• Conference participation funding

    Female junior researchers at the University of Münster can apply for individual funding through the University’s Programme for the Advancement of Women to help pay for career advancement measures. In particular, this applies to financial support to offset the cost of participating in academic congresses and conferences. With this funding instrument, the University promotes essential, peer-level networking of female junior researchers, and thereby improves their international visibility and reputation in the scientific community.
    More information about conference participation funding.

  • Logo Support Circle
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    Support Circle. Share | Network | Support

    An academic career comes with very special challenges, for example, high demands in self-organisation, uncertain financial prospects and extensive time commitments, to name just a few. Sometimes sharing one’s thoughts and experience with other women academics at the University of Münster can lead to the most helpful answers and productive perspectives on such problems. Networking with researchers in other disciplines can open one’s eyes to unusual and oftentimes obvious solutions. This mutual support strengthens everyone involved and builds confidence to forge ahead on one’s career path.
    The Support Circle is open to all women academics of the University of Münster – from doctoral candidates to associate professors.

    Further information about the Support Circle

  • First Class

    First Class! On the tenure track with mentoring

    To better support female junior researchers on their path to tenure, the University of Münster has established a special mentoring programme titled “Erstklassig!” (First Class!) which offers workshops and advising to outstanding female post-docs to help them achieve their personal academic career goals. Please note: Our mentoring programme is only offered in German.
    More information about “First Class!” [de]