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New Release: Rhetoric of secularization

by Daniel Weidner

"Secularization" is an important and controversial term for the self-understanding of Western societies - it refers to both the disappearance of religion in modernity and its transformation. Daniel Weidner shows how secularization was discussed in the 20th century and how central these considerations were for philosophical, theological, sociological and cultural self-understanding. read more...

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New Release: Between Divine Punishment and Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theory and "alternative theology" interpretations as well as negations of the Corona pandemic have been unusually effective in Germany since 2020; in the "liberal milieu," which is convinced of the evidence of medical and scientific expertise, they have caused considerable irritation. read more...


© Campus Verlag

New publication: Flaying of a Controversial Institution. On the Sociology of the Catholic Church

by Karl Gabriel (Häutungen einer umstrittenen Institution. Zur Soziologie der katholischen Kirche)

The Catholic Church is in the midst of the most serious crisis in its recent history. There are even voices that expect an imminent demise of Catholicism. But does this stand up to sociological analysis? In the 26th volume of the series "Religion and Modernity," Karl Gabriel explores the historically determined self-blockades that have led to the decline of the Catholic Church.  read more …

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New publication: The many faces of religion

'Die vielen Gesichter der Religion'

How did the Lutheran clergy in the royal capital of Berlin in the 18th century – an era of secularization and the emergence of bourgeois culture – move between church congregation and political authorities? Based on a wide array of sources, Florian Grumbach explores in “Predigt, Publikum and Seelenheil” (‘Sermon, audience, and salvation’), the 23rd book in the series “Religion und Moderne”, the pastoral practice and daily work of the clergy such as their sermons or publishing activities. more...