Prof. Dr. Linus Kramer
Mathematisches Institut
Investigator in Mathematics Münster
Field of expertise: Differential geometry
Email Address: linus dot kramer at uni-muenster dot de
Personal web page: Prof. Dr. Linus Kramer
Research Interests
$\bullet$ Geometry
$\bullet$ Lie groups and locally compact groups
$\bullet$ Geometric group theory
$\bullet$ Nonpositive curvature
• Hofmann KH, Kramer L Transitive actions of locally compact groups on locally contractible spaces. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Vol. 702, 2015, pp 227-243 online
• Kramer L The topology of a semisimple Lie group is essentially unique. Advances in Mathematics Vol. 228 (5), 2011, pp 2623-2633 online
• Kramer L, Lytchak A Homogeneous compact geometries. Transformation Groups Vol. 19 (3), 2014, pp 793-852 online
• Kramer L Two-transitive Lie groups. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Vol. 563, 2003 online
• Grundhöfer T, Kramer L, Van Maldeghem H, Weiss RM Compact totally disconnected Moufang buildings. Tohoku Mathematical Journal Vol. 64 (3), 2012, pp 333-360 online
• Kramer L, Weiss RM Coarse equivalences of Euclidean buildings. Advances in Mathematics Vol. 253, 2014, pp 1-49 online
• Kramer L, Stolz S A diffeomorphism classification of manifolds which are like projective planes. Journal of Differential Geometry Vol. 77 (2), 2007 online
• Kramer L Projective planes and their look-alikes. Journal of Differential Geometry Vol. 64 (1), 2003 online
Recent Publications of Prof. Dr. Linus Kramer
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger, Theo Grundhöfer, and Linus Kramer. Weil tensors, strongly regular graphs, multiplicative characters, and a quadratic matrix equation. J. Algebra, 656:170–195, October 2024. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2023.08.028.
$\bullet $ Linus Kramer and Raquel Murat García. Fibrations and coset spaces for locally compact groups. arXiv e-prints, August 2024. arXiv:2408.03843.
$\bullet $ Corina Ciobotaru, Linus Kramer, and Petra Schwer. Polyhedral compactifications, I. Advances in Geometry, 23(3):413–436, August 2023. doi:10.1515/advgeom-2023-0018.
$\bullet $ Linus Kramer and Markus J. Stroppel. Hodge operators and exceptional isomorphisms between unitary groups. Journal of Lie Theory, 33(1):329–360, January 2023. URL:
$\bullet $ Karl Heinrich Hofmann and Linus Kramer. On weakly complete universal enveloping algebras: a Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem. J. Lie Theory, 32(3):601–642, October 2022.
$\bullet $ Linus Kramer. Some remarks on proper actions, proper metric spaces, and buildings. Adv. Geom., 22(4):541–559, October 2022. doi:10.1515/advgeom-2022-0018.
$\bullet $ Linus Kramer and Markus J. Stroppel. Hodge operators and groups of isometries of diagonalizable symmetric bilinear forms in characteristic two. arXiv e-prints, August 2022. arXiv:2208.11326.
$\bullet $ Linus Kramer. A note on commutators in compact semisimple Lie algebras. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.09913.
$\bullet $ Karl Heinrich Hofmann and Linus Kramer. On weakly complete group algebras of compact groups. J. Lie Theory, 30(2):407–424, June 2020.
$\bullet $ Oskar Braun, Karl H. Hofmann, and Linus Kramer. Automatic continuity of abstract homomorphisms between locally compact and polish groups. Transform. Groups, 25(1):1–32, March 2020. doi:10.1007/s00031-019-09537-4.
$\bullet $ Linus Kramer and Olga Varghese. Abstract homomorphisms from locally compact groups to discrete groups. J. Algebra, 538:127–139, November 2019. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2019.07.026.
$\bullet $ Karl Heinrich Hofmann and Linus Kramer. Group algebras of compact groups. arXiv e-prints, September 2019. arXiv:1904.00806.
$\bullet $ Wolfgang Herfort, Karl H. Hofmann, Linus Kramer, and Francesco G. Russo. The Sylow structure of scalar automorphism groups. Topology Appl., 263:26–43, August 2019. doi:10.1016/j.topol.2019.05.027.
$\bullet $ Linus Kramer and Alexander Lytchak. Erratum to: “Homogeneous compact geometries”. Transform. Groups, 24(2):589–596, April 2019. doi:10.1007/s00031-019-09524-9.