Individual project funding

The University of Münster’s Programme for the Advancement of Women invites faculties to apply for funding for individual projects and programmes which support equal opportunity for women and men, promote career advancement opportunities for female junior researchers or expand gender-related research and teaching activities at the University.

Funding can be granted to a potentially wide range of projects and programmes, which can either be offered across faculties (e.g. as lecture series, General Studies seminars etc.) or which benefit staff of individual faculties (e.g. specific workshops targeted at female junior researchers, funding measures for female students in subjects in which women are under-represented etc.).

This programme does not finance scholarships or positions which provide advanced qualification, nor research projects or continuing education courses which can be classified as undergraduate qualification and training measures of female academics.

Candidates may submit an informal application by email to the Equal Opportunity Officer.
Send application by email to the Equal Opportunity Officer

Application requirements:

  1. Project description which illustrates the project’s relevance with regard to equal opportunity or gender equality
  2. Reasons for funding request which explain why other sources of financing (e.g. departmental or faculty funding) are not available
  3. Cost calculation which outlines the extent of the requested funding

More information about the University of Münster’s Programme for the Advancement of Women [de]