.

    Copy of the application by email
    © IVV Naturwissenschaften
  • IVV Natural Sciences

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    WWUBEN Antrag K (Nutzerkennungsanträge) bearbeiten
    © IVV Naturwissenschaften

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    © IVV Naturwissenschaften

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    Ablaufdatum anpassen
    © IVV Naturwissenschaften