Our courses
Below you can see an overview of the courses from the Bachelor and Master Landscape Ecology.
Here you get to the excursion overview.
Bachelor Landscape Ecology
Winter semester
Modul B5: Zoology and animal ecology
- Lecture "Introduction to Animal Ecology"
SUmmer semester
Modul B5: Zoology and animal ecology
- Lecture "Systematics of animals"
- Practice "Zoological identification course A"
- Practice "Zoological identification course B"
- Practice "Zoological identification course C"
Contact: Prof. Dr. Sascha Buchholz
More information at QISPOS
Master Landscape Ecology
Winter semester
Modul M1: Landscape Ecology in Research
- Seminar "Introduction to the Master Studies in Landscape Ecology"
- Graduate symposium I "ILÖK Conference"
Modul M2: Scientific Experimental Design and Methods
- Practical/Seminar "Environmental Statistics I"
Modul M5: Animal Ecology
- Lecture "Lecture Advanced Topics in Animal Ecology"
- Seminar "Basics and Methods in Community Ecology"
- Seminar "Multitrophic Interactions"
Modul M9: Soil Ecology
- Lecture „Soil Ecology Indicators“ – Soil Zoology
- Practice „Methods of Soil Ecology“ – Soil Zoology
SUmmer semester
Modul M1: Landscape Ecology in Research
- Graduate symposium II "ILÖK Conference"
Modul M5: Animal Ecology
- Project course "Projektpraktikum Tierökologie"
Contact: Prof. Dr. Sascha Buchholz
More information at QISPOS
Further courses
Animal Ecology offers further courses in Physical Geography I and II as well as additional modules.
Seminar "Physische Geographie Südafrikas"
Vorlesung "Einführung in die physische Geographie"
Übung zur "Physischen Geographie/Landschaftsökologie"
Bachelor und Master
Seminar "Animal Ecology in Planning"
Seminar "Applied Species Conservation"
Seminar "Graduate Essentials"
- Seminar "Current Topics in Animal Ecology"

Study Projects
The AG offers students of the Bachelor of Landscape Ecology a variety of exciting study projects.
Our students also have the opportunity to realize their own ideas and research at any time as part of a self-organized study project with our in our group.
More information about the respective projects can be found here Study projects

Bachelor- and Mastertheses
The group Animal Ecology offers the possibility to prepare a Bachelor- and Masterthesis as well as research projects on various animal-ecological questions. Please contact us if you are interested!