Probability Seminar
The Probability Seminar regularly takes place on Wednesdays, 16:00 - 17:00. Talks in person will be in room SRZ 216, digital talks via Zoom (Password on request).
Conferences and other events you may find here.
Winter term 2024/2025
Date Speaker Institute Title 23.10.2024
Alexander Tarasov Bielefeld University Random walks conditioned to stay positive
(The talk has been cancelled).30.10.2014 Quentin Berger Univ. Paris
FK-percolation and Recursions on Galton-Watson Trees 06.11.2014 Balint Toth Univ. Bristol and Alfred Rényi Institute DIFFUSIVE AND SUPER-DIFFUSIVE SCALING LIMITS FOR RANDOM WALKS AND DIFFUSIONS WITH LONG MEMORY 13.11.2024 Matteo D'Achille Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay Ideal Poisson-Voronoi tessellations on and beyond hyperbolic spaces 13.11.2024 Alexis Prevost
Univ. Geneva
Volume critical exponents for the metric graph Gaussian free field 19.-22.11.2024 PEPPER School Autumn School homepage 27.11.2024 Elias Zimmermann Univ. Leipzig Strictly irreducible Markov chains and random ergodic theorems for semigroup actions 4.12.2024 Mathias Beiglböck Univ. Wien 15.01.2025 Maxime Ligonnière Univ. Tours 22.01.2025 Lorenzo Portinale Univ. Bonn Stochastic homogenisation of nonlinear minimum-cost flow problems
Summer term 2024
Date Speaker Institute Title 10.04.2024
SRZ 204Sarah-Jean Meyer Univ. Oxford The FBSDE approach to sine-Gordon up to 6\pi 17.04.2024
16:30, SRZ 203Chinmoy Bhattacharjee Univ. Hamburg Spectra of Poisson functionals and applications in continuum percolation 24.04.2024 16:00
Romain Panis Univ. Geneva The long-range Phi^4 model on Z^d 08.05.2024, SRZ 203 Dominik Schmid Univ. Bonn 15.05.2024 Trishen Gunaratnam Univ. Geneva 2d Sinh-Gordon model on the infinite cylinder 12.06.2024 Frank Aurzada TU Darmstadt Brownian motion conditioned to spend limited time outside an interval
19.06.2024 Victor Rivero CIMAT Guanajuato, Mexico Renewal theory and exponential ergodicity 03.07.2024 Maximilian Engel Univ. Amsterdam Dynamical Properties of Stochastic Differential Equations with Shear
10.07.2024 Felix Benning Univ. Mannheim t.b.a. Winterterm 2023/2024
Date Speaker Institute Title 18.10.2023
Simon Gabriel
Univ. Münster 15.11.2023 Moritz Otto Aarhus University Compound Poisson process approximation and minimal angles in Delaunay triangles 22.11.2023
Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
IST Austria
Wasserstein geometry and Ricci curvature bounds for Poisson spaces 29.11.2023 16:00 in SRZ 5 Andrew Campbell IST Austria Repeated differentiation and random matrix compression 10.01.2023 Franco Severo ETH Zürich Existence of phase transition for percolation using the GFF 17.01.2024 16:00 in SRZ 5 Justin Salez Univ. Paris-Dauphine Do there exist expanders with non-negative curvature? 24.01.2024 Rodrigo Bazaes Univ. Münster Effective Mass of the Fröhlich Polaron: Recent Progress and Open Questions 01.02.2024
14:15 in SRZ 202Michael Voit TU Dortmund Freezing Limits for Calogero-Moser-Sutherland particle models Summerterm 2023
Winterterm 2022/2023
Summerterm 2022
27.04.2022 Matthew Dickson LMU München The Triangle Condition for the Marked Random Connection Model 04.05.2022 Arne Grauer Univ. Köln Chemical distance in geometric random graphs with long edges and scale-free degree distribution 11.05.2022 Vladislav Vysotskiy University of Sussex Persistence of the AR-1 sequences with Rademacher innovations
18.05.2022 16:00 Uhr Stefan Junk Tohoku University, Japan Fluctuations for partition functin of directed polymers beyond the L^2 phase 01.06.2022 [online] Brian Hall University of Notre Dame, USA 13.07.2022 Anna Muranova Univ. Olsztyn, Poland Recurrence and transience of generalized networks 24.08.2022
14:00 UhrAlexander Marynych
Univ. Kyiv, Ukraine Least common multiple of random samples Winterterm 21/22
Date Speaker Institution Title 20.10.2021 Sean O'Rourke University of Colorado Boulder Random Perturbations of Non-Normal Matrices 17.11.2021 Jan Nagel TU Dortmund Sum rules via large deviations: polynomial potentials and the multi-cut regime 24.11.2021 Anna Kraut Univ. Michigan Multi-scale limits in a population model with moderately rare mutations 01.12.2021 Shuta Nakajima Universität Basel A variational formula for large deviations in first-passage percolation under tail estimates 08.12.2021 Nicolas Juillet Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse Markovinification of the quantile process 15.12.2021 Julien Poisat Univ. Paris-Dauphine Simple random walk among power-law renewal obstacles 12.01.2022 Quentin Berger Univ. Paris Directed polymers and the Stochastic Heat Equation with Lévy noise 26.01.2022 Anita Behme TU Dresden Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes in a Markov-switching environment 23.02.2022 Gautam Banhatti Beschreibung des Phasenraumes von magnetischem und nicht-magnetischem Billiards als sympletischen Quotienten und Verallgemeinerung auf höhere Dimensionen Past Semester
This is a list of talks of the Probability Seminar of past semesters. Talks before 2013 are in the archive (german only)
Date Speaker Institution Title 14.07.2021 Kilian Raschel Univ. Tours AR(1) sequences with uniform innovations: persistence probabilities and Mallows-Riordan polynomials 07.07.2021 Thomas Godland WWU Positive hulls of random walks and random bridges 07.07.2021 Sebastian Kassing WWU Convergence of cooling down gradient flow SDEs 30.06.2021 André Schlichting WWU Dynamic of mean-field interacting systems: Phase transitions, self-similarity and metastability 23.06.2021 Rodrigo Bazaes Santiago de Chile Localization at the boundary for conditioned random walks in random environment in dimension two and higher 16.06.2021 Annika Heckel LMU München How does the chromatic number vary? 09.06.2021 Jonas Jalowy WWU Fluctuations of the magnetization in the Block Potts Model 02.06.2021 Lukas Szpruch Edinburgh Mean-Field Neural ODEs via Relaxed Optimal Control 21.05.2021 Massimiliano Gubinelli Univ. Bonn Variational approaches for Euclidean quantum field theory III 20.05.2021 Massimiliano Gubinelli Univ. Bonn Variational approaches for Euclidean quantum field theory II 18.05.2021 Massimiliano Gubinelli Univ. Bonn Variational approaches for Euclidean quantum field theory I 12.05.2021 Marcel Nutz Columbia Univ. New York Entropic optimal transport 05.05.2021 Holger Sambale Univ. Bielefeld Hugher Order Concentration of Measure via Log-Sobolev Inequalities 28.04.2021 Barbara Dembin ETH Zürich Large deviation principle for the streams and the maximal flow in first passage percolation 21.04.2021 Konstantin Recke WWU Percolation on Nonamenable Groups 27.01.2021 Martin Brückerhoff WWU A counterexample to the Cantelli conjecture via the Skorokhod Embedding Problem 13.01.2021 Thomas Godland WWU Conical tessellations associated with Weyl chambers 16.12.2020 Gerold Alsmeyer WWU Host-parasite coevolution: Some thoughts and results about the Kimmel-Bansaye model 09.12.2020 Sara Terveer WWU Central limit theorems for hitting times of random walks on random graphs 02.12.2020 Francesco Mattesini WWU Asymptotics of transportation cost for the occupation measure of fractional Brownian Motion 25.11.2020 Chiranjib Mukherjee WWU The large deviation rate functions and stochastic homogenization on percolation clusters: the impact of disorder 18.11.2020 Yannic Bröker WWU Stochastic heat equation and Gaussian multiplicative chaos in the Wiener space 11.11.2020 Sebastian Kassing WWU Collaborating algorithms - Exploration vs. exploitation 17.06.2020 Jonas Jalowy Univ. Bielefeld Rate of convergence to the Circular Law and its powers