Recent Publications of Dr. Stephan Rave
$\bullet $ Martin J. Gander, Mario Ohlberger, and Stephan Rave.
A Parareal algorithm without Coarse Propagator?
arXiv e-prints, September 2024.
$\bullet $ Tim Keil and Stephan Rave.
An online efficient two-scale reduced basis approach for the localized orthogonal decomposition.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(4):A1491–A1518, August 2023.
$\bullet $ Manuel Landstorfer, Mario. Ohlberger, Stephan Rave, and Marie-Christin Tacke.
A modelling framework for efficient reduced order simulations of parametrised lithium-ion battery cells.
Eur. J. Appl. Math., pages 1–38, November 2022.
$\bullet $ Hendrik Kleikamp, Mario Ohlberger, and Stephan Rave.
Nonlinear model order reduction using diffeomorphic transformations of a space-time domain.
In ARGESIM Report 17, 57–58. July 2022.
$\bullet $ René Fritze and Stephan Rave.
Specification and validation of numerical algorithms with the gradual contracts pattern.
In Testing Software and Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 181–188. Springer International Publishing, May 2022.
$\bullet $ Martin J. Gander and Stephan Rave.
Localized reduced basis additive schwarz methods.
Lect. Notes Comp. Sci., 145:487–494, 2022.
$\bullet $ Tobias Leibner, Maja Matis, Mario Ohlberger, and Stephan Rave.
Distributed model order reduction of a model for microtubule-based cell polarization using HAPOD.
arXiv e-prints, October 2021.
$\bullet $ Petar Mlinarić, Stephan Rave, and Jens Saak.
Parametric model order reduction using pyMOR.
In Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems, volume 171 of International Series of Numerical Mathematics, pages 357–367.
August 2021.
$\bullet $ Jörg Fehr, Christian Himpe, Stephan Rave, and Jens Saak.
Sustainable research software hand-over.
Journal of Open Research Software, April 2021.
$\bullet $ Andreas Buhr, Laura Iapichino, Mario Ohlberger, Stephan Rave, Felix Schindler, and Kathrin Smetana.
Localized model reduction for parameterized problems.
In Model order reduction. Volume 2: Snapshot-based methods and algorithms, pages 245–305.
January 2021.
$\bullet $ H. Bansal, S. Rave, L. Iapichino, W. Schilders, and N. van de Wouw.
Model order reduction framework for problems with moving discontinuities.
In Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019, 83–91. August 2020.
$\bullet $ Stephan Rave and Jens Saak.
A non-stationary thermal-block benchmark model for parametric model order reduction.
In Model reduction of complex dynamical systems, volume 171 of Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., pages 349–356.
February 2020.
$\bullet $ Stephan Rave and Felix Schindler.
A locally conservative reduced flux reconstruction for elliptic problems.
PAMM, November 2019.
$\bullet $ Linus Balicki, Petar Mlinarić, Stephan Rave, and Jens Saak.
System-theoretic model order reduction with pyMOR.
PAMM, November 2019.
$\bullet $ Mario Ohlberger, Andreas Buhr, Dennis Eikhorn, Christian Engwer, and Stephan Rave.
Advances in model order reduction for large scale or multi-scale problems.
Oberwolfach Rep., 2019:38–40, September 2019.
$\bullet $ Christoph Lehrenfeld and Stephan Rave.
Mass conservative reduced order modeling of a free boundary osmotic cell swelling problem.
Lect. Notes. Pure. Appl., May 2019.
$\bullet $ Julian Feinauer, Simon Hein, Stephan Rave, Sebastian Schmidt, Daniel Westhoff, Jochen Zausch, Oleg Iliev, Arnulf Latz, Mario Ohlberger, and Volker Schmidt.
MULTIBAT: Unified workflow for fast electrochemical 3D simulations of lithium-ion cells combining virtual stochastic microstructures, electrochemical degradation models and model order reduction.
J. Comput. Sci., 31:172–184, February 2019.
$\bullet $ Christian Himpe, Tobias Leibner, Stephan Rave, and Jens Saak.
Fast low-rank empirical cross gramians.
PAMM, 17(1):841–842, March 2018.
$\bullet $ Christian Himpe, Tobias Leibner, and Stephan Rave.
Hierarchical approximate proper orthogonal decomposition.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 40(5):A3267–A3292, January 2018.
$\bullet $ Christian Himpe, Tobias Leibner, and Stephan Rave.
HAPOD - fast, simple and reliable distributed pod computation.
Conference: 9th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling, 55:119–120, January 2018.