Advancement of female academics at the University of Münster

The advancement of female academics is a central goal of the equal opportunity measures in place at the University of Münster. However, according to the University’s internal statistics [de], the number of female academics still lags behind that of their male colleagues. The disparity becomes even more evident with higher-level academic positions. Our goal is to address this disparity.

The University of Münster offers advancement programmes which specifically promote female junior researchers and women professors respectively.

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Programmes for women professors

Women professors are given the opportunity to participate in coaching workshops which provide support with management tasks. In order to strengthen contacts between female academics within the University, the programme also organises annual meetings, to which all women professors, the Principal Equal Opportunity Officer and the female members of the Rectorate are invited.


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Programmes for female junior researchers

The programme “Erstklassig!” (First Class!) is a mentoring programme designed to support female post-docs on their path to becoming tenured professors. Individual funding is also granted to female academics, e.g. to help finance conference and congress participation, which promotes the national and international visibility and reputation of female junior researchers in the scientific community.


Family-friendly university [de]

As part of the certification process as a recognised “family-friendly university” by the Hertie Foundation, the University of Münster has implemented special measures to enhance the compatibility of academic careers and family. One of the programmes is the Dual Career Service for spouses and life partners of University academics which supports their career development in the Münster region.
Please find more information on the portal family-friendly university.

The Surrogate Grandparents project – “Time for you, time for me”

“Time for you, time for me” offers families and potential ‘surrogate grandparents’ an opportunity to meet one another at a picnic or café, share ideas and make contacts if you so desire. This could make your next family outing to the zoo a very special occasion and perhaps make a wish or two come true. And who knows what new perspectives might come of it? We provide the right setting and are always available if you have any questions or suggestions.