
The GI-Forum takes place every Tuesday from 12 to 2 pm during semester in room 242 at the Institute for Geoinformatics (Heisenbergstraße 2, 48151 Münster). The Forum is open to the public and all interested are welcome to attend.

These open sessions present an opportunity to discuss a variety topics across GI Science, generally in the form of presentations of around 45 minutes followed by 15-30 minutes for questions and general discussion, before closing with light refreshments.

Speakers are drawn from a range of academic disciplines, as well as from industry and policy areas, and present results of ongoing research and/or practical outcomes.

GI-Forum Winter 24/25

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
08.10.2024 Institute meeting
15.10.2024 Producing and using digital technologies and generative AI in a sustainable way Sigrid Kannengiesser Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft
22.10.2024 TinyAIoT (The Smaller the Better? - Developing Tiny Artificial Intelligence Models to Improve Internet of Things Applications) Benjamin Karic and Jan Stenkamp Ifgi
29.10.2024 1.:Data science applied to public policy: the case of the Brazilian Panel on Mobility / 2.:Gaze-based assistance for spatial decision making 12:15 - 12:45 Luis Fernando Villaça Meyer and 12:45 - 13:15 Peter Kiefer 1: Instituto cordial; 2: GeoGaze Lab, ETH Zurich
05.11.2024 Panoramax, the free alternative for territories photo-mapping Florian Lainez, Panoramax, IGN France IGN France
12.11.2024 Wetland plant-soil interactions control biosphere-climate feedbacks Peter Müller, iLök iLök
19.11.2024 OpenStreetMap - A look behind the scenes Jochen Topf OpenStreetMap
26.11.2024 Geospatial Artificial Intelligence for Rapid Disaster Response and Street Network Monitoring Hao Li Technical University of Munich
03.12.2024 Exploration of spatial patterns in raster data Dr. Jakub Nowosad, Adam Mickiewicz University; MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow, ILOEK, University of Münster
10.12.2024 Land cover disturbance detection at the global scale using BFAST models Dr. Dainius Masiliunas Wageningen, Laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing
17.12.2024 Institute meeting
07.01.2025 Getting lost – the neuropsychology of spatial navigation Ineke van der Ham Leiden University
14.01.2025 Geospatial data for Urban Resilience Tina Comes
21.01.2025 Karin Pfeffer
28.01.2025 Institute meeting

GI-Forum Summer 24

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
09.04.2024 Institute meeting (staff only)
16.04.2024 Fluid Human Comfort in Built Environments with Ambient Intelligence Dr. Sailin Zhong ETH Zurich
23.04.2024 Agent-based modelling of pedestrians Prof. Dr. Judith Verstegen Utrecht University
30.04.2024 Virtual reality scenarios in human movement science Prof. Dr. Claudia Völker-Rehage Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Münster
07.05.2024 Ethics of AI -- philosophical challenges and technological solutions Dr. Paul M. Näger Department of Philosophy, University of Münster
14.05.2024 Needs and Offerings: Bridging the gap between geospatial data needs and offerings Dr. Ingo Simonis Open Geospatial Consortium
28.05.2024 Institute meeting (staff only)
04.06.2024 Autonomous Intelligent Systems – From Adaptive Behavior to Cognitive Robots Malte Schilling Institute for Computer Science, University of Muenster
11.06.2024 A novel approach to improved navigation performance through memory triggering maps Frank Dickmann Ruhr Universität Bochum
18.06.2024 Digital Methods for User Centered Architectural and Urban Design Dr. Sven Schneider Chair of Computer Science in Architecture, Bauhaus-University Weimar
25.06.2024 Adaptive Architecture: Prototyping Meaningful Human-Building Interaction with Spatial Robots Dr. Alex Binh Vinh Duc Nguyen KU Leuven
02.07.2024 An introduction to the Open Digital Twin Platform (ODTP) and its application in mobility research Dr. Jascha Grübel Wageningen University
09.07.2024 Insect Monitoring with Dynamic Vision Sensors Prof. Regina Pohle-Fröhlich Hochschule Niederrhein
16.07.2024 Institute meeting (staff only)

GI-Forum Winter 23/24

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
10.10.2023 Institute Meeting (ifgi staff only)
17.10.2023 Efficient out-of-core processing for tensor data in natural sciences Dr. Dominik Drees ifgi
24.10.2023 Visualising Geophylogenies, or: Improved Geovisualisation through Mathematical Optimisation Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thomas van Dijk Ruhr-Universität Bochum
31.10.2023 Developing new methods for high quality spatial prediction models Dr. Marvin Ludwig ILOEK, WWU
07.11.2023 Searching for forest acclimation to a drying climate in high-resolution ecosystem observations Prof. Dr. Mana Gharun ILOEK, WWU
14.11.2023 Reporting on a Sabbatical Prof. Dr. Chris Kray
28.11.2023 People decision-making during evacuations of tall buildings Dr. Mitko Aleksandrov ifgi
05.12.2023 Institute Meeting (ifgi staff only)
08.12.2023 [canceled] Prof. Dr. Tobia Lakes Humboldt University Berlin
12.12.2023 Spatial Data Science Languages Prof. Dr. Edzer Pebesma ifgi
19.12.2023 [canceled] Dr. Ingo Simonis Open Geospatial Consortium
09.01.2024 Artificial intelligence for missing climate information, downscaling and data-assimilation Christopher Kadow DKRZ
18.01.2024 NFDI4Earth (Thu, 16:00; room 242 GEO1) Prof. Dr. Lars Bernard TU Dresden
23.01.2024 Forest loss mapping in Europe based on radar time series from Sentinel-1 Dr. Felix Cremer MPI for biogeochemistry
30.01.2024 Institute Meeting (ifgi staff only)

GI-Forum Summer 23

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
04.04.2023 Institute Meeting (ifgi staff only)
11.04.2023 An integrated Geoinformation based approach for spatiotemporal modelling of the environmental impacts of climate change in global dying lakes Bakhtiar Feizizadeh ifgi
18.04.2023 Deep learning and Earth Observation to support the Sustainable Development Goals Claudio Persello University of Twente
02.05.2023 Switching between space and time: Spatio-temporal analysis with cubble Sherry Zhang Monash University
09.05.2023 Predicting and managing pollinator health in a changing world Christina Grozinger Pennsylvania State University
16.05.2023 On the Semantics of Big Earth Observation Data Gilberto Câmara National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
23.05.2023 Institute Meeting (ifgi staff only)
30.05.2023 Generic Object Detection for Autonomous Driving with Deep Learning Fabian Gigengack, Simon Boeder und Holger Janssen Bosch Research
06.06.2023 Using dynamic time warping to reconstruct Australia’s hydroclimate throughout the last 23 million years David de Vleeschouwer Institute for Geology and Paleontology, WWU Münster
13.06.2023 The Energy and Environmental Impacts of Digital Devices and Services Mike Hazas Uppsala University
20.06.2023 GeoGami - A Reserach Software for Training and Measuring Navigational Map Reading Competence Angela Schwering ifgi
27.06.2023 Spatial Perception in Mixed Reality Antonio Krüger German Research Center for AI (DFKI)
04.07.2023 Predicting Interaction from Grasp Dimitar Valkov German Research Center for AI (DFKI)
11.07.2023 Institute Meeting (ifgi staff only)

GI-Forum Winter 22/23

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
11.10.2022 Institute Meeting (ifgi staff only)
18.10.2022 Spatiotemporal functional models for irregular and large environmental data sets Prof. Dr. Philipp Otto Leibniz University Hannover
25.10.2022 Geospatial technologies meet health: prediction of air pollution exposures at high spatiotemporal resolution Carles Milà Pompeu Fabra University
08.11.2022 Sustainable Development Research for Insect Monitoring & Protection - Using Computer Vision & Machine Learning Systems Prof. Dr. Benjamin Risse ifgi
15.11.2022 A Glimpse into Statistical Relational AI: Indistinguishability for the Win! Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tanya Braun WWU Münster - Computer Science Department
22.11.2022 Building bridges with pen and paper: Sketch maps make local knowledge visible Dr. Carolin Klonner Heidelberg University
29.11.2022 Enhancing navigation services for pedestrians - Selected research results of the research group cartography of TU Wien Prof. Dr. Georg Gartner TU Wien
06.12.2022 Fostering walking in the city with geospatial methods – three related works Dr. Tessio Novack ifgi
13.12.2022 Lowering the barrier for modern cloud-based geospatial (big) data analysis: the Geospatial Computing Platform Dr. Ing. Serkan Girgin ITC, University of Twente
10.01.2023 [cancelled] Dimitar Valkov
17.01.2023 (12:15) The nexus of spatial analysis and digital geographies Jun.-Prof. Dr. René Westerholt Department of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University
17.01.2023 (14:15) Liberation from the physical constraints of the service space Assist. Prof. Keiichi Zempo University of Tsukuba
24.01.2023 [ERCIS Lunchtime Seminar] New innovation paradigms for networked urban ecosystems Rui José Universidade de Minho
31.01.2023 Institute Meeting (ifgi staff only)

GI-Forum Summer 22

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
05.04.2022 Institute Meeting
12.04.2022 Artificial neural networks with partial convolutions for spatiotemporal gap filling Marius Appel ifgi
19.04.2022 A framework for processing big Earth Observation data for the Brazil Data Cube platform Vitor Gomez ifgi / INPE
26.04.2022 Long-term NO2 exposure assessment: statistical mapping and space-time activity simulation Meng Lu University of Bayreuth
03.05.2022 GNSS in displacement monitoring and meteorology applications Michal Kačmařík TU Ostrava
10.05.2022 Earth visualizations: Can eXtended realities provide solutions for societal challenges? Alexander Klippel Wageningen University
17.05.2022 Animals in a changing world - challenges and opportunities Sascha Buchholtz Institute for Landscape Ecology, WWU
24.05.2022 Question-Based Spatial Computing, an Update Werner Kuhn UC Santa Barbara
31.05.2022 Cross validation with spatially clustered samples Sytze de Bruin Wageningen University
07.06.2022 Pentacoast - No GI Forum
14.06.2022 Institute Meeting
21.06.2022 Spatial data analytics for sustainable e-mobility Martin Raubal ETH Zurich
28.06.2022 Promoting environmental health equity in noise abatement policies through citizen science: entry points für geo-referencing digital tools Natalie Riedel StadtLabor
05.07.2022 What is "truth" in thematic mapping from Space? Prof. Dr. Steffen Kuntz Airbus Defense and Space GmbH
12.07.2022 Institute Meeting

GI-Forum Winter 21/22

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
12.10.2021 Institute Meeting
19.10.2021 Observing and predicting patterns of biodiversity using remote sensing data: A study case from the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest Andrea Paz Velez ETH Zurich
26.10.2021 From Spatial Data to Information Ben Gräler 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
02.11.2021 [Zoom only] Remembering routes – how do the visual characteristics of a virtual environment affects short and long term recall? Arzu Çöltekin University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
09.11.2021 Five initiatives to create an open research environment Dr. Markus Konkol University of Twente
16.11.2021 [Zoom only] Smart Sustainable Cities: Geospatial Challenges and Applications Dirk Ahlers Norwegian University of Science and Technology
23.11.2021 [Zoom only] Your route to adventure - A look behind the scenes at komoot Jan Torben Heuer Komoot
30.11.2021 [Zoom only] Reproducible Cartography Timothée Giraud Centre national de la recherche scientifique
07.12.2021 [Zoom only] Semantic based spatial predictions using deep learning Marvin McCutchan TU Vienna / IARAI
14.12.2021 [Zoom only] Linking Earth observation to global supply chains to support sustainable development Victor Wegner Maus Vienna University of Economics and Business
21.12.2021 [Zoom only] Geospatial Data Science for Public Health Surveillance Paula Moraga King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
11.01.2022 [Zoom only] Eye Tracking and Visualization Kuno Kurzhals ETH Zurich
18.01.2022 Institute Meeting
25.01.2022 [Zoom only] Smart City Münster André Wolf Smart City Münster
01.02.2022 [Zoom only] Development of the ability to imagine spatial transformations Andrea Frick University of Fribourg

GI-Forum Summer 21

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
20.04.2021 Individual differences in cognitive mapping and the possibility of training: How do people differ and can they be trained and assisted? Toru Ishikawa Tokyo University
27.04.2021 Postponed to June 29
04.05.2021 Using mathematical modelling studies for political decision-making during the pandemic - chances and challenges André Karch Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, WWU
11.05.2021 Applications of navigation research in complex urban environments Panos Mavros Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) of the Singapore-​ETH Centre
18.05.2021 Micro Metropolis - Towards a new Indoor Urbanism Ulrich Blum Münster School of Architecture / Zaha Hadid Architects
25.05.2021 Pentecost - No GI Forum
01.06.2021 Institute Meeting (ifgi employees only, no GI Forum)
08.06.2021 Intelligent Software, Healing Environments Carl Peter Leslie Schultz Aarhus Universitet
15.06.2021 Messy Maps: exploring flood risk and resilience in the urban Global South using qualitative GIS Faith Taylor Department of Geography, King’s College London
22.06.2021 Starts 18:00! // From the media to storytelling maps: The ways in which maps connect the public to climate change Carolyn Fish Department of Cartography, University of Oregon
29.06.2021 EU Open Data Portal Thore Fechner con terra GmbH
06.07.2021 The Influence of Human Mobility on Infectious Disease Spreading Ben F. Maier Robert-Koch-Institut
13.07.2021 Starts 18:00! // Geospatial Analytics for Urban Planning and Public Policy Avipsa Roy University of California, Irvine
20.07.2021 Institute Meeting (ifgi employees only, no GI Forum)

GI-Forum Summer 21

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
20.04.2021 Individual differences in cognitive mapping and the possibility of training: How do people differ and can they be trained and assisted? Toru Ishikawa Tokyo University
27.04.2021 Postponed to June 29
04.05.2021 Using mathematical modelling studies for political decision-making during the pandemic - chances and challenges André Karch Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, WWU
11.05.2021 Applications of navigation research in complex urban environments Panos Mavros Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) of the Singapore-​ETH Centre
18.05.2021 Micro Metropolis - Towards a new Indoor Urbanism Ulrich Blum Münster School of Architecture / Zaha Hadid Architects
25.05.2021 Pentecost - No GI Forum
01.06.2021 Institute Meeting (ifgi employees only, no GI Forum)
08.06.2021 Intelligent Software, Healing Environments Carl Peter Leslie Schultz Aarhus Universitet
15.06.2021 Messy Maps: exploring flood risk and resilience in the urban Global South using qualitative GIS Faith Taylor Department of Geography, King’s College London
22.06.2021 Starts 18:00! // From the media to storytelling maps: The ways in which maps connect the public to climate change Carolyn Fish Department of Cartography, University of Oregon
29.06.2021 EU Open Data Portal Thore Fechner con terra GmbH
06.07.2021 The Influence of Human Mobility on Infectious Disease Spreading Ben F. Maier Robert-Koch-Institut
13.07.2021 Starts 18:00! // Geospatial Analytics for Urban Planning and Public Policy Avipsa Roy University of California, Irvine
20.07.2021 Institute Meeting (ifgi employees only, no GI Forum)

GI-Forum Winter 20/21

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
03.11.2020 Institute Meeting (ifgi employees only, no GI Forum)
10.11.2020 Spherical Geometry Edzer Pebesma ifgi
17.11.2020 Towards Machine learning-driven Environmental Science Ribana Roscher Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
24.11.2020 Statistical Machine Learning for Spatio-Temporal Forecasting Andrew Zammit Mangion (from AU: at 9:00 am (CEST) time!) University of Wollongong
01.12.2020 Contained Chaos: Ensemble Consistency Testing for the Community Earth System Model Dorit Hammerling (from US: at 16:00 am CEST) Colorado School of Mines
08.12.2020 If GIS provides the answer, what was the question again? Geo-analytical question answering as knowledge generation Simon Scheider Universiteit Utrecht
15.12.2020 Sustainability goals using Geoinformation Science: insights from local case studies on rural and urban areas Tobia Lakes HU Berlin
17.12.2020 Resilience and Pedestrian Navigation Support Chris Kray ifgi
22.12.2020 Institute Meeting (ifgi employees only, no GI Forum)
12.01.2021 STAC and STAC Index Matthias Mohr Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster
19.01.2021 Spatial analysis in the domains of ecosystem service assessments, public health and humanitarian mapping Sven Lautenbach HeiGIT
26.01.2021 FORCE - Analysis Ready Data and Beyond David Frantz Humboldt University Berlin,
02.02.2021 (no GI Forum this week)
09.02.2021 Institute Meeting (ifgi employees only, no GI Forum)

GI-Forum Summer 20

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
28.04.2020 Wayfinding Through Orientation Angela Schwering ifgi
05.05.2020 Disinformation via Social Media: Social Bots, Campaigns, and Computer Science Approaches to foster Resilience Christian Grimme WWU, Department of Information Systems
12.05.2020 The Cartography of COVID-19 Thomas Bartoschek Institute for Geoinformatics
19.05.2020 Monitoring Changes on Earth and in Space Fabian Gieseke WWU, Department of Information Systems
02.06.2020 How to combine qualitative interaction analysis and automatic movement tracking to understand people’s movement in public space Wolfgang Kesselheim University of Zurich
09.06.2020 Moisture recycling and Global change Stefan Dekker Utrecht University
16.06.2020 Remote sensing data and GIS as tools for archaeological fieldwork Jana Eger and Tim Karberg WWU, Institute for Egyptology and Coptic Studies
23.06.2020 Is graphical proximity in a map the same as geographical nearness? Francis Harvey University of Leipzig
30.06.2020 A GIS-based Assistance Tool for A Collective Solution After Participation (CoSolution) Simge Özdal-Oktay TU Vienna
07.07.2020 Google Earth Engine Introduction and Walkthrough Gennadiy Donchyts Deltares, The Netherlands

GI-Forum Winter 19/20

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
08.10.2019 Institute meeting
15.10.2019 Towards a user-oriented modeling platform for agent-based simulations of infectious diseases Johannes Ponge University of Münster, Germany
22.10.2019 Understanding social-ecological systems in the context of global change Maria Santos University of Zürich, Switzerland
29.10.2019 Recent hydro-climatic shifts over Central America Iris Stewart Santa Clara University, USA
05.11.2019 Google Earth Engine - Planetary Scale Analysis for Societal Benefit Noel Gorelick Google Earth Engine & University of Zürich, Switzerland
12.11.2019 Diversity of Giftedness and Talent Development - Excellent learning environments across the educational biography Christian Fischer University of Münster, Germany
19.11.2019 Opening Innovation in Location AI Zack Zhu HERE Research, Switzerland
26.11.2019 Institute meeting
03.12.2019 Location privacy: state of the art and perspectives on research & education Rania Kounadi Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, The Netherlands
10.12.2019 Supporting Ecological Decision Making Using Feature-Selection and Variable Importance Patrick Schratz Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
17.12.2019 Geo-information attitudes to young geological mapping of the Lower Rhine valley and delta (Netherlands and North Rhine-Westphalia) Kim Cohen Utrecht University, The Netherlands
07.01.2020 Challenges, limitations and opportunities for assessing and simulating land use change patterns in tropical forest landscapes: Insights from Ecuador, Philippines and Thailand Melvin Lippe Thünen Institute, Germany
14.01.2020 From Physical Tracking to Virtual Tracking: Using Tracking Technologies and Virtual Reaility in Urban design Stefan van der Spek TU Delft, The Netherlands
21.01.2020 Digital Counter-Enlightenment and “Surveillance by Design”: On Nudging, Tracking and Data Aggregation in Human-Computer Interaction Rainer Mühlhoff Cluster Science of Intelligence, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
28.01.2020 Institute meeting

GI-Forum Summer 19

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
02.04.2019 Institute Meeting
09.04.2019 Prepare for the Internet of Things: Correct and Reliable Construction of Embedded Systems Paula Herber Computer Science Department, WWU
16.04.2019 Tracking Active Mobilities: Lessons from North East England Seraphim Alvanides Northumbria University
23.04.2019 Postponed to May 7 Christian Beecks Computer Science Department, WWU
30.04.2019 Data and Metadata Management in EOSC-hub and beyond Claudia Mertens Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum
07.05.2019 Data Management and Analytics Group @ WWU Christian Beecks Computer Science Department, WWU
14.05.2019 Algorithms for Spatially Informed Visualization Wouter Meulemans TU Eindhoven
21.05.2019 Institute Meeting
28.05.2019 Toward Ethical AI (not more AI ethics) Michael Rovatsos University of Edinburgh
04.06.2019 Panel Discussion: Freedom of Research vs. Societal and Ethical Responsibilities Edzer Pebesma, Christoph Brox, Christian Kray ifgi
11.06.2019 Pentecost Holidays
18.06.2019 Towards open Spatial Data Infrastructures Bastiaan van Loenen TU Delft
25.06.2019 Language and the Visual World: Communicating Between Cultures Kenny Coventry University of East Anglia
02.07.2019 Reproducibility of research using crowdsourced or volunteered geographic information Frank Ostermann University of Twente
09.07.2019 Institute Meeting

GI-Forum Winter 18/19

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
09.10.2018 Institute Meeting
16.10.2018 Working with Images in R Jeroen Ooms rOpenSci / UC Berkeley
23.10.2018 Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems for high-resolution remote sensing in landscape ecology applications Jan Lehmann Institute for Landscape Ecology
30.10.2018 An Immersive Science of Place - Paradigm Shifts for Geosciences? Alexander Klippel Pennsylvania State University
06.11.2018 New insights from monitoring deformations of the earth from space Ramon Hanssen TU Delft
13.11.2018 Imputing missing values in satellite data: From parametric to non-parametric approaches Reinhard Furrer University of Zurich
20.11.2018 Geomarketing: providing location insights to enhance economic efficiency Tim Appelhans GFK
27.11.2018 Institute meeting
04.12.2018 Interactive Map-based Support Systems: Supporting social learning and knowledge-co-production in environmental health issues Rehana Shrestha University of Twente
11.12.2018 Mapping inequality in access to resources Andy Nelson University of Twente
18.12.2018 From daily to decadal movement of snow and ice seen from space Bas Altena University of Oslo
08.01.2019 The future of transport planning software: data-driven, modular and open Robin Lovelace University of Leeds
15.01.2019 Does Index Insurance Help Households Recover from Disaster? Evidence from IBLI Mongolia (joined with Veronika Bertram-Huemmer) Kati Krähnert DIW
22.01.2019 Improving the usability of 3D city models Hugo Ledoux TU Delft
29.01.2019 Institute Meeting

GI-Forum Summer 18

Date Topic Presenter Affiliation
10.04.2018 Institute Meeting
17.04.2018 Visual Tracking of Small Animals in Cluttered Natural Environments Using a Freely Moving Camera Benjamin Risse WWU Münster
24.04.2018 GIScience for Dynamic Transportation Systems Anita Graser Austrian Institute of Technology
01.05.2018 May 1
08.05.2018 Acquisition and consolidation of hierarchical representations of space Wiebke Schick WWU Münster
15.05.2018 Visualization of Uncertainty: Empirical Studies Sarah Fabrikant University of Zurich
22.05.2018 Pentecost Holidays
29.05.2018 Institute Meeting
05.06.2018 Assessing students' individual progress: Concept, trajectories, and effects Elmar Souvignier Institut für Psychologie in Bildung und Erziehung, WWU
12.06.2018 The Earth System Lab: A light-weight data cube approach to study land-atmosphere interactions at the global scale Miguel Mahecha Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena
19.06.2018 Gaze behavior in natural environments – Why some objects and areas may be more salient than others Rul von Stülpnagel Uni Freiburg
25.06.2018 Schematic Mapping from an Algorithmic Perspective Prof. Martin Nöllenburg TU Wien
03.07.2018 Interacting with Space and Spatial Data Ioannis Giannopoulos TU Wien
10.07.2018 How to test research hypotheses with geographic prisms Werner Kuhn University of California, Santa Barbara
17.07.2018 Institute Meeting

GI-Forum Archive (SS 12 - SS 17)