Equipment - Instruments

Autoflex Speed MALDI-TOF

© Dr. M. Letzel
Manufacturer: Bruker Daltonics
Ionisation: MALDI, LDI


Multi Target Plate (MTP), Prespotted AnchorChip (PAC)
Features: MALDI-Imaging, TOF/TOF (LIFT, CID)
DFG-Project No.: INST 211/582-1 FUGG


TLC Extractor

© Dr. M. Letzel
Manufacturer: home-made
Features: automatic extraction of TLC-card spots, with digital camera and  sample collector


Exactive GC-MS

Exactive GC-MS
© Dr. M. Letzel
Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ionisation: EI
Inlet: GC, Push Rod (DIP/DEP)
PTV oder Split/Splitless
Features: High Resolution,
Accurate Mass
DFG-Project No.: INST 211/857-1 FUGG
Exploris 120
Exploris 120

Exploris 120 Electrospray Orbitrap - Main Routine Instrument

Exploris 120
© Dr. M. Letzel
Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ionisation: Electrospray
Inlet: Loop Injection

High Resolution, Accurate Mass
Fast Polarity Switching

DFG-Projekt-No.: INST 211/1058-1 FUGG
The device is routinely used exclusively for loop injection with autosampler in MeOH without separations. Measurement time per sample approx. 2min.


ISQ 7000 GC-MS

ISQ 7000 GC-MS
© Dr. M. Letzel
Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ionisation: EI
Inlet: GC
Split/Splitless, Headspace
Features: 1u Resolution
replaces methods of MicroTof!
replaces methods of MicroTof!

LTQ Orbitrap XL

LTQ  Orbitrap XL
© Dr. M. Letzel
manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
ionisation: ESI, APCI
inlet: nanospray, loop injection
features: high resolution, accurate mass
MS-MS with accurate mass possible
DFG-Project No.: INST 211/471-1 FUGG
The instrument is being used for loop injection with autosampler in methanol exclusively without separation.  Measuring time per sample approx. 3 minutes.
new since 4/2020
new since 4/2020

Orbitrap Velos Pro

Orbitrap Velos Pro
© Dr. M. Letzel
Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ionisation: APCI, (ESI)
Inlet: Syringe injection with loop injection
Features: high resolution, accurate mass
MS-MS with accurate mass possible
The instrument is being used for all samples that do not tolerate methanol or for more specific questions (mostly with nanospray inlet). The use of method depends on the problem.

QuattroMicro GC-MS

© Dr. M. Letzel
Manufacturer: Waters-Micromass
Ionisation: EI
Inlet: GC, septum
Features: tripple quad,


TSQ 7000

© Dr. M. Letzel
Manufacturer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ionisation: EI
Inlet: direct inlet
Features: MS-MS possible
  • Behind the Scenes - What normally nobody realizes...

    It's not an easy job to keep 8 mass spec instruments running all the time - in parallel to measurements!
    Qp5050 Refurbish
    Refurbishing of the QP5050 MS Part
    © MLE
    Autospec Speed - Cleaning of the Source Lenses
    Autospec Speed - Cleaning of the Source Lenses
    © MLE
    Orbitrap Source Cleaning
    Orbitrap: Pump Service, Fan Exchange, Source Cleaning
    © MLE