Study plans
Study plan with start of study in the winter semester
Ideal course of studies with the start of the winter semester. Since the order of the research and advanced modules can be freely arranged, the course of studies shown is only one of many possible variants. When planning your studies, please note that the course Laboratory Organization from the Project Management module and the modules Patent Law and Innovation Management and General Biotechnology are only offered in the winter semester.
© Uni MS Fachbereich Biologie Study plan with start of study in the summer semester
Ideal course of studies with the start of the summer semester. Since the order of the research and advanced modules can be freely arranged, the course of studies shown is only one of many possible variants. When planning your studies, please note that the course Laboratory Organization from the Project Management module and the modules Patent Law and Innovation Management and General Biotechnology are only offered in the winter semester.
© Uni MS Fachbereich Biologie Infomation on study courses
MSc Biowissenschaften, MSc Biotechnologie, MSc Molekulare Biomedizin
Mentor for MSc-students
MSc-students have to announce their mentor in the first semester. The form can be downloaded here.
External advanced and research modules
For all external advanced and research modules, you have to hand in an application to the examination office. The form should include information on the reason for the external module, the external institute and the signature of the mentor.
Infos Projektleitungsmodul:
Information Master thesis:
The master programs Biotechnology and Molecular Biomedicine provide the possibility to prepare the master thesis also in working groups of the associated faculties (as long as the working group is involved in the study program). In case of Biotechnology, the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy offers these working groups and in case of Molecular Biomedicine, the Faculty of Medicine offers working groups. Information about potential working groups at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy you may receive from Dr. Patrick Zeni (azerwan).
Information obligatory module for students of Biotechnology:
Innovationsmanagement und Patentrecht: you can find more information in the online Modul-Handbuch.
Information on the different study module can be obtained from either the course catalogue or the online module handbook.
Information Projektleitungsmodul:
Examination regulations
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die aktuellen Prüfungs- sowie Änderungsordnungen für die MSc-Studiengänge des Fachbereichs Biologie. Ferner finden Sie hier die Zulgangs- und Zulassungsordnung zu den MSc-Studiengängen.
Diese Ordnungen sind amtlich bekanntgemacht und daher rechtsverbindlich. Beachten Sie bitte, dass diese Liste keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit erhebt! Prüfungsordnungen zu älteren Studiengängen finden Sie hier.Ordnung veröffentlicht (Amtliche Bekanntmachungen Universität Münster) gültig ab Zugangs- und Zulassungsordnung für die konsekutiven Masterstudiengänge des Fachbereichs Biologie an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster vom 18.12.2020 26.01.2021 SoSe 21 MSc Biotechnologie Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang Biotechnologie an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster vom 20. Juni.2022 06.07.2022 SoSe 23 Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang Biotechnologie an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster vom 22. Mai 2013 06.06.2013 WiSe 10/11 CMS (SAP SLcM)
In jedem Semester müssen Sie alle Veranstaltungen via CMS (SAP SLcM) buchen und sich für die Prüfungen der Module anmelden.
Für die Anmeldung zum System folgen Sie diesem Link: CMS-Anmeldung
Zu den allgemeinen und vorgezogenen Fristen finden Sie auf den Seiten des Prüfungsamtes hier und hier aktuelle Informationen.CMS Klickanleitung für die MSc-Studiengänge des FB Biologie (Stand: 10.2023)
Information is only available on the german website.
Contact persons
Prospective students, students changing from a different subject or another university:
Dr. Robert Klapper
Study organisation/study coordination:
Dr. Robert Klapper
Prof. Dr. Bodo Philipp
Prof. Dr. Bodo Philipp
BAföG representative
Equal opportunities representative
Information on studying abroad
Representative for students with disabilities
Qualification Goals
The consecutive Master's programme, which is strongly oriented towards research, provides in-depth understanding of the basic scientific principles of biotechnology, offers ample scope for specialisation, and leads to cross-disciplinary qualifications adapted to recent job-related social developments. Students are familiarised with current theories, methods and concepts germane to the planning, implementation and assessment of scientific research. Among other things, they learn how to manage projects, work in teams, and communicate effectively with other people. These key competencies will enable them toassert themselves in the academic job market.Graduates of the programme have a comprehensive understanding of at least one currently relevant area of biotechnological research, and they can set the specific features of this domain in relation to the fundamental principles of research in biotechnology and other branches of the natural sciences. In addition to core specialist knowledge of specific fields of investigation, they have assimiliated information about current research and the international scientific community.The MSc programme in biotechnology provides sound specialist knowledge of an area where biotechnological research projects are currently underway. Students are taught how to establish links between this domain and the basic principles underlying other biosciences and other natural science disciplines. In addition, they learn how to make these connections clear to other people. After completing the Master's programme they are well equipped for lifelong learning. In other words, they know how to acquire new skills and knowledge with little or no assistance from specialists. They can take stock of complex relationships between facts and ideas, discuss new research results, make a critical assessment of such findings and consider them in relation to academic disciplines which are relevant to the domain in which they are currently working. They can apply their knowledge in a responsible manner and make critical judgments after taking due account of social and ethical issues. They can develop scientific ideas and projects, work without external assistance, apply scientific methods and findings with a view to analysing and resolving problems relating to biotechnology. These activities include the planning, implementation and assessment of experimental research projects. When graduates of the programme take part in discussions with their colleagues, they can present facts and ideas in a critical and responsible manner, set biotechnological problems and findings in relation to neighbouring disciplines,take account of ongoing research, and communicate effectively with the general public. Taking due account of legal regulations, they can also head a team in a responsible fashion and show their co-workers how to carry out a scientific project successfully.