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is available on the following platforms:

  • Windows

    1. Citrix
      You can use MNova via the terminal server nwzCitrix.
    2. DFS
      You can open MNova on every computer of IVV Naturwissenschaften from the start menu and the chemistry folder.

  • Linux

    To install software, please contact your IT administrator.

  • macOS

    To install software, please contact your IT administrator.

MNova is a program for the evaluation of analytical chemical data. MNova can visualize, process and analyze data from NMR, MS, vibrational spectroscopic and electron spectroscopic experiments. For example, nuclear magnetic resonance spectra can be referenced to solvents, and signals can be assigned and integrated.

More information on MNova can be found here.

For installing software, please consult your local IT administrator.