Dr. Kirsten Kamphuis

Dr. Kirsten Kamphuis

Johannisstr. 1, Raum Domplatz 6, Raum 142
48143 Münster


  • Forschungsschwerpunkte

    • Koloniale Geschichte Indonesiens und Südostasiens
    • Religiöse und säkulare Frauenbewegungen und Antikolonialismus in Asien, mit Fokus auf Indonesien im 20. Jahrhundert
    • Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, Feministische Theorie und Intersektionalität in der Geschichtsschreibung
    • Mädchenbildung im transnationalen Kontext, 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
  • Vita

    Akademische Ausbildung

    Promotion zum Dr. phil., Europäisches Hochschulinstitut, Florence
    ResMA Global- und Kolonialgeschichte, Universität Leiden
    BA Geschichte, Reichsuniversität Groningen

    Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten in Gremien

    West University of Timișoara (Visiting researcher)
    Cornell University (Southeast Asian Program, Visiting Fellow)
    Editorial Board Member Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis / Dutch Yearbook for Women's History
    Affiliated Fellow, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV)
  • Publikationen

    Fachbücher (Herausgegebene Bücher)

    • Van Netten, Djoeke; Kamphuis, Kirsten: et. al. (Eds.): . Gender at Sea. 1. Aufl. Hilversum: Verloren.


    Artikel in Fachzeitschriften, Zeitungen oder Magazinen
    Forschungsartikel (Zeitschriften)
    • Brand, Ron; Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘Sisters at sea: Travel experiences of missionary sisters to the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.’ International Journal of Maritime History 36, Nr. 2: 257–270. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/08438714231218525.
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘A Mirror for the Modern Girl: Work and Marriage in an Indonesian Magazine for Young Women, c. 1937-1941.’ Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 15, Nr. 1: 93–111. doi: 10.1353/hcy.2022.0005.
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘Giving for Girls: Reconsidering Colonial Civilizing Missions in the Dutch East Indies through Charitable Girls’ Education.’ New Global Studies 12, Nr. 2: 217–234. doi: 10.1515/ngs-2018-0030.
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘'The Javanese is Soft and Docile’: Deconstructing Masculinities in Ethnography about the Netherlands Indies.’ Leidschrift 30, Nr. 2: 163-178.
    Rezensionen (Zeitschriften)
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘Saving the children: humanitarianism, internationalism, and empire, by Emily Baughan.’ History of Education 2023, Nr. 52: 1050–1052. doi: 10.1080/0046760X.2022.2083698.
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘Exploring entanglements of empire through women's labour. Review of 'Women, Work and Colonialism in the Netherlands and Java. Comparisons, Contrasts, and Connections', by Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk.’ Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies 24, Nr. 1: 75–78. doi: 10.5117/TVGN2021.1.007.KAMP.
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘Review of 'Youth and Empire: Trans-colonial Childhoods in British and French Asia', by David M. Pomfret.’ Itinerario 41, Nr. 1: 183–185. doi: 10.1017/S0165115317000195.
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘Review of 'Wives, Slaves and Concubines: A History of the Female Underclass in Dutch Asia', by Eric Jones.’ Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies 18, Nr. 3: 349–352. doi: 10.5117/TVGN2015.3.RECE.
    Nicht-wissenschaftliche Beiträge (Zeitschriften)
    Forschungsartikel (Buchbeiträge)
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘Girls’ Bodies as a Site of Reform: The Roman Catholic Boarding Schools in Flores, Colonial Indonesia, c.1880s–1940s.’ In Global Perspectives on Boarding Schools in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, edited by Gerster, Daniel; Jensz, Felicity, 263–285. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-99041-1_12.
    • Brand, Ron; Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘Zusters op zee. Reiservaringen van missiezusters naar Nederlands-Indië en Indonesië in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw.’ In Gender at Sea, edited by Van Netten, Djoeke et. al., 113–130. Hilversum: Verloren.
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘1933: Rasuna Said in de cel.’ In Nog meer wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland, edited by Heerma van Voss, Lex et. al., 519–525. Amsterdam: Ambo/Anthos.
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . ‘Schoolmeisjes of huwbare vrouwen? Hoe een kritisch perspectief op leeftijd de historische praktijk verrijkt.’ In Living Concepts. Forty Years of Engaging Gender and History, edited by Eveline Buchheim et.al., 119–124. Hilversum: Verloren.

    Qualifikationsschriften (Dissertationen, Habilitationsschriften)

    • Kamphuis, Kirsten. . Indigenous Girls and Education in a Changing Colonial Society. The Dutch East Indies, c. 1880-1942 Dissertationsschrift, European University Institute.

    Webpublikationen (Blogbeiträge)

  • Wissenschaftliche Vorträge

    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Postcolonial solidarity? Dialogues between Dutch and Indonesian women’s movements (1960s-1970s) ’. International Convention of Asia Scholars, Universitas Airlangga , .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Discourses of Development and Women’s Roles in Indonesian Women’s Magazines, 1920s-1960s ’. Voluntariness, women and development in late colonial and postcolonial societies, Erfurt University, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Anticolonialism in Print. How Indonesian Activists Communicated, c.1920s-1940s ’. International Graduate Conference in Communication , West University of Timișoara, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘The Modern Woman on the Page. Questions of Religion and Gender in Indonesian Women’s Magazines (c.1930-1960)’. EuroSEAS, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Beyond ‘Pahlawan Perempuan’: Indonesian Colonial History from a Gender Perspective’. Online guest lecture, Universitas Nasional Yogyakarta, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Contesting and Legitimizing Dutch Colonialism in the Indonesian Women’s Movement: Muslim and Christian Views’. Gender, Empire, Expansion – Imperial Legitimacy and Gendered Conduct since the Eighteenth Century (online workshop), Freie Universität Berlin, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘From dukun bayi to the first medical doctor: healthcare training for women in colonial Indonesia, c. 1900-1942’. AREISSH - Annual Conference on Educational Implementation, Social Studies and History, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Of modern girls and pious mothers: looking at visual material in Indonesian women's magazines, 1930s-1950s’. AIFIS-MSU Conference on Indonesian Studies: Paradigms and New Frontiers (Online Conference), Michigan State University, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘'The spirit of the young: Muslim students' activism in colonial Indonesia, 1920s-1930s'’. Children’s History Society Biennial Conference: Children and Young People Speaking Up and Speaking Out (Online Conference), Manchester Metropolitan University, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘'Where is a woman's place?' Gendering the archives of (post)colonial Indonesian organisations, c.1920-1965’. Archiving, Recording and Representing Feminism: The Global History of Women's Emancipation in the 20th Century (Online Conference) , German Historical Institute London, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Indigenous girls’ bodies as a site of moral reform: the Roman Catholic Boarding schools on Flores in the Dutch East Indies, c.1880s-1940s’. Exclude to Include: Global Perspectives on Boarding Schools, their Participants and Processes during the 19th and 20th Centuries (Online Conference), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘An alternative family: domesticity and Protestantism at an elite Javanese girls’ school in the Dutch East Indies, c. 1907-1937’. Children in (post)colonial missions (Children as Objects and Actors of (Post)Colonial Change (COAC)), Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘'The older girls are very sweet to the little ones': affective relations in girls’ schools in the Netherlands Indies, c. 1900-1940’. Leiden Southeast Asia Seminar, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Leiden, the Netherlands, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Indisch: un mondo in una parola. Storia e letterature dell’Indonesia (post)coloniale’. Invited talk, Università degli studi di Napoli L’Orientale, Napels, Italy, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Gadis-gadis kita. Taman Siswa as an example of gendered education in the Netherlands Indies, 1922-1942.’ Invited talk, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, .
    • Kamphuis, Kirsten (): ‘Intimate strategies. Elite Javanese girlhood and Christian domesticity in three boarding schools in the Netherlands Indies, ca. 1907-1940’. Seen but not Heard? The Spatial, Emotional and Material Sites of Childhood and Youth from Antiquity to Modernity, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, .