MSc Student
Former staff
Former Postdocs and Habilitands:
- Dr. Nalini Gurav
- Dr. Milica Feldt (now junior group leader at Leibniz Institute for Catalysis - LIKAT)
- Prof. Dr. Mark Waller (Pending AI/University of Wollongong, Australia)
- Prof. Dr. Michele Pavanello (now at Rutgers University, Newark, USA)
- Dr. Birgitta Schirmer
Former PhD students:
- Dr. Melanie Witteler
- Dr. Patrick Eschenbach
- Dr. Linus Scholz
- Dr. Johannes Tölle (moved to Caltech Pasadena; now junior research group leader at Münster University)
- Dr. Moritz Bensberg (moved to ETH Zurich)
- Dr. Anja Massolle
- Dr. David Schnieders (moved to RWTH Aachen)
- Dr. Michael Böckers
- Dr. Kevin Klahr
- Dr. Denis Artiukhin (moved to Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Dr. Jan Patrick Unsleber (moved to ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Dr. Danny Schlüns
- Dr. Dennis Barton (moved to University of Luxembourg)
- Dr. Thomas Dresselhaus (moved to University of Bristol, UK)
- Dr. Albrecht Goez (now at Twincore, Zentrum für Experimentelle und Klinische Infektionsforschung, Hannover)
- Dr. Alisa Solovyeva (moved to University of Basel, Switzerland)
- Dr. Arseny Kovyrshin (moved to ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Prof. Dr. Carolin König (now at University of Hannover)
- Dr. Karin Kiewisch (now at DLR, Bonn)
Former MSc Students:
- Marina Jansen (moved to University of Hannover)
- J. Rene Matis (moved to University of Potsdam)
- Jelle Boereboom (moved to University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)
- Maarten Beerepoot (moved to University of Tromso, Norway)
- Frithjof Godschalk
- Joaquin Soriano Lopez (moved to University of Tarragona, Spain)