A new paper by Sabrina Schneider, Sandy Sue Spormann, Carolyn Morf, Mitja Back, Andreas Mokros and Emanuel Jauk is now published in "Psychological Assessment": The Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale: Updated and extended construct validation in community samples using a newly constructed German Version. publications
On Spiegel Online, Mitja Back is interviewd about the role of narcissism in relationships.
A new paper by Richard Rau, Michael P. Grosz and Mitja D. Back is now in press in "Behavior Research Method": A large scale, gamified online assessment of first impressions: The Who Knows project. Publications
A new paper by Sarah Humberg, Felix D. Schönbrodt and Steffen Nestler is now in press in "Psychological Methods": Improving the probability of reaching correct conclusions about congruence hypotheses: Integrating statistical equivalence testing into response surface analysis. Publications
A new paper by Tobias M. Härtel, Simon M. Breil, Eric Gruneberg and Mitja D. Back is now published in "Applied Psychology": Relationships between resumé cues and applicants' personality. Publications
A new paper by Pia V. Ingold, Anna Luca Heimann and Simon M. Breil is now published in "Industrial and Organizational Psychology": Any slice is predictive? On the consistency of impressions from the beginning, middle, and end of assessment center exercises and their relation to performance. Publications
A new paper by Lukas Röseler, Lucia Weber, Katharina A. C. Helgerth, Elena Stich, Miriam Günther, Paulina Tegethoff, Felix S. Wagner and Astrid Schütz is now published in "Meta-Psychology": Measurements of susceptibility to anchoring are unreliable: Meta-analytic evidence from more than 50,000 anchored estimates. publications
A new paper by Simon M. Breil, Dorothee Amelung, Sebastian Oberst, Torsten Rollinger, Helmut Ahrens, Amelie Garbe, Martina Kadmon, Bernhard Marschall, Mitja D. Back and Harm Peters is now published in "Perspectives on Medical Education": Physicians' social skills – conceptualization, taxonomy, and behavioral assessment. publications
A new paper by Tobias M. Härtel, Benedikt A. Schuler and Mitja D. Back is now in published in "Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology": “LinkedIn, LinkedIn on the screen, who is the greatest and smartest ever seen?”: A machine learning approach using valid LinkedIn cues to predict narcissism and intelligence. publications
A new paper by Anna Junga, Henriette Schulze, Sönke Scherzer, Ole Hätscher, Philipp Bozdere, Paul Schmidle, Benjamin Risse, Bernhard Marschall and the medicaltr.AI.ning Consortium is now published in "BMC Medical Education": Immersive learning in medical education: Analyzing behavioral insights to shape the future of VR-based courses. publications
A new paper by Tobias M. Härtel and Mitja D. Back is now published in "The Brunswik Society Newsletter": From bullet points to personality insights: What's hiding in your resumé?. publications
A new paper by Anna Junga, Paul Schmidle, Leon Pielage, Henriette Schulze, Ole Hätscher, Sonja Ständer, Bernhard Marschall, Stephan Alexander Braun and the medicaltr.AI.ning Consortium is now published in "Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venerology": New horizons in dermatological education: Skin cancer screening with virtual reality. publications
Lara Kröncke has received one of the University of Münster dissertation prizes awarded for the best summa cum laude dissertations. Congratulations!
For an article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, Mitja Back commented on the relation of oversharing and narcissistic tendencies.
A new paper by Eric Grunenberg, Clemens Stach, Simon M. Breil, Philipp Schäpers & Mitja D. Back is now in press in "Human Resource Management": Predicting and explaining assessment center judgments: A cross‐validated behavioral approach to performance judgments in interpersonal assessment center exercises. publications
A new paper by Sarah Humberg, Simon Grund and Steffen Nestler is now published in "Behavior Research Methods": Estimating nonlinear effects of random slopes: A comparison of multilevel structural equation modeling with a two-step, a single-indicator, and a plausible values approach. publications
A new paper by Jelena Hoghe, Lukas Röseler, Ruth Limmer, Christoph Walther and Astrid Schulz is now published in "Psychiatrische Praxis": Berufliche Stressoren und Ressourcen von Genesungsbegleiter* innen/Peer-Berater* innen in der Sozialpsychiatrie. publications
A new paper by Le Vy Phan, Nick Modersitzki, Niclas Kuper, Nadin Beckmann, Malgosia Fajkowska, Mario Gollwitzer, Kai T. Horstmann, Markus Quirin, Karl-Heinz Renner, Aidan G. Wright and John F. Rauthmann is now in press in "European Journal of Personality": Beyond nomothetics and idiographics: Towards a systematization of personality research approaches. publications
A new paper by Isabel Thielmann, Benjamin E. Hilbig, Christoph Schild and Daniel W. Heck is now in press in "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology": Cheat, cheat, repeat: On the consistency of dishonest behavior in structurally comparable situations. publications
Our work on the development of narcissism is highlighted in a recent blog post on Psychology Today
A new paper by Martina Bader, Lau Lilleholt, Christoph Schild, Benjamin E. Hilbig, Morten Moshagen and Ingo Zettler is now in press in "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology": Basic personality and actual criminal convictions. publications
A new paper by Sabrina Schneider, Sandy Sue Spormann, Carolyn Morf, Mitja Back, Andreas Mokros and Emanuel Jauk is now in press in "Psychological Assessment": The Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale: Updated and extended construct validation in community samples using a newly constructed German Version. publications
A new paper by Lukas Röseler, Hannah L. Bögler, Lisa Koßmann, Sabine M. Krueger, Sabrina L. C. Bickenbach, Ricarda Bühler, Jasmin della Guardia, Lisa-Marie A. Köppe, Jarl Möhring, Susanne Ponader, Konstantin Roßmaier and Jessica Sing is now published in "Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics": Need for Cognition, Cognitive Load, and Forewarning do not Moderate Anchoring Effects. A Replication Study of Epley & Gilovich (Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2005; Psychological Science, 2006). publications
A new paper by Ina Mielke, Simon M. Breil, Johanna Hissbach, Maren Ehrhardt and Mirjana Knorr is now published in "Advances in Health Sciences Education": Predicting undergraduate OSCE performance using traditional and construct-driven situational judgment tests at admission. publications
In the TV show "Nach den Wahlen: Was wird aus Deutschland, Herr Gauck?", former German President Joachim Gauck referred to our study on explorers and defenders to explain the current conflicts in the German population and the success of populist parties.
Lukas Röseler was awarded the Promotion Award for Quality Assurance in Psychology by the German Psychological Society (DGPs) for his work on replication studies, meta-analyses, and investigation of methods. Press release
Our work on the development of narcissism is covered in a recent interview of Mitja Back with DIE ZEIT
A new paper by Lukas Röseler, Georg Felser, Jana Asberger, and Astrid Schütz is now published in "Meta-Psychology": The Effect of Variety on Perceived Quantity: Failures to Replicate Redden and Hoch (2009). publications
A new paper by Lukas Röseler, Lucia Weber, Katharina Helgerth, ... and A. Schütz is now published in "Journal of Open Psychology Data": Correction: The Open Anchoring Quest Dataset: Anchored Estimates from 96 Studies on Anchoring Effects. publications
A new paper by Julian Scharbert, Lisa M. Dein, Lara Kroencke, Steffen Nestler, Mitja D. Back and Katharina Utesch is now published in "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology": Narcissists’ affective well-being: Associations of grandiose narcissism with state affect level and variability. publications
A new paper by Niclas Kuper, Lea Ernesti, Nick Modersitzki, Le Vy Phan and John F. Rauthmann is now in press in "European Journal of Psychological Assessment": Distinctions without differences? Effects of instruction sets for situation characteristic ratings. publications
A new paper by Marie I. Kaiser, Anton Killin, Anja-Kristin Abendroth, Mitja D. Back, ... and Meike J. Wittmann is now published in "European Journal for Philosophy of Science.": Individualisation and individualised science across disciplinary perspectives. publications
A new paper by Niclas Kuper, Pia K. Andresen, Emorie D. Beck, Giulio Costantini, Ellen L. Hamaker, Aidan G. C. Wright and Johannes Zimmermann is now in press in "European Journal of Personality": From persons to general principles: Methodological decisions for idiographic and nomothetic research. publications
A new paper by Marie I. Kaiser, Anton Killin, Anja-Kristin Abendroth, Mitja D. Back, ... and Meike J. Wittmann is now in press in "European Journal for Philosophy of Science.": Individualisation and individualised science across disciplinary perspectives. publications
Our work on narcissism cues on LinkedIn profiles is covered in a recent article in Psychology Today.
A new paper by Ulrich Orth, Samantha Krauss, and Mitja D. Back is now published in "Psychological Bulletin": Development of narcissism across the life span: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies. publications
Our recent work on the development of narcissism is highlighted in a press release of the American Psychological Association and an article in The New York Times.
A new paper by Tobias M. Härtel, Benedikt A. Schuler and Mitja D. Back is now in press in "Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology": “LinkedIn, LinkedIn on the screen, who is the greatest and smartest ever seen?”: A machine learning approach using valid LinkedIn cues to predict narcissism and intelligence. publications
A new paper by Mirjana Knorr, Ina Mielke, Dorothee Amelung, Mahla Safari, Oana R. Gröne, Simon M. Breil and Alexander MacIntosh is now in press in "GMS Journal for Medical Education": Measuring personal characteristics in applicants to German medical schools: Piloting an online Situational Judgement Test with an open-ended response format. publications
A new paper by Sarah Humberg, Simon Grund and Steffen Nestler is now in press in "Behavior Research Methods.": Estimating nonlinear effects of random slopes: A comparison of multilevel structural equation modeling with a 2-step, a single-indicator, and a plausible values approach. publications
Dr. Niclas Kuper received a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the topic “Individual Differences in Situational Contingencies as Personality Variables: A Multi-Methodological Investigation in Social Situations”.
A new paper by Anna Junga, Paul Schmidle, Leon Pielage, Henriette Schulze, Ole Hätscher, Sonja Ständer, Bernhard Marschall, Stephan Alexander Braun and the medicaltr.AI.ning Consortium is now in press in "Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venerology": New horizons in dermatological education: Skin cancer screening with virtual reality. publications
In its news section, Science Magazine has covered the FORRT Replication Database, led by Lukas Röseler, Helena Hartmann, Lukas Wallrich, and Flavio Azevedo. The database includes thousands of replication findings and allows users to generate summaries, use it for meta-science, or to check, which studies from a reference list have been subject to replication attempts.
Science Magazine: 'Replication tracker launched'
FORRT Replication Database
A new paper by Thomas Reiter, Sophia Sakel, Julian Scharbert, Julian ter Horst, Mitja D. Back, Markus Bühner and Ramona Schoedel is now published in "Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.": Investigating Phubbing in Everyday Life: Challenges & Lessons for Future Research. publications
A new paper by Michael P. Grosz, Isabel Thielmann, Hanna Krabbe and Mitja D. Back is now published in "European Journal of Personality.": When and why do narcissistic individuals attain social status? publications
A new paper by Harm Peters, Amelie Garbe, Simon M. Breil, Sebastian Oberst, Susanne Selch and Ylva Holzhausen is now published in "BMC Medical Education": Big five personality traits of medical students and workplace performance in the final clerkship year using an EPA framework. publications
A new paper by Toe Aung, Alexander K. Hill, Jessica K Hlay, … Christoph Schild, … and David Puts is now published in "Psychological Science": Effects of voice pitch on social perceptions vary with relational mobility and homicide rate. publications
A new paper by Sarah Humberg, Niclas Kuper, Katrin Rentzsch, Tanja M. Gerlach, Mitja D. Back, and Steffen Nestler is now in press in "Psychological Methods": Investigating the effects of congruence between within-person associations: A comparison of two extensions of response surface analysis. publications
A new paper by Franziska A. Stanke, Niclas Kuper, Karolina Fetz and Gerald Echterhoff is now published in "Frontiers in Social Psychology": Discriminatory, yet socially accepted? Targets’ perceptions of subtle and blatant expressions of ethno-racial prejudice. publications
A new paper by Michael Bollwerk, Eunike Wetzel, Bernd Schlipphak and Mitja D. Back is now published in "Group Processes & Relations": Who feels marginalized? A latent class analysis of perceived societal marginalization. publications
A new paper by Ulrich Orth, Samantha Krauss, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in "Psychological Bulletin": Development of narcissism across the life span: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies. publications
A new paper by Tobias M. Härtel, Felix Hoch, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in "Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin": Differential behavioral pathways linking personality to leadership emergence and effectiveness in groups. publications
A new paper by Livia Kraft, Anna Z. Czarna, Katharina Utesch, Mitja Back and Michael Dufner is now published in "Collabra: Psychology": Do objective and peer-perceived qualities moderate the effect of narcissism on social outcomes? publications
A new paper by Sumer S. Vaid, Lara Kroencke, Mahnaz Roshanaei, Sanaz Talaifar, Jeffrey T. Hancock, Mitja D. Back, Samuel D. Gosling, Nilam Ram and Gabriella M. Harari is now published in "Scientific Reports": Variation in social media sensitivity across people and contexts. publications
A new paper by Michael P. Grosz, Robbie C. M. van Aert, and Mitja D. Back is now published in "Psychological Bulletin": A Meta-Analytic Review of the Associations of Personality, Intelligence and Physical Size With Social Status. publications
A new paper by Niclas Kuper, Alina S. von Garrel, Brenton M. Wiernik, Le Vy Phan, Nick Modersitzki and John F. Rauthmann is now published in "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology": Mobile sensing in psychology: Methods and applications. publications
Our recent work on the psychological dimension of the outbreak of the war in Ukraine has been discussed in several TV and radio shows and has been highlighted by media outlets such as ZDF heute and ZEIT online.
A new paper by Gabriella M. Harari, Serena Soh and Lara Kroencke is now published in "The Guilford Press": Mobile sensing in psychology: Methods and applications. publications
A new paper by Julian Scharbert, Sarah Humberg, Lara Kroencke, Thomas Reiter, Sophia Sakel, Julian ter Horst, Katharina Utesch, ... and Mitja Back is now published in "Nature Communications": Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. publications
Our work on the psychological consequences of the outbreak of the war in the Ukraine is highlighted in a recent press release of the University of Münster.
Our research on the predictors of social status was highlighted in a recent press release of the HMU Health and Medical University.
A new paper by Julian Scharbert, Katharina Utesch, Thomas Reiter, Julian ter Horst, Maarten van Zalk and Mitja D. Back is now in press in European Journal of Personality.: If you were happy and you know it, clap your hands! Testing the peak-end rule for retrospective judgments of well-being in everyday life. Publications
A new paper by Toe Aung, Alexander K. Hill, Jessica K Hlay, … Christoph Schild, … and David Puts is now in press in Psychological Science: Effects of voice pitch on social perceptions vary with relational mobility and homicide rate. Publications
A new paper by Eric Grunenberg, Heinrich Peters, Matt J. Francis, Mitja D. Back and Sandra C. Matz is now published in "Frontiers in Social Psychology": Machine learning in recruiting: Predicting personality from CVs and short text responses. publications
A new paper by Pia V. Ingold, Anna Luca Heimann and Simon M. Breil is now in press in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.: Any slice is predictive? On the consistency of impressions from the beginning, middle, and end of assessment center exercises and their relation to performance. Publications
A new paper by Julian Scharbert, Lisa Dein, Lara Kröncke, Steffen Nestler, Mitja Back and Katharina Utesch is now published in "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.": Narcissists’ affective well-being: Associations of grandiose narcissism with state affect level and variability. publications
A new paper by Tobias M. Härtel, Simon M. Breil, Eric Gruneberg and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Applied Psychology: Relationships between resumé cues and applicants' personality. Publications
A new paper by Lara Kroencke, Niclas Kuper, Simon Mota, Katharina Geukes, Virgil Zeigler-Hill and Mitja Back is now published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Narcissistic status pursuit in everyday social life: A within-person process approach to the behavioral and emotional dynamics of narcissism. publications
A new paper by Katharina Utesch, Vivien Hecht, Till Utesch, Bettina Bläsing and Mitja Back is now published in The Brunswik Society Newsletter: An application of Brunswik´s Lens Model to the judgement of dance. publications
A new paper by Kathrin Wunsch, Nils Henrik Pixa and Katharina Utesch is now published in Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie: Open Science in German Sport Psychology: State of the art and future directions. Publications
A new paper by Liam Satchell, Bastian Jaeger, Alex Jones, Beatriz López and Christoph Schild is now published in Social Psychological Bulletin: Beyond reliability in first impressions research: Considering validity and the need to “Mix it up with folks”. Publications
Our work on the effects of narcissism on therapeutic treatment are highlighted in Lancet Psychiatry Podcast
Mitja Back participated in video and audio podcasts on his new book, narcissism and personality research: Schnacken mal anders, Jörg Thadeusz - der Talk, Betreutes Fühlen, 30-Minuten-WG, Der Dunkle Parabelritter, and Jung & Naiv.
Our research on narcissism and Mitja Backs book Ich! Die Kraft des Narzissmus are highlighted in articles and interviews in Spektrum, RND, RTL, Gala, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Geo, Wirtschaftswoche, Stern and Kurier.
Our work on the effects of narcissism on therapeutic treatment recently accepted at The Lancet Psychiatry are highlighted in a joint press release of the Universities of Jena and Münster.
A book review of Mitja backs book Ich! Die Kraft des Narzissmus was published in The Inquisitive Mind
A new paper by Lara Kroencke, Sarah Humberg, Simon Breil, Giulia Zoppolat, Rhonda N. Balzarini, María Alonso-Ferres, Richard B. Slatcher & Mitja D. Back is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Extraversion, social interactions, and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Did extraverts really suffer more than introverts? Publications
A new paper by Michele Vecchione, Mariacarolina Vacca, Francesco Dentale, Caterina Lombardo, Katharina Geukes & Mitja D. Back is now published in Personality and Individual Differences: The associations between grandiose narcissism and perfectionism: New insights into an old debate. Publications
Mitja Back participated in an Arte live talk about narcissism.
Our research on narcissism and Mitja Backs book Ich! Die Kraft des Narzissmus are highlighted in articles and interviews in Wirtschaftspsychologie heute, Scientific American, Wirtschaftswoche, Sächsische Zeitung, Welt, Forschungsquartett Podcast and Süddeutsche Zeitung.
In the NDR TV live show DAS! (Rotes Sofa) Mitja Back was interviewed about his book Ich! Die Kraft des Narzissmus.
A new paper by Simon M. Breil, Filip Lievens, Boris Forthmann, & Mitja D. Back is now published in Personnel Psychology: Interpersonal behavior in assessment center role-play exercises: Investigating structure, consistency, and effectiveness. Publications
Mitja Back's book on narcissism is now out and available!
Niclas Kuper received the 2023 Emerging Scholar Award of the Association for Research in Personality. Congratulations!
A new paper by Marlyne Meijerink-Bosman, Mitja D. Back, Katharina Geukes, Roger Leenders & Joris Mulder is now published in Behavior Research Methods: Discovering trends of social interaction behavior over time: An introduction to relational event modeling. Publications
A new paper by Emanuel Jauk, Gabriel Olaru, Eva Schürch, Mitja D. Back & Carolyn C. Morf is now published in Assessment: Validation of the German Five-Factor Narcissism Inventory and construction of a brief form using ant colony optimization. Publications
A new paper by Julian Scharbert, Thomas Reiter, Sophia Sakel, Julian ter Horst, Katharina Geukes, Sam Gosling, Gabriella M. Harari, Lara Kroencke, ... & Mitja D. Back is now published in Social and Personality Psychology Compass: A global experience-sampling method study of well-being during times of crisis: The CoCo project. Publications
Our work on age and gender differences in narcissism was highlighted in Deutschlandfunk Nova, the Welt and the Tagesspiegel.
A new paper by Niclas Kuper, Lara Kroencke, Gabriella M. Harari & Jaap J. A. Denissen is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Who benefits from which activity? On the relations between personality traits, leisure activities, and well-being. Publications
A new paper by Julian Scharbert, Thomas Reiter, Sophia Sakel, Julian ter Horst, Katharina Geukes, Sam Gosling, Gabriella M. Harari, Lara Kroencke, ... & Mitja D. Back is now in press in Social and Personality Psychology Compass: A global ESM study of well-being during times of crisis: The CoCo project Publications
A new paper by Leonie Hater, Norhan Elsaadawy, Jeremy C. Biesanz, Simon M. Breil, Lauren Human, Lisa Maria Niemeyer, Hasagani Tissera, Mitja Back & Erika Carlson is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Examining individual differences in meta-perceptive accuracy using the Social Meta-Accuracy Model. Publications
Our work on age and gender differences in narcissism is highlighted in a recent press release of the University of Münster.
A new paper by Sarah Humberg & Steffen Nestler is now in press in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal: Univariate autoregressive structural equation models as mixed-effects models. Publications
In an interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine Mitja Back talked about shyness and its role in romantic relationships.
A new paper by Niclas Kuper, Alina Sophie von Garrel, Brenton M. Wiernik, Le Vy Phan, Nick Modersitzki & John Rauthmann is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Distinguishing Four Types of Person × Situation Interactions: An Integrative Framework and Empirical Examination. Publications
A new paper by Michael Bollwerk, Eunike Wetzel, Bernd Schlipphak & Mitja D. Back is now in press in Group Processes & Intergroup Relations: Who feels marginalized? A latent class analysis of perceived societal marginalization. Publications
Mitja Back participated in a panel on the rise of authoritarian ideas within the 19th annual symposium of the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (programme)
A new paper by Rebekka Weidmann, William J. Chopik, Robert A. Ackerman, Marc Allroggen, Emily C. Bianchi, ... Katharina Geukes, ... & Mitja D. Back is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Age and gender differences in narcissism: A comprehensive study across eight measures and over 250,000 participants. Publications
Our WhoKnows-App and our work on first impressions is featured in the latest issue of Psychologie Heute.
A new paper by Katharina Geukes, Vivien Hecht, Till Utesch, Bettina Bläsing & Mitja D. Back is now in press in Psychology of Sport and Exercise: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest dancer of them all? A naturalistic lens model study on the judgment of dance performance. Publications
A new paper by Lara Kroencke, Sarah Humber, Simon Breil, Giulia Zoppolat, Rhonda N. Balzarini, María Alonso-Ferres, Richard B. Slatcher & Mitja D. Back is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Extraversion, social interactions, and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Did extraverts really suffer more than introverts? Publications
Mitja Back has received funding from the DFG-funded WWU Cluster of Excellence "Religion & Politics" for a project on the communication of religiously framed threats (140.000 €).
Niclas Kuper received a postdoctoral fellowship within the “InChangE” project (Individualisation in Changing Environments) of the universities of Münster and Bielefeld. During this fellowship, he will work with a large, interdisciplinary, and international team of researchers, including our lab. Niclas will use this exciting opportunity to further develop his research program on the interplay between persons and environments, and to prepare grant applications to fund his future work. Congratulations, Niclas!
A new paper by Lara Kroencke, Niclas Kuper, Simon Mota, Katharina Geukes, Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Mitja D. Back is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Narcissistic status pursuit in everyday social life: A within-person process approach to the behavioral and emotional dynamics of narcissism. Publications
A new paper by Elina Ryvkina, Lara Kröncke, Katharina Geukes, Julian Scharbert & Mitja Back is now published in Journal of Open Psychology Data: Understanding psychological responses to the COVID-19 pandemic through ESM data: The EMOTIONS project. Publications
In the latest episode of the Spotify Original Podcast Wissen.Weekly Mitja Back comments on the development and assessment of personality - and the invalidity of the MBTI.
A new paper by Simon Mota, Ina Mielke, Lara Kroencke, Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler and Mitja D. Back is now published in Euorpean Journal of Personality: Daily dynamics of grandiose narcissism: Distribution, stability, and trait relations of admiration and rivalry states and state contingencies. Publications
A new paper by Lara Kroencke, Gabriella M. Harari, Mitja Back & Jenny Wagner is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Well-being in social interactions: Examining personality-situation dynamics in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication. Publications
A new paper by Richard Rau, Johannes Zimmermann, and Mitja D. Back is now published in Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment: Applying multi-modal Social Relations Analyses in personality pathology research. Publications
A new paper by Peter A. McCarthy, Thomas Meyer, Mitja D. Back & Nexhmedin Morina is now published in PLosOne: How we compare: A new approach to assess aspects of the comparison process for appearance-based standards and their associations with individual differences in wellbeing and personality measures. Publications
A new paper by Yoobin Park, Amie Gordon, Sarah Humberg, Amy Muise & Emily A. Impett is now published in Personality Science: Differing levels of gratitude between romantic partners: Concurrent and longitudinal links with satisfaction and commitment in six dyadic datasets. Publications
A new paper by Rebekka Weidmann, William J. Chopik, Robert A. Ackerman, Marc Allroggen, Emily C. Bianchi, ... Mitja D. Back, ... & Katharina Geukes is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Age and gender differences in narcissism: A comprehensive study across eight measures and over 250,000 participants. Publications
Niclas Kuper joined our team. Welcome Niclas!
A new paper by Michele Vecchione, Mariacarolina Vacca, Francesco Dentale, Giorgia Spagnolo, Caterina Lombardo, Katharina Geukes & Mitja D. Back is now published in British Journal of Developmental Psychology: Prospective associations between grandiose narcissism and perfectionism: A longitudinal study in adolescence. Publications
A new paper by Mitja Back, Susan Branje, Paul W Eastwick, Lauren Human, Lars Penke, Gentiana Sadikaj, Richard B. Slatcher, Isabel Thielmann, Maarten, H. W. van Zalk, & Cornelia Wrzus is now published in Personality Science: Personality and social relationships: What do we know and where do we go? Publications
A new paper by Tobias M. Härtel, Marius Leckelt, Michael P. Grosz, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, Katharina Geukes & Mitja D. Back is now published in European Journal of Personality: Pathways from narcissism to leadership emergence in social groups. Publications
A new paper by Michael P. Grosz, Isabel Hartmann, Michael Dufner, Marius Leckelt, Tanja M. Gerlach, John F. Rauthmann, Jaap J. A. Denissen, Albrecht C. P. Küfner & Mitja D. Back is now published in Assessment: A process × domain assessment of narcissism: The Domain-Specific Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire. Publications
A new book chapter by Bernd Schlipphak & Mitja D. Back is now published in Repräsentation – Identität – Beteiligung. Zum Zustand und Wandel der Demokratie: Konflikte um Identität in Europa – eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme. Publications
A new paper by Peter A. McCarthy, Thomas Meyer, Mitja D. Back & Nexhmedin Morina is now in press in PLosOne: How we compare: A new approach to assess aspects of the comparison process for appearance-based standards and their associations with individual differences in wellbeing and personality measures. Publications
A new paper by Marie Salditt, Sarah Humberg & Steffen Nestler is now in press in Multivariate Behavioral Research: Gradient tree boosting for hierarchical data. Publications
A new paper by Flavio Azevedo, Tomislav Pavlović, Gabriel G. Rêgo, F. Ceren Ay, Biljana Gjoneska, Tom W. Etienne, ... Fahima Farkhari, … & Waldir M. Sampaio is now in press in Scientific Data: Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. Publications
Mitja Back was part of a discussion of the WWU, the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" and the German U15 with members of the German Bundestag on our international study “Defenders and Explorers” (see here for the press release).
Mitja Back was interviewed for a feature on narcissism on WDR 5.
A new paper by Fahima Farkhari, Bernd Schlipphak & Mitja D. Back is now published in Politics and Governance: Individual‐level predictors of conspiracy mentality in Germany and Poland. Publications
A new paper by Bernd Schlipphak, Mujtaba Isani & Mitja D. Back is now published in Politics and Governance: Conspiracy theory beliefs and political trust: The moderating role of political communication. Publications
Our work on narcissism is highlighted in a recent article in Gehirn und Geist.
New paper by Sarah Humberg, Felix D. Schönbrodt, Mitja D. Back and Steffen Nestler is now published in Psychological Methods: Cubic response surface analysis: Investigating asymmetric and level-dependent congruence effects with third-order polynomial models. Publications
Mitja Back has received funding from the DFG-funded WWU Cluster of Excellence "Religion & Politics" for a project on political and religious openness (approx. 60.000 €; research leave/interim professorship).
Ole Hätscher joined our team. Welcome Ole!
A new paper by Niclas Kuper, Simon M. Breil, Kai T. Horstmann, Lena Roemer, Tanja Lischetzke, Ryne A. Sherman, Mitja D. Back, Jaap. A. Denissen, & John F. Rauthmann is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Individual differences in contingencies between situation characteristics and personality states. Publications
A new paper by Natalie Förster, Boris Forthmann, Mitja D. Back & Elmar Souvignier is now in press in Reading and Writing: Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on reading performance of second grade children in Germany. Publications
A new paper by Sarah Humberg, Michael Dufner, Felix D. Schönbrodt, Katharina Geukes, Roos Hutteman, Maarten H. W. van Zalk, Jaap J. A. Denissen, Steffen Nestler & Mitja D. Back is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: The true role that suppressor effects play in Condition-Based Regression Analysis: None. A reply to Fiedler (2021). Publications
In an interview with ZEIT Online Mitja Back commented on life coaches and narcissism.
A new paper by Richard Rau, Nicole M. Lawless DesJardins, Lisa Maria Niemeyer, Mitja D. Back, Sanjay Srivastava and Steffen Nestler is now published in Social Psychological and Personality Science: Perceiver Effects in First Impressions Reflect Generalized Stereotypes: Evidence of Consistency Across Time, Groups, and Contexts. Publications
In a recent WWU interview Mitja Back and Bernd Schlipphak discuss public reactions to societal crises and the role of political communication.
A new paper by Niclas Kuper, Lara Kroencke, Gabriella M. Harari & Jaap J. A. Denissen is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Who benefits from which activity? On the relations between personality traits, leisure activities, and well-being. Publications
A new paper by Simon M. Breil, Paula C. Schweppe, Katharina Geukes, Jeremy C. Biesanz, Martin Quintus, Jenny Wagner, Cornelia Wrzus, Steffen Nestler & Mitja D. Back is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: The incremental validity of average states: A replication and extension of Finnigan and Vazire (2018). Publications
A new paper by Jens H. Hellmann, Pascal Schlechter, Judith Knausenberger, Micheal Bollwerk, Katharina Geukes & Mitja D. Back is now published in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: Measuring perceived realistic physical threat imposed by migrants: Scale development and validation. Publications
A new book chapter by Michael P. Grosz, Michael Dufner & Mitja D. Back will be published in 2023 in P. K. Jonason (Ed.): Shining light on the dark side of personality: Measurement properties and theoretical advances. Publications
A new paper by Simon M. Breil, Ina Mielke, Helmut Ahrens, Thomas Geldmacher, Janina Sensmeier, Berhard Marschall & Mitja D. Back is now published in Journal of Intelligence: Predicting actual social skill expression from personality and skill self-concepts. Publications
A new paper by Richard Rau, Erika N. Carlson, Michael Dufner, Katharina Geukes, Livia Kraft, Sascha Krause, Lucie Nikoleizig, Steffen Nestler & Mitja D. Back is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Positive peer perceptions over time: Personality explains variation at zero-acquaintance, popularity explains differential change. Publications
A new paper by Niclas Kuper, Simon M. Breil, Kai T. Horstmann, Lena Roemer, Tanja Lischetzke, Ryne A. Sherman, Mitja D. Back, Jaap. A. Denissen, & John F. Rauthmann is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Individual differences in contingencies between situation characteristics and personality states. Publications
A new paper by Sarah Humberg, Michael Dufner, Felix D. Schönbrodt, Katharina Geukes, Roos Hutteman, Maarten H. W. van Zalk, Jaap J. A. Denissen, Steffen Nestler & Mitja D. Back is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: The true role that suppressor effects play in Condition-Based Regression Analysis: None. A reply to Fiedler (2021). Publications
New paper in press by Titus Schauf, Michael Dufner, Steffen Nestler & Richard Rau in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin: Do agency and communion explain the relationship between perceiver and target effects in interpersonal perception? A meta-analysis on generalized reciprocity. Publications
A new paper by Christian Blötner, Matthias Ziegler, Caroline Wehner, Mitja D. Back & Michael P. Grosz is now published in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: The nomological network of the Short Dark Tetrad Scale (SD4). Publications
A new paper by Simon Breil, Boris Forthmann & Mitja Back is now published in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: Measuring distinct social skills via multiple speed assessments – a behavior-focused personnel selection approach. Publications
A new paper by Sarah Humberg, Tanja M. Gerlach, Theresa Franke-Presse, Katharina Geukes & Mitja D. Back is now in press in Personality Science: Is (actual or perceptual) personality similarity associated with attraction in initial romantic encounters? A dyadic response surface analysis. Publications
The WWU-Start-Up WellBe (mentored by Philipp Schäpers and Mitja Back) has received an EXIST Business Start-up Grant. WellBe aims to provide an app-based solution for an optimized access to psychotherapy.
New paper in press by Richard Rau, Johannes Zimmermann, and Mitja Back in Personlity Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment: Applying multi-modal Social Relations Analyses in personality pathology research. Publications
A new paper by Mitja Back, Susan Branje, Paul W Eastwick, Lauren Human, Lars Penke, Gentiana
Sadikaj, Richard B. Slatcher, Isabel Thielmann, Maarten, H. W. van Zalk, & Cornelia
Wrzus is now in press in Personality Science: Personality and social relationships: What do we know and where do we go? Publications
A new paper by Ina Mielke, Simon M. Breil, Dorothee Amelung, Lia Espe & Mirjana Knorr is now published in BMC Medical Education: Assessing distinguishable social skills in medical admission - Does construct-driven development solve validity issues of situational judgment tests? Publications
New paper by Davide Cannata, Simon Breil, Bruno Lepri, Mitja Back and Denis O’Hora is now published in Technology, Mind, and Behavior: Toward an Integrative Approach to Nonverbal Personality Detection: Connecting Psychological and Artificial Intelligence Research. Publications
A new paper by Ina Mielke, Simon M. Breil, Dorothee Amelung, Lia Espe & Mirjana Knorr is now in press in BMC Medical Education: Assessing distinguishable social skills in medical admission - Does construct-driven development solve validity issues of situational judgment tests? Publications
Our work on the personality of millionaires was featured in a range of media including Deutschlandfunk Nova, Business Insider, Inc., CNBC, and Focus online.
Our work on the personality of millionaires is featured in an interview in Capital!
New paper by Marius Leckelt, Johannes König, David Richter, Mitja D. Back & Carsten Schröder is now published in Humanities & Social Sciences:The personality traits of self-made and inherited millionaires. Publications
Our work on the personality of millionaires is highlighted in a press release of the University of Münster and a press release of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and is featured in an article of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.
A new paper by Simon M. Breil, Filip Lievens, Boris Forthmann, & Mitja D. Back is now in press in Personnel Psychology: Interpersonal behavior in assessment center role-play exercises: Investigating structure, consistency, and effectiveness. Publications
Our work on an identity-based cleavage is covered in a recent article of the Westfälische Nachrichten.
New paper by Lara Kroencke, Gabriella M. Harari, Mitja Back & Jenny Wagner is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:Well-being in social interactions: Examining personality-situation dynamics in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication.. Publications
New paper by Isabel Thielmann, Richard Rau, and Kenneth Locke is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Trait-specificity versus global positivity: A critical test of alternative sources of assumed similarity in personality judgments. Publications
New paper by Bollwerk, M., Schlipphak, B., & Back, M. D. is now published in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: Development and validation of the perceived societal marginalization scale. Publications
First results of our CoCo-project are highlighted in a press release of the WWU Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics
Our research on an identity-based cleavage in Europe was highlighted in this weeks ZEIT Dossier.
Mitja Back comments on facts and fiction about narcissism in an interview with ZEIT Online.
In an article on SPIEGEL Online Mitja Back comments on the phenomenon of "Gaslighting".
New paper by Simon Mota, Ina Mielke, Lara Kroencke, Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Euorpean Journal of Personality: The Daily Dynamics of Grandiose Narcissism: Distribution, Stability, and Trait-Relations of Admiration and Rivalry States and State Contingencies.
See Publications
Our work on an identity-based societal cleavage is highlighted in an interview in Psychologie heute.
New paper by Emanuel Jauck, Gabriel Olaru, Eva Schürch, Mitja D. Back and Carolyn C. Morf is now in press in Assessment: Validation of the German Five-Factor Narcissism Inventory and construction of a brief form using ant colony optimization.
See Publications
New paper by Ingo Zettler, Christoph Schild, Lau Lilleholt, Lara Kroencke, Till Utesch, Morten Moshagen, Robert Böhm, Mitja D. Back and Katharina Geukes is now published in Social Psychological and Personality Science: The role of personality in COVID-19 related perceptions, evaluations, and behaviors: Findings across five samples, nine traits, and 17 criteria.
See Publications
New paper by Lisa M. Niemeyer, Michael P. Grosz, Johannes Zimmermann and Mitja D. Back is now published in Journal of Personality Assessment: Assessing maladaptive personality in the forensic context: Development and validation of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Forensic Faceted Brief Form (PID-5-FFBF).
See Publications
New paper by Caroline V. Bhowmik, Friedrich-Wilhelm Schrader, Mitja D. Back and Steffen Nestler is now published in The Brunswik Society Newsletter: An application of Brunswik’s lens model to the educational context.
See Publications
New paper by Lena Frischlich, Jens H. Hellmann, Felix Brinkschulte, Martin Becker and Mitja D. Back is now published in Social Influence: Right-wing authoritarianism, conspiracy mentality, and susceptibility to distorted alternative news.
See Publications
Our Coping with Corona (CoCo)-Project is highlighted in a recent press release of the WWU.
New paper by Joshua D. Miller, Mitja D. Back, Donald R. Lynam and Aidan G. C. Wright is now published in Current Directions in Psychological Science: What we know and what we need to learn.
See Publications
New paper by Simon M. Breil, Paula C. Schweppe, Katharina Geukes, Jeremy C. Biesanz, Martin Quintus, Jenny Wagner, Cornelia Wrzus, Steffen Nestler and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: The incremental validity of average states: A replication and extension of Finnigan and Vazire (2018).
See Publications
New paper by Larissa L. Wieczorek, Sarah Humberg, Denis Gerstorf and Jenny Wagner is now published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Understanding loneliness in adolescence: A test of competing hypotheses on the interplay of extraversion and neuroticism.
See Publications
New paper by Richard Rau, Erika N. Carlson, Michael Duffner, Katharina Geukes, Livia Kraft, Sascha Krause, Lucie Nikoleizig, Steffen Nestler and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Positive peer perceptions over time: Personality explains variation at zero-acquaintance, popularity explains differential change.
See Publications
New paper by Richard Rau, Nicole M. Lawless DesJardins, Lisa Maria Niemeyer, Mitja D. Back, Sanjay Srivastava and Steffen Nestler is now in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: Perceiver effects in first impressions reflect generalized stereotypes: Evidence of consistency over time and across groups and contexts.
See Publications
New paper by Eva Maaßen, Richard Rau, Christine Montag, and colleagues is now published in Frontiers in Psychology: Measuring Emotional Awareness in Patients With Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorders.
See Publications
New paper by Caroline Wehner, Ulrike Maaß, Marius Leckelt, Mitja D. Back & Matthias Ziegler is now published in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: Validation of the Short Dark Triad in a German sample: Structure, nomological network, and an ultrashort version.
See Publications
Michael Grosz is appointed professor for psychological assessment at the Health and Medical University Potsdam. Congratulations!
The start of our international ESM study in the Coping with Corona (CoCo) project is highlighted in a press release of the WWU.
Our work on the assessment of social skills in student selection is highlighted in a WWU press release.
Our work on first impressions towards refugees is highlighted in a press release of the WWU Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics.
Richard Rau received this year's Award for Digital Diagnostics granted by the Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics (DPPD) Section of the German Psychological Society and sponsoder by Schuhfried GmbH for his development of an online procedure to measure perceiver effects in first impressions (https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191120905015). Congratulations!
Eric Grunenberg was accepted as a doctoral scholar at the German National Academic Foundation! Congratulations, Eric!
Our work on friendships is covered in a recent article on welt.de.
New paper by Tobias M. Härtel, Marius Leckelt, Michael P. Grosz, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, Katharina Geukes & Mitja D. Back is now in press in European Journal of Personality: Pathways from narcissism to leadership emergence in social groups.
See Publications
New paper by Wiebke Bleidorn, Mitja D. Back and colleagues is now published in Personality Science: Personality Trait Stability and Change.
See Publications
Our work on only children and narcissism (debunking the stereotype that only children are more narcissistic) is featured in the latest issue of DIE ZEIT.
New paper by Lena Frischlich, Jens H. Hellmann, F. Brinkschulte, M. Becker & Mitja D. Back is now in press in Social Influence: Right-wing authoritarianism, conspiracy mentality, and susceptibility to distorted alternative news.
See Publications
New paper by Joshua D. Miller, Mitja D. Back, Donald R. Lynam and Aidan G.C. Wright is now in press in Current Directions in Psychological Science: Narcissism today: What we know and what we need to learn.
See Publications
New paper by Bernd Schlipphak, Michael Bollwerk and Mitja D. Back is now published in Political Research Exchange: Beliefs in conspiracy theories (CT): the role of country context.
See Publications
Our work on an identity-related societal cleavage is covered in an interview with Publik-Forum.
New paper by Magdalena Heynicke, Richard Rau, Daniel Leising, Nele Wessels and Anne Wiedenroth is now in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: Perceiver effects in person perception reflect acquiescence, positivity, and trait-specific content: Evidence from a large-scale replication study
See Publications
New paper by Steffen Nestler and Sarah Humberg is now in press in Psychometrika: A Lasso and a regression tree mixed-effect model with random effects for the level, the residual variance, and the autocorrelation.
See Publications
Our work on societal cleavages has been covered in an article on SPIEGEL ONLINE.
Our work on the contributions of nonverbal cues to the accurate judgment of personality traits is highlighted in a recent article the Süddeutsche Zeitung as well as in two YouTube talks by Prof. Dr. Kanning (body language and personality ; artificial intelligence in the recruitment interview)
New paper by Natalie Förster, Sarah Humberg, Karin Hebbecker, Mitja D. Back and Elmar Souvignier is now in press in Learning and Instruction: Should Teachers be Accurate or (Overly) Positive? A Competitive Test of Teacher Judgment Effects on Students’ Reading Progress
See Publications
New paper by Bernd Schlipphak, Michael Bollwerk and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Political Research Exchange: Beliefs in conspiracy theories (CT): The role of country context.
See Publications
Our work on an identity-related cleavage between so-called Explorers and Defenders has been highlighted in a FAZ article.
Our work on an identity-related societal cleavage is covered in an interview on Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandfunk Kultur and across a wide range of Online-media including ZEIT, FAZ, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Stern, Welt, Handelsblatt, Westfälische Nachrichten, Antenne Münster, Forschung & Lehre, Bild, Pro7, Sat1 and RTL.
Our work on an identity-related societal cleavage is highlighted in a press release of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics". The working report can be found here.
New paper by Leonie Hater, Johanna Schulte, Katharina Geukes, Ulrike Buhlmann and Mitja D. Back is now published in PLoS ONE: Disentangling the contributions of agentic, antagonistic, and neurotic narcissism to drive for thinness and drive for muscularity.
See Publications
Our work on conspiracy mentality is highlighted in an article in the Berliner Zeitung.
The latest issue of the Westfälische Nachrichten features an interview with Mitja Back on psychological and societal challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our work on conspiracy mentality is featured in a radio interview on radioeins and in a radio interview on WDR COSMO.
We are searching for a new PhD student! Click here for further information.
Our work on conspiracy mentality is featured in a radio interview on Deutschlandfunk Nova and in a radio interview on SWR2.
New paper by Steffen Nestler and Sarah Humberg is now published in Methodology: GIMME’s Ability to Recover Group-Level Path Coefficients and Individual-Level Path Coefficients
See Publications
Our work on conspiracy menatlities is highlighted in a recent press release and an accompanying podcast of WWUs Center of Excellence "Religion and Politics".
In the latest episode of the Doctor Whatson video podcast titled "Sind CEOs häufiger Psychopathen?” [Are CEOs more likely to be psychopaths?"], Dr. Simon Mota answered questions about narcissism and psychopathy in the workplace.
Our research on friendship is highlighted in a feature on SWR2.
New paper by Ina Mielke, Sarah Humberg, Marius Leckelt, Katharina Geukes and Mitja D. Back is now published in Social Psychological and Personality Science: Do narcissists self-enhance? Disentangling the associations between narcissism and positive versus enhanced self-views across aspects of narcissism, content domains, and comparison criteria.
See Publications
New paper by Jens H. Hellmann, Pascal Schlechter, Judith Knausenberger, Michael Bollwerk, Katharina Geukes and Mitja D. Back is now in press in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: Measuring perceived realistic physical threat imposed by migrants: Scale development and validation.
See Publications
New paper by Caroline V. Bhowmik, Mitja D. Back and colleagues is now published in Contemporary Educational Psychology: Teacher judgments at zero-acquaintance: A social accuracy analysis.
See Publications
New paper by Michael P. Grosz, Mitja D. Back and colleagues is now in press in Assessment: A Process × Domain Assessment of Narcissism: The Domain-Specific Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire.
See Publications
New paper by Joscha Stecker, Paul C. Bürkner, Jens H. Hellmann, Steffen Nestler and Mitja D. Back is now published in Collabra: Psychology: First impressions of faces of refugees are more strongly influenced by target cues and perceiver attitudes than by sheer group affiliation.
See Publications
Dr. Michael P- Grosz received a research grant for the scientific network "Explicit causal inference in personality research (ECIP)" (term: 18 months, total fund: 23.777 €).
New paper by Wiebke Bleidorn, Mitja D. Back and colleagues is now in press in Personality Science: Personality trait stability and change.
See Publications
Dr. Simon Mota answered pressing questions about narcissism on the program "Planet Wissen" (WDR) in a feature entitled "Narzissmus - Die große Ego-Show" ("Narcissism - The Great Ego Show").
New paper by Lara Kroencke, Niclas Kuper, Wiebke Bleidorn and Jaap Denissen is now published in Social Psychological and Personality Science: How does substance use affect personality development? Disentangling between- and within-person effects.
See Publications
New paper by Joscha Stecker, Paul C. Bürkner, Jens H. Hellmann, Steffen Nestler and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Collabra: Psychology: First impressions of faces of refugees are more strongly influenced by target cues and perceiver attitudes than by sheer group affiliation.
See Publications
Our work on personality and coping with the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighted in a recent article in the Westfälische Nachrichten.
Our work on individual differences in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighted in a press release of the WWU.
We received a grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project „Coping with Corona (CoCo): Understanding individual differences in well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic” Go CoCo!
Our work on narcissism is featured in a recent Spektrum article.
We are searching for a new PhD student and a new PostDoc!
Two book chapters by Simon Breil, Sarah Osterholz, Steffen Nestler and Mitja D. Back are now published in T. D. Letzring & J. S. Spain (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of accurate personality judgment (Oxford University Press):
- Contributions of nonverbal cues to the accurate judgment of personality traits (pp. 195-218).
- Lens and dual lens models (pp. 45-60).
New paper by Lisa M. Niemeyer, Michael P. Grosz, Johannes Zimmermann and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Journal of Personality Assessment: Assessing Maladaptive Personality in the Forensic Context: Development and Validation of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Forensic Faceted Brief Form (PID-5-FFBF).
See Publications
New paper by Ingo Zettler, Christoph Schild, Lau Lilleholt, Lara Kroencke, Till Utesch, Morten Moshagen, Robert Böhm, Mitja D. Back and Katharina Geukes is now in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: The role of personality in COVID-19 related perceptions, evaluations, and behaviors: Findings across five samples, nine traits, and 17 criteria.
See Publications
New paper by Christian Blötner, Matthias Ziegler, Michael P. Grosz and Mitja D. Back is now in press in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: The nomological network of the Short Dark Tetrad Scale (SD4).
See Publications
New paper by Sophia Weber, Katharina Geukes, Marius Leckelt and Mitja D. Back is now published in Self and Identity: The attractiveness of narcissists: Hard work or natural beauty?
See Publications
Sarah Humberg received the 2020 Student Publication Award of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology for the paper "Response Surface Analysis in Personality and Social Psychology: Checklist and Clarifications for the Case of Congruence Hypotheses", Congratulations!
New paper by Simon Breil, Boris Forthmann and Mitja D. Back is now in press in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: Measuring distinct social skills via multiple speed assessments – a behavior-focused personnel selection approach.
See Publications
New book chapter by Michael P. Grosz, Michael Dufner and Mitja D. Back is now in press in P. K. Jonason (Ed.), Shining light on the dark side of personality: Measurement properties and theoretical advances: On the measurement of narcissistic admiration and rivalry
See Publications
Our research on perceived societal marginalization has been highlighted in an article of the Neue Westfälische.
Our work on perceived societal marginalization is highlighted in a WWU press release.
New book chapter by Marco Perugini, Birk Hagemeyer, Cornelia Wrzus and Mitja D. Back is now published in J.F. Rauthmann (Ed.): The handbook of personality dynamics and processes: Dual process models of personality.
See Publications
New book chapter by Mitja D. Back is now published in J.F. Rauthmann (Ed.): The handbook of personality dynamics and processes: Social interaction processes and personality.
See Publications
Our work on emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic has again been higlighted in the Westfälische Nachrichten.
Julian Scharbert ist supported by a grant (4.500€) of the University of Münster for a research project on linking the autotelic personality to a cybernetic personality framework in cooperation with the DeYoung Personality Laboratory (University of Minnesota).
Our work on friendship development was highlighted in a recent article at SPIEGEL ONLINE.
New Paper by Eunike Wetzel, Felix J. Lang, Mitja D. Back, Michele Vecchione, Radoslaw Rogoza and Brent W. Roberts is now published in Assessment: Measurement invariance of three narcissism questionnaires across the US, the UK, and Germany.
See Publications
New Paper by Simon Mota, Sascha Krause, Ramzi Fatfouta, Katharina Geukes, Michela Schröder-Abé and Mitja D. Back is now published in Self and Identity: Unmasking Narcissus: A competitive test of existing hypotheses on (agentic, antagonistic, neurotic, and communal) narcissism and (explicit and implicit) self-esteem across 18 samples.
See Publications
New Paper by Michael Bollwerk, Bernd Schlipphak and Mitja D. Back is now in press in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: Development and validation of the perceived societal marginalization scale.
See Publications
Our work on personality and emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic is featured in a recent WWU press release.
Our work on personality and emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic is covered in the Westfälische Nachrichten
In the latest issue of wissen.leben Mitja Back comments on individual differences in loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
New Paper by Michael P. Grosz, Shalom H. Schwartz & Clemens M. Lechner is now in press European Journal of Personality: The Longitudinal Interplay Between Personal Values and Subjective Well-Being: A Registered Report.
See Publications
New Paper by Michael P. Grosz, Peter D. Harms, Michael Dufner, Livia Kraft and Eunike Wetzel is now published in Collabra: Psychology: Reducing the overlap between machiavellianism and subclinical psychopathy: the M7 and P7 scales.
See Publications
New Paper by Lisa Niemeyer, Michael P. Grosz, Lina Jallalvand, Simon Mota and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Assessment: Toward a differentiated assessment of narcissism in forensic contexts: Validating the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire Short Scale (NARQ-S) in a forensic sample.
See Publications
Eric Grunenberg has received the "SPSP'21 Preconference Media & Tech - Registration Award".
Congratulations Eric!
New paper by Lara Kröncke, Katharina Geukes, Till Utesch, Niclas Kuper and Mitja D. Back is now published in Journal of Research in Personality: Neuroticism and emotional risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.
See Publications
New paper by Sjoerd van Halem, Eeske van Roekel, Lara Kröncke. Niclas Kuper and Jaap Denissen is now published in European Journal of Personality: Moments That Matter? On the Complexity of Using Triggers Based on Skin Conductance to Sample Arousing Events Within an Experience Sampling Framework.
See Publications
New Paper by Michael P. Grosz, Julia Lemp, Beatrice Rammstedt and Clemens M. Lechner is now in press in Perspectives on Psychological Science: Personality Change Through Arts Education: A Review and Call for Further Research.
See Publications
New Paper by René Móttus, Mitja D. Back and colleagues is now in press in European Journal of Personality: Descriptive, predictive and explanatory personality research: Different goals, different approaches, but a shared need to move beyond the Big Few traits.
See Publications
New paper by Michael P. Grosz, Julia M. Rohrer and Felix Thoemmes is now published in Perspectives on Psychological Science: The taboo against explicit causal inference in nonexperimental psychology.
See Publications
New Paper by Lara Kroencke, Katharina Geukes, Till Utesch, Niclas Kuper and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Journal of Research in Personality: Neuroticism and emotional risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.
See Publications
New Paper by Michael P. Grosz and Colleagues is now in press in Collabra: Psychology: Reducing the overlap between Machiavellianism and subclinical psychopathy: the M7 and P7 scales.
See Publications
Sarah Humberg has received the prestigious Heinz Heckhausen Young Researcher Award of the German Psychological Association.
Congratulations Sarah for this achievement!
see here for a press release of the DGPs
New Editorial by Mitja Back and Christian Kandler is now published in the European Journal of Personality: Some thoughts on the relevance, future prospects, and politics of structural personality research.
See Publications
New comment by the Personality Change Consortium now published in the American Psychologist: Why stop at two opinions? A reply to McCrae (2020)
See Publications
New paper by Caroline Wehner, Ulrike Maaß, Marius Leckelt, Mitja D. Back and Matthias Ziegler is now in press in European Journal of Psychological Assessment: Validation of the Short Dark Triad in a German sample: Structure, nomological network, and an ultrashort version. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
See Publications
New paper by Sarah Humberg, Felix D. Schönbrodt, Mitja D. Back and Steffen Nestler is in press in Psychological Methods: Cubic response surface analysis: Investigating asymmetric and level-dependent congruence effects with third-order polynomial models.
See Publications
New paper by Richard Rau, Isabel Thielmann, Simon Breil, Katharina Geukes, Sascha Krause, Lucie Nikoleizig, Mitja D. Back and Steffen Nestler is now published in Collabra: Psychology: Do Perceiver Effects in Interpersonal Perception Predict Cooperation in Social Dilemmas?
See Publications
Mitja Back is member of the Advisory Council of the newly funded DFG Priority Programme SPP 2317 "META-REP: A Meta-scientific Programme to Analyse and Optimise Replicability in the Behavioral, Social, and Cognitive Sciences"
Our research on friendship was covered in a recent article on Spiegel Online.
New paper by Richard Rau, Isabel Thielmann, Simon Breil, Katharina Geukes, Sascha Krause, Lucie Nikoleizig, Mitja D. Back and Steffen Nestler is now in press in Collabra: Psychology: Do Perceiver Effects in Interpersonal Perception Predict Cooperation in Social Dilemmas?
See Publications
New paper by Gerald Echterhoff, Jens H. Hellmann, Mitja D. Back, Joscha Kärtner, Nexhmedin Morina and Guido Hertel is now published in Perspectives on Psychological Science: Psychological antecedents of refugee integration (PARI).
See Publications
New paper by Mitja D. Back is now in press in European Journal of Personality: Editorial: A brief wish list for personality research. European Journal of Personality
See Publications
The PARI model was featured in a recent press release of the WWU.
Our research on personality and toilet paper stockpiling during the Covid-19 pandemic was featured in a recent press release of the WWU and covered in various media reports including regional television (WDR), Süddeutsche Zeitung, CNN and NBC.
Our research on dating processes is highlighted in a recent article on Spektrum
New paper by Lisa Garbe, Richard Rau and Theo Toppe is now published in PloS One: Influence of perceived threat of Covid-19 and HEXACO personality traits on toilet paper stockpiling.
See Publications
New paper by Wiebke Bleidorn, Mitja D. Back and colleagues is now published in European Journal of Personality: Longitudinal Experience-Wide Association Studies — A Framework for Studying Personality Change
See Publications
New paper by Michael Dufner, Mitja D. Back, Franz F. Oehme and Stefan C. Schmukle is now published in Social Psychological and Personality Science: The End of a Stereotype: Only Children Are Not More Narcissistic Than People With Siblings
See Publications
Eric Grunenberg started as research assistant in our lab. Welcome!
A new WWU press release features the second phase of our study on social interactions and emotions during the corona pandemic. The study can be found here.
New paper by Marius Leckelt, Katharina Geukes, Albrecht C.P. Küfner, Lisa M. Niemeyer, Roos Hutteman, Sarah Osterholz, Boris Egloff, Steffen Nestler and Mitja D. Back is now published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin: A longitudinal field investigation of narcissism and popularity over time: How agentic and antagonistic aspects of narcissism shape the development of peer relationships.
See Publications
New paper by Marten H.W. van Zalk, Steffen Nestler, Katharina Geukes, Roos Hutteman and Mitja D. Back is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: The codevelopment of extraversion and friendships: Bonding and behavioral interaction mechanisms in friendship networks.
See Publications
In a recent guest post on WWUs Corona-Series Mitja Back comments on the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic from a psychological perspective.
New paper by Lara Kroencke, Niclas Kuper, Wiebke Bleidorn and Jaap Denissen is now in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: How does substance use affect personality development? Disentangling between- and within-person effects.
See Publications
Our research on dating and romantic partner selection is featured on SPIEGEL Online.
Our research on narcissism and status pursuit is covered in a recent blog post on Psychology Today.
A new WWU press release features our study on social interactions and emotions during the corona pandemic. The study can be found here.
New chapter by Mitja. D. Back on "Social interaction processes and personality." is now in press in J. Rauthmann (Ed.), The handbook of personality dynamics and processes.
See Publications
New paper by Jens H. Hellmann, Mitja. D. Back and colleagues on "Support for refugee integration in West and East Germany: Results from two lost letter studies." is now published in Social Psychology.
See Publications
New paper by Marianne Hannuschke, Mario Gollwitzer, Katharina Geukes and Mitja. D. Back on "Neuroticism and interpersonal perception: Evidence for positive, but not negative, biases." is now published in Journal of Personality.
See Publications
New paper by Wiebke Bleidorn and the personality Change Consortium in press in the European Journal of personality: "Longitudinal Experience-Wide Association Studies (LEWAS) – A framework for studying personality change"
See Publications
New chapter by Marco Perugini, Birk Hagemeyer, Cornelia Wrzus and Mitja D. Back is now in press in J. F. Rauthmann (Ed.), The handbook of personality dynamics and processes: Dual process models of personality.
See Publications
Our research on dating and first impressions is featured in a recent issue of SPIEGEL Wissen.
Our research is featured in the latest WWU-Cast episode.
Foto: WWU/SP
New paper by Simon M. Breil, Boris Forthmann, Anike Hertel-Haszak, Helmut Ahrens, Britta Brouwer, Eva Schönefeld and Mitja D. Back is now published in Mecial Teacher: Construct Validity of Multiple Mini Interviews – Investigating the Role of Stations, Skills, and Raters using Bayesian G-theory.
See Publications
New paper by Mitja D. Back is now in press in European Journal of Personality: Editorial: A brief wish list for personality research.
See Publications
Our work on first impressions has been highlighted in "Womens Health".
New paper by Lauren Gazzard Kerr, Mitja Back and colleagues is now in press in Psychological Science: Blind at first sight:The role of distinctively accurate and positive first impressions in romantic interest.
See Publications
New paper by Efstathios Grapsas, Eddie Brummelmann, Mitja D. Back and Jaap Denissen: "The “why” and “how” of narcissism: A process model of narcissistic status pursuit" is now published in Perspectives on Psychological Science.
See Publications
New book chapter by Katharina Geukes, Stephanie J. Hanrahan and Mitja D. Back is now published in J. Schüler, M. Wegner, & H. Plessner (Eds.), Sportpsychologie - Grundlagen und Anwendung: "Person, Situation und Person-Situation-Interaktion im Sport."
See Publications
New paper by Eunike Wetzel, Frieder Lang, Mitja D. Back, Michele Vecchione, Radosław Rogoza and Brent Roberts: "Measurement invariance of three narcissism questionnaires across the US, the UK, and Germany" is now in press in Assessment.
See Publications
The paper by Wiebke Bleidorn et al (Personality Change Consortium) on the policy relevance of personality traits has been highlighted in this blog.
The first paper of the Personality Change Consortium on "The policy relevance of personality traits" is now published in the American Psychologist.
See Publications
Our work on narcissism and social status has been highlighted in a recent blog post on APS Observer.
Sarah Humberg and Richard Rau have been honored by the University Münster rectorate for their "summa cum laude" dissertation.
This years dissertation prizes of the University of Münster (with Sarah Humberg from our working unit as one of the awardees) are highlighted in the Westfälische Nachrichten.
Foto: WWU/Peter Lessmann
New paper by Richard Rau, Erika N. Carlson, Mitja D. Back, Maxwell Barranti, Jochen E. Gebauer, Lauren J. Human, Daniel Leising, and Steffen Nestler is now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: What is the Structure of Perceiver Effects? On the Importance of Global Positivity and Trait-Specificity across Personality Domains and Judgment Contexts
See Publications
New Chapter by Katharina Geukes, Carolyn C. Morf, and Mitja D. Back on "Narcissism" in sport is now accepted in R. Schinke & D. Hackfort (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sport Psychology. International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP). pdf
New Chapter by Katharina Geukes and Steffen Nestler on "Within-person variability assessment approaches" is now accepted in R. Schinke & D. Hackfort (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sport Psychology. International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP). pdf
Our research on narcissism and romantic relationships has been covered in a recent issue of "Spektrum".
Our lost letter studies on support for refugee integration in West and East Germany are featured in a recent issue of the Westfälische Nachrichten.
The editorial of the Special Issue on “The Social Psychology of Forced Migration and Refugee Integration by Gerald Echterhoff, Jens Hellmann, Mitja Back, Victoria Esses, and Ulrich Wagner is now in press in European Journal of Social Psychology.
See Publications
Paper by Marius Leckelt, David Richter, Carsten Schröder, Albrecht Küfner, Markus Grabka, and Mitja Back "The rich are different: Unraveling the perceived and self-reported personality profiles of high net-worth individuals" is now published in the British Journal of Psychology.
See Publications
New Paper by Simon M. Breil Boris Forthmann, Anike Hertel-Waszak, Helmut Ahrens, Britta Brouwer, Eva Schönefeld, Bernhard Marschall, and Mitja D. Back is now published in Medical Teacher: Construct Validity of Multiple Mini Interviews – Investigating the Role of Stations, Skills, and Raters using Bayesian G-theory
See Publications
New paper by Gerald Echterhoff, Jens Hellmann, Mitja D. Back, Joscha Kärtner, Nexhmedin Morina, and Guido Hertel is now in press in Perspectives on Psychological Science: Psychological antecedents of refugee integration (PARI)
See Publications
New paper by Simon Mota, Sandra Schaber, Marc Allroggen, Ulrike Buhlmann, & Mitja D. Back is now in press in the Journal ‘Psychotherapeut’: Narcissistic Admiration und Rivalry im psychotherapeutischen Kontext: Struktur, nomologisches Netz und die Vorhersage psychopathologischer Symptomatik. [Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry in the psychotherapeutic context: Structure, nomological net and prediction of psychopathological symptoms].
See Publications
With 10 talks, 3 posters, a chaired symposium, 2 chaired state-of-the-art sessions and the participation in an open science roundtable our work group made a striong contribution to the 15th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society.
See Presentations.
Lara Kroencke and Tobias Härtel started as research assistants in our lab. Welcome!
New Paper by Simon M. Breil Boris Forthmann, Anike Hertel-Waszak, Helmut Ahrens, Britta Brouwer, Eva Schönefeld, Bernhard Marschall, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Medical Teacher: Construct Validity of Multiple Mini Interviews – Investigating the Role of Stations, Skills, and Raters using Bayesian G-theory
See Publications
Paper by Nick Holtzman and colleagues is now published in Journal of Language and Social Psychology: Linguistic markers of grandiose narcissism: A LIWC analysis of 15 samples.
See Publications
Richard Rau successfully defended his excellent dissertation - Congratulations, Dr. Richard Rau!
New paper by Bart Wille, Joeri Hofmans, Filip Lievens, Mitja D. Back, and Filip De Fruyt is now in press in Journal of Vocational Behavior: Climbing the corporate ladder and within-person changes in narcissism: Reciprocal relationships over two decades
See Publications
Our work on lay conceptions of the Big Five labels has been featured in SPSPs blog Character & Context.
Our work on the consequences of self-insight and its statistical investigation has been highlighted in a recent article in Scientific American.
New paper by Jennifer Deventer, Sarah Humberg and colleagues is now in press in Collabra: Pychology: Testing competing hypotheses on the interplay of importance and support of the basic psychological needs at work and personality development with response surface analysis.
See Publications
New paper by Jens Hellmann and colleagues is now in press in Social Psychology: Support for refugee integration in West and East Germany: Results from two lost letter studies
See Publications
New paper by Efstathios Grapsas, Eddie Brummelman, Mitja Back, and Jaap Denissen is now in press in Perspectives on Psychological Science: The “why” and “how” of narcissism: A process model of narcissistic status pursuit.
See Publications
New paper by Nick Holtzman and colleagues is now in press in Journal of Language and Social Psychology: Linguistic markers of grandiose narcissism: A LIWC analysis of 15 samples
See Publications
New paper by Michael Dufner, Mitja Back, Franz Oehme, and Stefan Schmukle is now in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: The end of a stereotype: Only children are not more narcissistic than people with siblings
See Publications
New paper by Michael P. Grosz, Marius Leckelt, & Mitja D. Back is now in press at Current Opinion in Psychology: Personality Predictors of Social Status Attainment
See Publications
Our research on aspects of narcissism has been highlighted in a recent blog at Psychology Today.
New paper by Marius Leckelt, Katharina Geukes, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, Lisa M. Niemeyer, Roos Hutteman, Sarah Osterholz, Boris Egloff, Steffen Nestler, & Mitja D. Backis now in press in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin: A longitudinal field investigation of narcissism and popularity over time: How agentic and antagonistic aspects of narcissism shape the development of peer relationships
See Publications.
New paper by Richard Rau, Steffen Nestler, Katharina Geukes, Mitja Back, & Michael Dufner is now published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Can other-derogation be beneficial? Seeing others as low in agency can lead to an agentic reputation in newly formed face-to-face groups.
See Publications.
New paper by Marius Leckelt, David Richter, Eunike Wetzel, and Mitja Back is now published in Collabra: Psychology: Longitudinal associations of narcissism with interpersonal, intrapersonal, and institutional outcomes: An investigation using a representative sample of the German population.
See Publications.
Our research on predictors of refugee adjustment was highlighted in a recent issue of wissen.leben
New Chapter by Simon Breil, Sarah Osterholz, Steffen Nestler, & Mitja Back on “Contributions of Nonverbal Cues to the Accurate Judgment of Personality Traits” is now in press in T.D. Letzring, & J. S. Spain (Eds.). The Oxford handbook of accurate personality judgment. Oxford University Press.
See Publications.
New paper by Wiebke Bleidorn and the Personality Change Consortium is now in press in the American Psychologist: The policy relevance of personality traits
See Publications.
Our research on perceived societal marginalization is featured in the June issue of Chrismon.
New paper by Marius Leckelt, David Richter, Eunike Wetzel, and Mitja Back is now in press in Collabra: Psychology: Longitudinal associations of narcissism with interpersonal, intrapersonal, and institutional outcomes: An investigation using a representative sample of the German population.
See Publications
Our research on predictors of refugee adjustment was highlighted in a recent press release of the WWU, Saarland University and the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW). The respective paper can be found here.
New paper by Simon Mota, Sarah Humberg, Sascha Krause, Ramzi Fatfouta, Katharina Geukes, Michela Schröder-Abé, & Mitja D. Back is now in press in the Journal of Self and Identity: Unmasking Narcissus: A competitive test of existing hypotheses on (agentic, antagonistic, neurotic, and communal) narcissism and (explicit and implicit) self-esteem across 18 samples.
See Publications.
New paper by Maarten van Zalk, Steffen Nestler, Katharina Geukes, Roos Hutteman, and Mitja Back is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: The co-development of extraversion and friendships: Bonding and behavioral mechanisms in friendship networks.
See Publications.
New paper by Elisabeth Hahn, David Richter, Jürgen Schupp, & Mitja Back is now published in Collabra: Psychology - Predictors of refugee adjustment: The importance of cognitive skills and personality.
See Publications.
New paper by Sarah Osterholz, Simon Breil, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back on “Lens and dual lens models” is now in press in The Oxford handbook of accurate personality judgment.
See Publications.
New paper by Elisabeth Hahn, David Richter, Jürgen Schupp, & Mitja Back is now in press in Collabra: Psychology - Predictors of refugee adjustment: The importance of cognitive skills and personality.
See Publications.
New paper by Michael Grosz, Marius Leckelt, Mitja Back and colleagues is now published in Assessment: A comparison of unidimensionality and measurement precision of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire
See Publications.
Our research on perceived societal marginalization has been highlighted by a press release of the WWU Excellence Cluster Religion and Politics and captured in the Westfälische Nachrichten and Münstersche Zeitung.
New paper by Richard Rau, Steffen Nestler, Katharina Geukes, Mitja Back, & Michael Dufner is now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: “Can other-derogation be beneficial? Seeing others as low in agency can lead to an agentic reputation in newly formed face-to-face groups.”
See Publications.
New paper by Marianne Hannuschke, Mario Gollwitzer, Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler, & Mitja Back is now in press in the Journal of Personality - Neuroticism and interpersonal perception: Evidence for positive, but not negative, biases.
See Publications.
With a keynote, 4 talks and a chaired symposia our work group contributed to the 3rd World conference on personality in Hanoi, Vietnam.
See Presentations.
New paper by Sophia Weber, Katharina Geukes, Marius Leckelt, and Mitja D. Back is now published in Self and Identity: "The attractiveness of narcissists: Hard work or natural beauty? pdf
New Chapter by Jaap Denissen, John Rauthmann, and Mitja Back on the "European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP)" is now in press in the Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. pdf
New paper by Katharina Geukes, Simon Mats Breil, Roos Hutteman, Steffen Nestler, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in PlosOne: "Explaining the longitudinal interplay of personality and social relationships in the laboratory and in the field: The PILS and the CONNECT study”. pdf
New paper by Judith Hall, Katja Schlegel, Vanessa Castro, and Mitja Back "What laypeople think the Big Five trait labels mean" is now published in the Journal of Research in Personality. pdf
Leonie Hater is supported by a grant (3,400 €) of the University of Münster for a research project on meta-accuracy in the context of a research stay at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver). Congratulations!
New paper by Sophia Weber, Katharina Geukes, Marius Leckelt, and Mitja D. Back is now press in Self and Identity: "The attractiveness of narcissists: Hard work or natural beauty? pdf
New paper by Simon M. Breil, Katharina Geukes, Robert E. Wilson, Steffen Nestler, Simine Vazire, and Mitja D. Back is now published in Collabra: Psychology: “Zooming into real-life extraversion – how personality and situation shape sociability in social interactions”. pdf
New paper by Simon Mota, Marius Leckelt, Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler, Sarah Humberg, Michela Schröder-Abé, Stefan C. Schmukle, and Mitja D. Back is now published in Collabra: "A Comprehensive Examination of Narcissists' Self-Perceived and Actual Socioemotional Cognition Ability." pdf
We added a new preprint “From First Sight to Friendship: A Longitudinal Social Relations Analysis of Stability and Change in Interpersonal Attraction” to PsyArXiva which is based on a paper we wrote in 2010. pdf
New paper by Judith Hall, Katja Schlegel, Vanessa Castro, and Mitja Back "What laypeople think the Big Five trait labels mean" is now in press in the Journal of Research in Personality. pdf
New paper by Simon M. Breil, Katharina Geukes, Robert E. Wilson, Steffen Nestler, Simine Vazire, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Collabra: Psychology: “Zooming into real-life extraversion – how personality and situation shape sociability in social interactions”. pdf
New paper by Felix Schönbrodt, Sarah Humberg, and Steffen Nestler is now published in the European Journal of Personality: "Testing similarity effects with dyadic response surface analysis." pdf
New paper by Simon Mota, Marius Leckelt, Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler, Sarah Humberg, Michela Schröder-Abé, Stefan C. Schmukle, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Journal Collabra: Psychology: “A Comprehensive Examination of Narcissists’ Self-Perceived and Actual Socioemotional Cognition Ability.” pdf
Our research on the personality of the rich has been featured in recent issues of several newspapers such as the Welt, DerStandard, Wirtschaftswoche, and Kieler Nachrichten.
Our research on narcissism and first impressions is covered in a recent issue of Psychology Today.
Our study on the personality of high net-worth individuals was featured in a press release of the WWU and covered in the Westfälischen Nachrichten.
Simon Breil and Mitja Back have contributed to the latest Brunswik Society Newsletter: „What is measured within an assessment center: A detailed investigation of underlying cues” (pp. 7-9). pdf
New Editorial by Mitja Back "The structure and dynamics of (research on) personality and personality disorders: A Joint Journey" is now published in the European Journal of Personality. pdf
New paper by Marius Leckelt, David Richter, Carsten Schröder, Albrecht Küfner, Markus Grabka, and Mitja Back "The rich are different: Unraveling the perceived and self-reported personality profiles of high net-worth individuals " is now in press in the British Journal of Psychology. pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler, Katharina Geukes, and Mitja D. Back is now published in Methodology: "Modeling intraindividual variability in three-level models." pdf
With 9 first-authored and 6 co-authored talks, 1 chaired symposium and 1 poster our working unit made a strong contribution to the 51st Congress of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) in Frankfurt.
New paper by Nestler, Humberg, and Schönbrodt "Response surface analysis with multilevel data: Illustration for the case of congruence hypotheses" is now in press in Psychological Methods. pdf supplemental materials
Our research on friendship is covered in a recent issue of Spektrum.
With 10 talks, a poster, and a chaired session our work group made a strong contribution to 19th European Conference on Personality in Zadar, Croatia.
Marius Leckelt has received an offer of an assistant professorship (Juniorprofessur) for Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment at the University of Mainz. Congratulations!
New paper by Schönbrodt, Humberg, and Nestler "Testing similarity effects with dyadic response surface analysis" is now in press in the European Journal of Personality. pdf preprint supplemental materials
New paper by Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. is now published in Collabra: Psychology: "Why Condition-Based Regression Analysis (CRA) is Indeed a Valid Test of Self-Enhancement Effects: A Response to Krueger et al. (2017)". pdf open access article
Our research on judgment processes during selection procedures is highlighted in a recent press release of the University of Münster.
Our research on friendship is covered in a recent press release of the University of Münster.
Our research on first impressions towards and from refugees is highlighted in a recent press release of the University of Münster.
Our research on self-knowledge is covered in a recent article of ZEIT ONLINE.
Our research on the assessment of antagonistic personality traits is covered in a recent article of Welt.
New paper by Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. is now in press in Collabra: Psychology: "Why Condition-Based Regression Analysis (CRA) is Indeed a Valid Test of Self-Enhancement Effects: A Response to Krueger et al. (2017)". pdf preprint
New Chapter by Michele Vecchione, Francesco Dentale, Martina Graziano, Michael Dufner, Eunike Wetzel, Marius Leckelt, and Mitja Back "An Italian Validation of the Narcissism Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire (NARQ): Further evidence for a two-dimensional model of grandiose narcissism " is now in press in Applied Psychology Bulletin. pdf
New entry by Mitja Back and Carolyn Morf "Narcissism " is now in press in the Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. pdf
New paper by Lauren Human, Erika Carlson, Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back "Do accurate personality impressions benefit early relationship development? The bidirectional associations between accuracy and liking " is now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. pdf
Our research on implicit aspects of personality is covered in a recent article in Scientific American.
Our research on friendship is covered in a recent issue of the Westfälische Nachrichten.
New paper by Till Utesch, Dennis Dreiskämper, Roland Naul, and Katharina Geukes is now published in Scientific Reports: “Understanding physical (in-) activity, overweight, and obesity in childhood: Effects of congruence between physical self-concept and motor competence”. pdf
Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-24139-y
Our work on first impression of and towards refugees is featured in the latest issue of wissen.leben.
New paper by Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., Küfner, A. C. P., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., and Back, M. D. is now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Is accurate, positive, or inflated self-perception most advantageous for psychological adjustment? A competitive test of key hypotheses.” pdf osf preprint supplemental materials
New entry by Stefanie Wurst and Mitja Back " Attraction, interpersonal" is now published in the Sage encyclopedia of lifespan human development. pdf
New Editorial by Mitja Back "Continued Quality, Openness, and Curiosity at the European Journal of Personality " is now published in the European Journal of Personality. pdf
New Paper by Judith Hall, Steffen Nestler, Mitja Back and colleagues “How do different ways of measuring individual differences in zero-acquaintance personality judgment accuracy correlate with each other? " is now published in Journal of Personality. pdf
New Paper by Sarah Hirschmüller, Stefan Schmukle, Sascha Krause, Mitja Back and Boris Egloff “Accuracy of self-esteem judgments at zero acquaintance" is now published in Journal of Personality. pdf
A new paper on Open Science Practices by Till Utesch, Dennis Dreiskämper and Katharina Geukes published in “Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie”. pdf
Lukas Mundelsee received the asp-Studienpreis 2018 from the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie in der Bundesrepubik Deutschland e.V. for his master thesis on "Perfectionists under pressure: Investigating their performances in three motor tasks".
New paper by Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. is now published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Enhanced versus simply positive: A new condition-based regression analysis to disentangle effects of self-enhancement from effects of positivity of self-view.” pdf osf preprint supplemental materials
New Chapter by Mitja Back "The Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Concept " is now in press In A. D. Hermann, A. Brunell, & J. Foster (Eds.), The Handbook of trait narcissism: Key advances, research methods, and controversies. New York, NY: Springer. pdf
New paper by Katharina Geukes, Maarten van Zalk and Mitja D. Back is now published in the International Journal of Behavioral Development: "Understanding personality development: An integrative state process model.” pdf
New paper by Sarah Humberg, Steffen Nestler and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: "Response Surface Analysis in personality and social psychology: Checklist and clarifications for the case of congruence hypotheses". pdf preprint supplemental materials
New paper by Marius Leckelt, Katharina Geukes, Mitja D. Back and colleagues is now published in Psychological Assessment: "Validation of the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire short scale (NARQ-S) in convenience and representative samples". pdf
Marius Leckelt was recently interviewed by the Süddeutsche Zeitung for a piece on the so-called narcissism epidemic. pdf
New peer commentary by Katharina Geukes and Mitja D. Back is now published in the European Journal on Personality – a comment on the target article “Integrating Personality Structure, Personality Process, and Personality Development” by Anna Baumert et al. pdf
New paper by Simon M. Breil, Katharina Geukes, and Mitja D. Back is now published in the European Journal of Personality: "Using situational judgment tests and assessment centres in personality psychology". pdf
New comment on xenophobia and fear of strangers by Jens Hellmann, Judith Knausenberger, Gerald Echterhoff, and Mitja Back is now published in a correspondence of Pax Christi. pdf
New Chapter by Mitja Back, Albrecht Küfner, & Marius Leckelt on "Early Impressions of Grandiose Narcissists: A Dual-Pathway Perspective" is now published In A. D. Hermann, A. Brunell, & J. Foster (Eds.), The Handbook of trait narcissism: Key advances, research methods, and controversies. New York, NY: Springer. pdf
With a keynote, 13 talks, and 2 chaired symposia our work group made a strong contribution to the 14th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society in München. We also contributed with another 4 talks to meetings of the sections Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, and Methods and Evaluation in Münster, Jena, and Tübingen, respectively.
Marius Leckelt contributed a quiz on narcissism to the ZEIT Online "Beat the Prof" section.
Autobiographical entry by Mitja Back is now in press in the Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. pdf
New paper by Jasmin Mahmoodi, Marius Leckelt, Maarten van Zalk, Katharina Geukes, and Mitja Back is now published in a special issue of Current Opinion in Behavioral Science on "Big data in the behavioural sciences" edited by Michal Kosinski and Tara Behrend: "Big Data approaches in social and behavioral science: Four key trade-offs and a call for integration" pdf
Our research on friendships was covered in a recent article in Spektrum.de
New paper by Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler, Roos Hutteman, Albrecht C.P. Küfner and Mitja D. Back is now in published in Journal of research in Personality: "Trait Personality and State Variability: Predicting Individual Differences in Within- and Cross-Context Fluctuations in Affect, Self-Evaluations, and Behavior in Everyday Life". pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler, Marius Leckelt, Mitja Back, Ina von der Beck, Ulrike Cress, and Aileen Oeberst is now in published in Psychologische Rundschau: "Produktion von naturwissenschaftlichen Informationen im Internet am Beispiel von Wikipedia". pdf
New paper by Jasmin Mahmoodi, Marius Leckelt, Maarten van Zalk, Katharina Geukes, and Mitja Back is now in press in Current Opinion in Behavioral Science: "Big Data approaches in social and behavioral science: Four key trade-offs and a call for integration". pdf
New paper by Daniel Leising and Mitja Back is now in press in the Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences: "Person perception and accuracy". pdf
A new issue of the European Journal of Personality has just been published.
The new blog of the European Journal of Personality is now online:
EJP is now also on Facebook and Twitter.
The new Journal impact factors are out. With a 2-year IF of 3.7 the European Journal of Personality consolidates its strong position as the second highest empirical personality journal.
With a chaired symposia, and 4 talks our work group contributed to the 5th Biennial Meeting of the Association of Research in Personality in Sacramento, USA.
Open Science Initiative and Open Science Concept in Psychology in Münster!
The Institutes for Psychology of the University of Münster have established an Open Science Initiative and agreed on a joint concept for fostering Open Science. The Open Science Initiative of is actively following current efforts to improve the quality of psychological research, discusses implication for the study of psychology at the University of Münster and is working together with all research units of the department to establish the central premises of Open Science in reseach and instruction. The latest version of the Open Science concept-paper of the Institutes for Psychology is available for download here.
For further information see: https://osf.io/x3s5c/
New paper by Michael Grosz, Thomas Lösch and Mitja Back is now in press in the Journal of Research in Personality: "The Narcissism-Overclaiming Link Revisited". pdf
Maarten van Zalk has received an offer of a professorship in developmental psychology (W3) at Osnabrück University and an offer of a professorship for Social Psychology (W2) at Technische Universität Dresden. Congratulations! He has declined the offer from Dresden and accepted the offer from Osnabrück and will start there the 1st of October 2017.
Prof. Dr. Mitja Back is supported by a grant of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" of the University of Münster for the research project "Prejudice, conspiracy theories, and negative stereotypes: The influence of individual and contextual religious factors".
Our research on narcissism and self-esteem is featured on theconversation.com.
New paper by Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler, Roos Hutteman, Michael Dufner, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, Boris Egloff, Jaap J. A. Denissen and Mitja D. Back is now published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Puffed-up but shaky selves: State self-esteem level and variability in narcissists." pdf
A new issue of the European Journal of Personality has just been published.
Our research on narcissism and romantic relationships is featured on psychologytoday.com.
New paper by Aileen Oeberst, Ina von der Beck, Mitja Back, Ulrike Cress, and Steffen Nestler is now in press in Psychological Research: "Biases in the production and reception of collective knowledge: The case of hindsight bias in Wikipedia". pdf
Our research on narcissism is featured in an upcoming issue of Gehirn und Geist: "Ego am Limit".
Marius Leckelt was recently interviewed by SWR Aktuell and WDR 1Live on Donald Trump's narcissism.
Our research on narcissism is featured in a recent article of Focus.
Prof. Dr. Mitja Back joined the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics" of the University of Münster and is supported by a grant for the research project "Integration at first sight: The role of religion for first mutual impressions of refugees and Germans“.
Simon Breil and Simon Mota received the PsyEval's award for giving the best seminar / best newcomer seminar of the past semester - congratulations!
In an article in ZEIT ONLINE Mitja Back commented on the narcissism of Donald Trump.
The 2017 Editorial of the European Journal of Personality by Mitja Back is now published.
A new issue of the European Journal of Personality has just been published.
New paper by Judith Hall, Mitja Back, Steffen Nestler, Denise Frauendorfer, Marianne Schmid Mast, and Mollie Ruben is now in press in the Journal of Personality: "How do different ways of measuring individual differences in zero-acquaintance personality judgment accuracy correlate with each other?". pdf
New Chapter by Sarah Humberg, Natalie Förster, Johanna Kaiser, and Felix D. Schönbrodt on "Konsequenzen akkurater Lehrerurteile: Response Surface Analyse als statistisches Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Übereinstimmungshypothesen" [Consequences of accurate teacher judgments: Response Surface Analysis as a statistical approach for the investigation of fit hypotheses] is now in press in A. Südkamp and A.-K. Praetorius (Eds), Diagnostische Kompetenz von Lehrkräften: Theoretische und methodische Weiterentwicklungen. Münster: Waxmann. pdf supplemental materials
New paper by Stefanie N. Wurst, Tanja M. Gerlach, Michael Dufner, John F. Rauthmann, Michael P. Grosz, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, Jaap J. A. Denissen, and Mitja D. Back is now published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Narcissism and romantic relationships: The differential impact of narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry." pdf supplemental
With 2 chaired symposia, 2 talks and 3 poster presentations our work group contributed to the 18th Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology in San Antonio, USA.
New paper by Violetta Khoreva, Vlad Vaiman, and Maarten H.W. Van Zalk is now published in the Employee Relations: "Talent management practice effectiveness: investigating employee perspective."
New paper by Violetta Khoreva and Maarten H.W. Van Zalk is now published in the Career Development International: "Antecedents of work engagement among high potential employees."
New Chapter by Mitja Back and Steffen Nestler on "Dual-process approaches to personality" is now published In R. Deutsch, B. Gawronski,& W. Hofmann (Eds), Reflective and impulsive determinants of human behavior (pp. 137-154). New York, NY: Routledge. pdf
New paper by Ralf Wölfer, Maarten H.W. van Zalk, Katharina Schmid and Miles Hewstone is now published in the Child Development: "Developmental Dynamics of Intergroup Contact and Intergroup Attitudes: Long-Term Effects in Adolescence and Early Adulthood." pdf
New paper by Sarah Humberg, Michael Dufner, Felix Schönbrodt, Katharina Geukes, Roos Hutteman, Maarten van Zalk, Jaap Denissen, Steffen Nestler and Mitja Back is now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Enhanced versus simply positive: A new condition-based regression analysis to disentangle effects of self-enhancement from effects of positivity of self-view". pdf osf preprint supplemental materials
New paper by Sascha Krause Mitja D. Back, Boris Egloff, and Stefan C. Schmukle is now published in the European Journal of Personality: "Predicting self-confident behavior with implicit and explicit self-esteem measures." pdf OSF-page with open data, reproducible scripts, open material and supplementary analyses
New paper by Michael Grosz, Wilco Emons, Eunike Wetzel, Marius leckelt, William Chopik, Norman Rose, and Mitja Back is now in press in Assessment: "A comparison of unidimensionality and measurement precision of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire" pdf
New paper by Marius Leckelt and colleagues is now in press in Psychological Assessment: "Validation of the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire short scale (NARQ-S) in convenience and representative samples" pdf
Dr. Katharina Geukes successfully completed the WWU mentoring program "Erstklassig!" - an 18-month scholarship, involving professional and peer mentoring, networking, research/practice-transfer events, as well as customized intensive trainings, for excellent postdoctoral researchers on their way to their first professorship
Foto: WWU - Peter Grewer
Marius Leckelt has been interviewed for an article in the "Hallo Münster" on Donald Trump, American culture, and narcissism.
Marius Leckelt has been interviewed for an article in the "Die Welt" on Donald Trump and narcissism.
Prof. Dr. Mitja Back is supported by a grant of the German Academic Exchange Service for the renewal of a guest professorship "Applied Statistics and Network Analysis“ (Dr. Maarten van Zalk; 04/2017-03/2018).
New paper by Katharina Geukes, Felix D. Schönbrodt, Till Utesch, Sebastian Geukes and Mitja D. Back is now in press in the Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie: "Wege aus der Vertrauenskrise – Individuelle Schritte hin zu verlässlicher und offener Forschung" [Ways out of the crisis of confidence – Individual steps towards reliable and open science] osf preprint pdf
New paper by Katharina Geukes, Maarten H. W. van Zalk and Mitja D. Back is now in press in the International Journal of Behavioral Development: "Understanding Personality Development: An Integrative State Process Model" pdf
With 2 chaired symposia and 10 talks our working unit made a strong contribution to the 50th Congress of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) in Leipzig.
New paper by Steffen Nestler, Katharina Geukes, Roos Hutteman, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in Psychometrika: "Tackling longitudinal round-robin data: A Social Relations Growth Model." pdf
New paper by Sascha Krause Mitja D. Back, Boris Egloff, and Stefan C. Schmukle is now in press in the European Journal of Personality: "Predicting self-confident behavior with implicit and explicit self-esteem measures." pdf supplement
Our research on narcissism and its links to socio-economic conditions during emerging adulthood has been featured in an article by the Association for Psychological Science.
New paper by Eunike Wetzel, Marius Leckelt, Tanja Gerlach, and Mitja D. Back is now published in the European Journal of Personality: "Distinguishing subgroups of narcissists with latent class analysis." pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler, Marius Leckelt, Mitja D. Back, Ina von der Beck, Ulrike Cress, and Aileen Oeberst is now in press in Psychologische Rundschau: "Produktion von naturwissenschaftlichen Informationen im Internet am Beispiel von Wikipedia." pdf
On the 18th European Conference on Personality in Timisoara (Romania) Caroline Wahle received the first prize of the Poster award of the European Association of Personality Psychology (Title: Appearing smart, confident and motivated: A lens model approach to teachers’ judgment accuracy co-authors; Mitja D. Back, Steffen Nestler, Johanna Pretsch, Friedrich-Wilhelm Schrader, Anna-Katharina Praetorius, and Katrin Hochdörffer). Congratulations! Poster
With 3 chaired symposia, 11 talks, and 2 poster presentations our work group made a strong contribution to the 18th European Conference on Personality in Timisoara (Romania).
Mitja Back is appointed Editor of the European Journal of Personality.
New paper by Stefanie N. Wurst, Tanja M. Gerlach, Michael Dufner, John F. Rauthmann, Michael P. Grosz, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, Jaap J. A. Denissen, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Narcissism and romantic relationships: The differential impact of narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry." pdf supplemental
New paper by Eunike Wetzel, Marius Leckelt, Tanja Gerlach, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in the European Journal of Personality: "Distinguishing subgroups of narcissists with latent class analysis." pdf
New paper by Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler, Roos Hutteman, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in the Journal of Research in Personality: "Trait Personality and State Variability: Predicting Individual Differences in Within- and Cross-Context Fluctuations in Affect, Self-Evaluations, and Behavior in Everyday Life." pdf OSF
Sarah Humberg and Stefanie Wurst received scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to attend the European Conference on Personality 18 in Timisoara, Romania.
With a talk and a workshop on Open Science Katharina Geukes and Sarah Humberg made a strong contribution to the 48th ASP-Tagung "Spitzenleistungen und Sportpsychologie: Der Weg zu Olympia" in Münster, Germany (May 5 - 7, 2016)
Marius Leckelt received a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for research stay with Dr Jason Rentfrow at the University of Cambridge.
Marius Leckelt received a scholarship from the European Association for Personality Psychology to attend the European Conference on Personality 18 in Timisoara, Romania.
Our research on romantic relationships is featured in the recent issue of Semesterspiegel. pdf
New paper by Katharina Geukes, Steffen Nestler, Roos Hutteman, Michael Dufner, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, Boris Egloff, Jaap J. A. Denissen, and Mitja D. Back is now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Puffed up but shaky selves: State self-esteem level and variability in narcissists." pdf
New entry on "Interpersonal Attraction" by Stefanie Wurst and Mitja Back in the Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development is now in press.
New paper by Carolyn C. Morf, Eva Schürch, Albrecht Küfner, Philip Siegrist, Aline Vater, Mitja Back, Robert Mestel, and Michela Schröder-Abé is in press in the Assessment: "Expanding the Nomological Net of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory: German Validation and Extension in a Clinical Inpatient Sample." pdf
Steffen Nestler received the PsyEval's award for giving the best lecture of the past semester as well as a special award for receiving this prize three times in a row - congratulations!
Mitja Back chaired three Data Blitz sessions at the 17th Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology in San Diego, USA
Steffen Nestler has received and accepted an offer of a professorship for Psychological Methods from the University of Leipzig. Congratulations!
New paper by Steffen Nestler, Meinald Thielsch, Elena Vasilev, and Mitja back is now published in the International Journal of Internet Science: "Will they stay or will they go? Personality predictors of dropout in an online study." pdf
Meeting "Judgment Accuracy: Basics and Applications"
Judging others is a widespread phenomenon in plenty of different contexts in daily life. Doctors and therapists consider symptoms of patients and judge on critical diseases and disorders, managers judge the aptitude of applicants for a job, teachers judge student’s achievements deciding about graduation and each and every one of us judges others in everyday life regarding their behavior, appearance or traits. In this small scientific meeting international experts will present basics and latest insights on the science of judgment accuracy and discuss a wide range of practical implications.
When? 15. / 16. January 2016
Where? Psychological Department in Münster (Fliednerstraße 21)
For more information, please visit the following Website or view the pdf
Marius Leckelt has been interviewed for an article in the Welt am Sonntag on "The Dark Triad: Why ruthless people get ahead"
Steffen Nestler and Mitja Back have contributed to the latest Brunswik Society Newsletter: "Cross-Classified Structural Equation Models for the Analysis of Lens Model Data". pdf
Maarten van Zalks work together with Miles Hewstone on social networks and intergroup contact is covered in a recent feature on BBC Radio 4 and a recent article in "The Guardian"
Prof. Dr. Mitja Back is supported by a grant of the German Academic Exchange Service for the implementation of a guest professorship "Applied Statistics and Network Analysis“ bewilligt (Dr. Maarten van Zalk; 04/2016-03/2017).
New paper by Marius Leckelt, Mitja D. Back, Joshua D. Foster, Roos Hutteman, Garrett Jaeger, Jessica McCain, Jean M. Twenge, and W. Keith Campbell is in press in the Journal of Research in Personality: "Entering adulthood in a recession tempers later narcissism – But only in men".
Maarten van Zalk was awarded the Newton International Fellowship by the British Academy. The Newton International Fellowship was established in 2008 to select the very best early career researchers across the following disciplines: Physical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. The fellowship covers a total of £48.000.
Chapter by Ina von der Beck, Aileen Oeberst, UIlrike Cress, Mitja Back, and Steffen Nestler is now published in T. Wozniak, U. Rohwedder & J., Nemitz (Hrsg.), Wikipedia und Geschichtswissenschaft : "Hätte die Geschichte auch anders verlaufen können? Der Rückschaufehler zu Ereignissen in Wikipedia." pdf
2 Papers by Steffen Nestler are now published in Structural Equation Modeling : "A specification error test that uses instrumental variables to detect latent quadratic and latent interaction effects. Structural Equation Modeling." and "Using Instrumental Variables to Estimate the Parameters in Unconditional and Conditional Second-Order Latent Growth Models" pdf1 & pdf2
Paper by Marius Leckelt, Albrecht Küfner, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back is now published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Behavioral processes underlying the decline of narcissists’ popularity over time". pdf
Paper by Nicole Lawless DesJardins, Sanjay Srivastava, Albrecht Küfner, and Mitja Back is now published in Social Psychological and Personality Science: "Who Attains Status? Similarities and Differences Across Social Contexts". pdf
Paper by Carolin Thielsch, Thomas Ehring, Steffen Nestler, Janina Wolters, Ina Kopei, Fred Rist, Alexander L. Gerlach, and Tanja Andor is now published in Journal of Anxiety Disorders : "Metacognitions, worry and sleep in everyday life: Studying bidirectional pathways using Ecological Momentary Assessment in GAD patients" pdf
Paper by Michael Grosz, Michael Dufner, Mitja Back, and Jaap Denissen is now published in the Journal of Research in Personality : "Who is open to a narcissistic romantic partner? The roles of sensation seeking, trait anxiety, and similarity." pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler and Mitja Back is in press in Psychometrika: " Using cross-classified structural equations models to examine the accuracy of personality judgments ". pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler is in press in Psychometrika: " Restricted maximum likelihood estimation for parameters of the social relations model ". pdf
New Chapter by Mitja Back and Steffen Nestler on "Dual Process Approaches to Personality" is now in press in Deutsch, R., Gawronski, B., & Hofmann, W. (Eds.) (in preparation). Reflective and impulsive determinants of human behavior. New York: Psychology Press.
Our research on narcissism is featured in the recent issue of Gehirn & Geist
Our research on narcissism and popularity is covered in a recent article in Scientific American
Our research on the "Reception and production of scientific information in Wikipedia" is featured in a press release of the University of Münster
With a keynote, 12 talks, and 3 chaired symposia our work group made a strong contribution to the 13th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society inMainz.
Simon Mota received the prize for the best masters thesis of the
section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society. Congratulations! (also see http://www.pearsonassessment.de/blog/)
Our research on narcissism was mentioned in a recent article in the New York Times
Mitja Back was invited to remain on the Editorial Board of Social Psychological and Personality Science.
A new chapter featuring our research on personality development in the context of international mobility is now in press: Zimmermann, J., Hutteman, R., Nestler, S., Neyer, F. J., & Back, M. D.(2015). Und wenn Sie zurückkommen, sind Sie plötzlich erwachsen? Auslandserfahrungen als Kontext der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. In Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. (Ed.), Forum Jugendarbeit International (pp. 203-213). Bonn: IJAB-Verlag.
New Chapter by Mitja Back and Steffen Nestler on "Accuracy of Judging personality" is now in press J. A. Hall, M., Schmid Mast, & T. V., West (Eds.). The social psychology of perceiving others accurately. Cambridge University Press.
Two new chapters featuring our research on biases in wikipedia are now in press: (1) Oeberst, A., Cress, U., Back, M. D., & Nestler, S. (in press). Individual versus collaborative information processing: The case of biases in Wikipedia. In U. Cress, H. Jeong, & J. Moskaliuk (Eds.), Mass collaboration and Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. and (2) von der Beck, I., Oeberst, A., Cress, U., Back, M. D., & Nestler, S. (im Druck). Hätte die Geschichte auch anders verlaufen können? Der Rückschaufehler zu Ereignissen in Wikipedia. In T. Wozniak, U. Rohwedder & J., Nemitz (Hrsg.), Wikipedia und Geschichtswissenschaft. Oldenbourg: DeGruyter.
Steffen Nestler received the PsyEval's award for giving the best lecture of the past semester - congratulations!
In the newest issue of wissen.leben Mitja Back comments on the boundaries of happiness. pdf
Mitja Back is appointed Editor of the new open access journal Collabra.
With 2 chaired symposia, 2 talks and a poster presentation our work group contributed to the 4th Biennial Meeting of the Association of Research in Personality in St. Louis, USA.
New paper by Marc Allroggen, Mitja Back, and Paul Plener is in press in the Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie: "Kinder an die Macht? – Machiavellismus im Kindes- und Jugendalter [Power to the children? – Machiavellianism in children and adolescents]". pdf
Joscha Stecker is supported by a grant (5000 €) of the University of Münster for the research project "Developing a cooperation between the University of British Columbia (Vancouver) and the University of Münster and organize an interdisciplinary conference on accurate judgments".
New paper by Marius Leckelt, Albrecht Küfner, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back is in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Behavioral processes underlying the decline of narcissists’ popularity over time". pdf
New paper by Michael Grosz, Michael Dufner, Mitja Back, and Jaap Denissen in press in the Journal of Research in Personality : "Who is open to a narcissistic romantic partner? The roles of sensation seeking, trait anxiety, and similarity." pdf
Katharina Geukes received a scholarship for the University of Münster's 'Erstklassig!' mentoring programme for outstanding postdoctoral reseachers - congratulations!
New paper by Maarten van Zalk and Jaap Denissen is in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Idiosyncratic Versus Social Consensus Approaches to Personality: Self-View, Perceived, and Peer-View Similarity." pdf
Paper by Roos Hutteman, Steffen Nestler, Jenny Wagner, Boris Egloff and Mitja Back is now published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Wherever I may roam: Processes of self-esteem development from adolescence to emerging adulthood in the context of international student exchange". pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler, Kevin Grimm and Felix Schönbrodt is now published in the European Journal of Personality: " The social consequences and mechanisms of personality: How to analyze longitudinal data from individual, dyadic, round-robin, and network designs". pdf
New paper by Mitja Back and Simine Vazire is now published in the European Journal of Personality: "The Social Consequences of Personality: Six Suggestions for Future Research". pdf
A Special issue on "The social consequences of personality" edited by Mitja Back is now published in the European Journal of Personality pdf Editorial pdf complete issue
Mitja Back has been elected as a member of the 2016 Program Committee of the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology and as a Program Committee Co-Chair of the 2017 annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Our work on social interaction, self- and other perception and narcissism is featured in the recent issue of ZEIT Wissen. pdf
Our work on Narcissism and I-Talk is featured in a recent article in Die Glocke. pdf
Our work on Narcissism and I-Talk is featured in a recent article in DER SPIEGEL pdf.
New WWU press release features our research on narcissism and "I"-talk. Our latest publication on this issue can be found here ("Narcissism and the Use of Personal Pronouns Revisited"): pdf
Our research on narcissism is featured in a recent article in Scientific American.
Paper by Michael Dufner, Boris Egloff, Christoph Hausmann, Lisa-Maria Wendland, Franz Neyer, and Mitja Back is now published in Social Psychological and Personality Science: "Narcissistic Tendencies among Actors: Craving for Admiration, but not at the Cost of Others". pdf
Our work on Narcissism and I-Talk is covered in a press release of the American Psychological Association: pdf
A peer-commentary by Katharina Geukes and Mitja D. Back on a Target Article on "Contextualized Personality, beyond Personality Traits" by William L. Dunlop is now in press: „Beyond Cross-Role Self-Concepts: Contextualized Personality in Action“ (European Journal of Personality). pdf
Our team is organizing this semesters colloquium of the Department of Psychology. Check out the schedule here.
Paper by Angela L. Carey, Melanie Brucks, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, Nicholas S. Holtzman, Fenne große Deters, Mitja D. Back, M. Brent Donnellan, James W. Pennebaker, Matthias R. Mehl is now published online in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Narcissism and the Use of Personal Pronouns Revisited". pdf
Paper by Sarah Hirschmüller, Boris Egloff, and Stefan Schmukle, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back now published in the Journal of Personality: "Accurate Judgments of Neuroticism at Zero Acquaintance: A Question of Relevance". pdf
Paper by Albrecht Küfner, Michael Dufner and Mitja Back now published in Diagnostica: "Das Dreckige Dutzend und die Niederträchtigen Neun – Kurzskalen zur Erfassung von Narzissmus, Machiavellismus und Psychopathie. [The Dirty Dozen and the Naughty Nine - Short scales for the assessment of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy.]" pdf (a brief documentation of the Dirty Dozen scales can be found here)
Book chapter on "Choking under pressure: A review of current debates, literature, and interventions." by Chris Mesagno, Katharina Geukes and Paul Larkin is now published in S.D. Mellalieu & S. Hanton (Eds.). Contemporary advances in sport psychology: A review (pp. 148-174). New York: Routledge. pdf
With 2 talks and 3 poster presentations our work group contributed to the 16th Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Long Beach, USA, and the 1st International Convention of Psychological Science in Amsterdam, NL.
New paper by Nicole Lawless DesJardins, Sanjay Srivastava, Albrecht Küfner, and Mitja Back in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: "Who Attains Status? Similarities and Differences Across Social Contexts". pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler, Kevin Grimm and Felix Schönbrodt is now in press in the European Journal of Personality: " The social consequences and mechanisms of personality: How to analyze longitudinal data from individual, dyadic, round-robin, and network designs". pdf
Our research on narcissism in actors is featured in a recent article in Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell.
Steffen Nestler received the PsyEval's award for giving the best lecture of the past semester - congratulations!
Our research on international exchange experiences and the development of self-esteem is featured in a recent article in Die Glocke. pdf
New WWU press release features our research on narcissism in actors. Our latest publications on this issue can be found here ("Narcissistic Tendencies among Actors: Craving for Admiration, but not at the Cost of Others". pdf
New research assistant position is available - see announcement.
Dr. Steffen Nestler and Prof. Dr. Mitja Back are supported by a grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project „Understanding and enhancing the accuracy of self- and meta-judgments of personality: An integrative lens model approach”.
Sarah Hirschmüller, Boris Egloff, Stefan Schmukle, Steffen Nestler and Mitja Back have contributed to the latest Brunswik Society Newsletter: "A Lens Model Approach to Accurate Personality Judgments: The Case of Neuroticism and Situational Relevance" (pp. 27-29). pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler is now in press in Structural Equation Modeling: "A specification error test that uses instrumental variables to detect latent quadratic and latent interaction effects." pdf
Our research on online communication and friendship is featured in the latest issues of the ECHO newspapers (online version, print version pdf).
New paper by Michael Dufner, Boris Egloff, Christoph Hausmann, Lisa-Maria Wendland, Franz Neyer, and Mitja Back is now in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: "Narcissistic Tendencies among Actors: Craving for Admiration, but not at the Cost of Others". pdf
New paper by Angela L. Carey, Melanie Brucks, Albrecht C. P. Küfner, Nicholas S. Holtzman, Fenne große Deters, Mitja D. Back, M. Brent Donnellan, James W. Pennebaker, Matthias R. Mehl is now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Narcissism and the Use of Personal Pronouns Revisited". pdf
Our research on narcissism is covered in the latest issue of Personalquarterly.
With a chaired symposium and 12 talks our work group made a strong contribution to the 49th Congress of the German Psychological Society in Bochum from September 21 to September 25 2014.
Mitja Back has declined offers of a professorship for Personality Psychology at the Humboldt University Berlin and of a professorship for Psychological Assessment, Differential and Personality Psychology at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel and accepted the offer from the University of Münster.
Our research on international exchange experiences and the development of self-esteem is featured in a recent article in the Westfälische Nachrichten, the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung and Bild der Wissenschaft.
Our research on international exchange experiences and the development of self-esteem is featured in a recent article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
New WWU press release features our research project on international exchange experiences and the development of self-esteem. Our latest publications on this issue can be found here (Wherever I may roam: Processes of self-esteem development from adolescence to emerging adulthood in the context of international student exchange).
On the 17th European Conference on Personality in Lausanne (Switzerland) Sarah Humberg received the first prize of the Poster award of the European Association of Personality Psychology. Congratulations! Poster
With 2 chaired symposia, 7 talks and a poster presentation our work group makes a strong contribution to the 17th European Conference on Personality in Lausanne (Switzerland) from July 15 to July 19 2014.
Katharina Geukes received the PsyEval's Newcomer Award for being voted best new lecturer of the past semester - congratulations!
New paper by Roos Hutteman, Steffen Nestler, Jenny Wagner, Boris Egloff and Mitja Back is now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Wherever I may roam: Processes of self-esteem development from adolescence to emerging adulthood in the context of international student exchange". pdf
Paper by Sascha Krause, Mitja Back, Boris Egloff, and Stefan Schmukle now published in Social Psychological and Personality Science: "Implicit interpersonal attraction in small groups: Automatically activated evaluations predict actual behavior toward social partners". pdf
Mitja Back has received an offer of a professorship for Personality Psychology at the Humboldt University Berlin and offer of a professorship for Psychological Assessment, Differential and Personality Psychology at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel.
With a talk on "Perfectionism, performance, and performance-variability under pressure" Katharina Geukes contributes to the 'Performing under Pressure - International and Interdisciplinary Symposium: 46th Annual ASP-Meeting (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie) and Art in Motion 2014' in Munich.
Our research on narcissism is covered in a radio feature for WDR5 - Leonardo (starting at 31:50).
This semester's "HiWi"-award was presented to Katharina Geukes - congratulations!
Our research on friendship is featured in the latest issues of the tageszeitung (taz) and the Apothekenumschau.
Our research project on the Reception and production of scientific information in Wikipedia is featured by terra digitalis an online platform of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in the context of the Science Year 2014 "The Digital Society".
Paper by Steffen Nestler is now published in the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology: How the 2SLS/IV estimator can handle equality constraints in structural equation models: A system-of-equations approach. pdf
In the newest issue of wissen.leben Mitja Back comments on personality, online communication and dating-processes in the context of spotted.de
New paper by Aileen Oeberst, Ina von der Beck, and Steffen Nestler is now in press in Cognitive Processing: "Reading about explanations enhances perceptions of inevitability and foreseeability: a cross-cultural study with Wikipedia articles". pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler is now in press in Structural Equation Modeling: "Using Instrumental Variables to Estimate the Parameters in Unconditional and Conditional Second-Order Latent Growth Models". pdf
New paper by Sarah Hirschmüller, Boris Egloff, and Stefan Schmukle, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back now in press in the Journal of Personality: "Accurate Judgments of Neuroticism at Zero Acquaintance: A Question of Relevance". pdf
With 3 talks, 3 poster presentations and a chaired symposium our work group made a strong contribution to the 15th Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Austin, USA.
Paper by Juliane Stopfer, Boris Egloff, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back is now published in the European Journal of Personality: Personality Expression and Impression Formation in Online Social Networks: An Integrative Approach to Understanding the Processes of Accuracy, Impression Management, and Meta-Accuracy. pdf (Supplemental Online Material can be found here).
Our research on first impressions is featured in the latest issue of PM - Welt des Wissens. pdf
New paper by Albrecht Küfner, Michael Dufner and Mitja Back now in press in Diagnostica: "Das Dreckige Dutzend und die Niederträchtigen Neun – Kurzskalen zur Erfassung von Narzissmus, Machiavellismus und Psychopathie. [The Dirty Dozen and the Naughty Nine - Short scales for the assessment of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy.] pdf (a brief documentation of the Dirty Dozen scales can be found here)
Our research on friendship is featured in the latest issue of 20minuten.
Katharina Geukes started as a research assistant in our lab – welcome!
Juliane Stopfer, Boris Egloff, Steffen Nestler and Mitja Back have contributed to the latest Brunswik Society Newsletter: "Using lens model analysis to understand impression formation in online social networks" (pp. 48-50). pdf
Our research on zero acquaintance judgments and the lens model is featured in the latest issue of the Observer (Association for Psychological science) link.
Paper by Mitja Back, Albrecht Küfner, Michael Dufner, Tanja Gerlach, John Rauthmann, and Jaap Denissen is now published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Narcissistic admiration and rivalry: Disentangling the bright and dark sides of narcissism. pdf (brief documentations of different versions of the NARQ can be found here.
Marius Leckelt started as a research assistant in our lab – welcome!
Our research on personality expressions and interpersonal perceptions in Online Social networks is featured in the latest issue of the InternetMagazin.
Albrecht Küfner spoke about our research on narcissism in a TV-documentary on einsfestival.
New paper by Sascha Krause, Mitja Back, Boris Egloff, and Stefan Schmukle now in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: "Implicit interpersonal attraction in small groups: Automatically activated evaluations predict actual behavior toward social partners" pdf
Paper by Steffen Nestler and Mitja Back is now published in Current Directions of Psychological Science: “Applications and extensions of the lens model to understand interpersonal judgments at zero acquaintance”. pdf
With a keynote, 4 talks, and 2 chaired symposium our work group made a strong contribution to the 12th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society in Greifswald.
Our research on narcissism is featured in the latest issue of the Westfälische Nachrichten.
Our research on narcissism is discussed in the latest issue of SPIEGEL WISSEN and also covered in SPIEGEL ONLINE.
new WWU press release features our ongoing research projects on narcissism. Our latest publications on this issue can be found here (Narcissistic admiration and rivalry: Disentangling the bright and dark sides of narcissism) and here (The two pathways to being an (un-)popular narcissist). Our 2010 paper on first impressions of narcissists can be found here.
new WWU press release (English version, German version) features our ongoing research projects about personality expression and impression formation in Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as Facebook. Our latest publications on this issue can be found here (personality and popularity in OSNs) and here (accuracy, impression management, and meta-accuracy in OSNs). Our 2010 paper on accurate personality impressions in Facebook can be found here.
Juliane Stopfer started her new job as a PostDoc in the Lab of Lars Penke at the University of Göttingen.
Our research on narcissism is featured in the latest issue of the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ).
New paper by Steffen Nestler now in press in the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology: “How the 2SLS/IV Estimator Can Handle Equality Constraints in Structural Equation Models: A System-of-Equations Approach”. pdf
Our research on friendship and facebook is featured in the Kölner Stadtanzeiger.
Dr. Steffen Nestler and Prof. Dr. Mitja Back are supported by a grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project “Reception and production of scientific information in Wikipedia: The influence of hindsight bias and social categorization” within the Special Priority Program Science and the Public.
With 2 talks, 2 poster presentations and 2 chaired symposia our work group made a strong contribution to the 3rd Biennial Meeting of the Association of Research in Personality in Charlotte, USA.
Paper by Juliane Stopfer, Boris Egloff, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back is now published in the Journal of Research in Personality: “Being popular in online social networks: How agentic, communal, and creativity traits relate to judgments of status and liking”. pdf
New paper by Juliane Stopfer, Boris Egloff, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back now in press in the European Journal of Personality: Personality Expression and Impression Formation in Online Social Networks: An Integrative Approach to Understanding the Processes of Accuracy, Impression Management, and Meta-Accuracy.pdf (Supplemental Online Material can be found here).
Our research on friendship and facebook is featured in the lates issue of the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung".pdf
Our PERSOC framework for understanding the dynamic interplay of personality and social relationships was featured as Editor's Choice in the June Issue of the APS Global Observer.
Our research on friendship is featured in latest issues of Brigitte and Women's health.
New paper by Mitja Back, Albrecht Küfner, Michael Dufner, Tanja Gerlach, John Rauthmann, and Jaap Denissen now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Narcissistic admiration and rivalry: Disentangling the bright and dark sides of narcissism.pdf (brief documentations of different versions of the NARQ can be found here)
New paper by Juliane Stopfer, Boris Egloff, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back now in press in the Journal of Research in Personality: “Being popular in online social networks: How agentic, communal, and creativity traits relate to judgments of status and liking”.pdf
New paper by Roos Hutteman, Wiebke Bleidorn, G. Keresteš, I. Brković, A. Butković, & J. J. A. Denissen now in press in the European Journal of Personality: "Reciprocal associations between parenting challenges and parents’ personality development in young and middle adulthood."pdf
Our research on friendship is featured in the latest issue of EMOTION.
Mitja Back was invited to join the Program Committee for the 2014 SPSP (Society for Personality and Social Psychology) conference in Austin, TX.
Our research on friendship is featured in the latest issue of ZEIT Wissen (p. 74).
Stefanie Wurst started as a research assistant in our lab – welcome!
Paper by Albrecht Küfner, Steffen Nestler and Mitja Back is now published in the Journal of Personality – “The Two Pathways to Being an (Un-)Popular Narcissist."pdf
With a presentation and 2 posters our workgroup contributed to the General Online Research 2013 in Mannheim.
Meinald Thielsch has been chosen as alternate member (1st successor) for the board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (DGOF).
New paper by Uwe Kanning, Fred Rist, Stefan Schmukle, and Meinald Thielsch, is now published in Skeptiker – “Mythen der Alltagspsychologie - Was wissen Laien über (vermeintliche) Forschungsergebnisse?” (1/2013, p. 10-15)
With three presentations our workgroup contributed to the 1st World Conference on Personality (Stellenbosch, South Africa).
Mitja Back was invited to join the Editorial Board of the Journal of Research in Personality.
Paper by Steffen Nestler and Boris Egloff is now published in Social Psychology – “The stigma of being overweight: When attributions to discrimination do and do not protect performance self-esteem."pdf
Paper by Steffen Nestler is now published in the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology – “A Monte Carlo study comparing PIV, ULS, and DWLS in the estimation of dichotomous confirmatory factor analysis."pdf
Our seminars on psychological examination were the best evaluated courses of the last semester.
Our research on friendship is featured on jetzt.de (Süddeutsche Zeitung).
Albrecht Küfner gave an invited talk ("Personality, interpersonal perceptions and social relationships") and a lecture on narcissism at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen. The teaching programme was funded by ERASMUS Staff mobility.
Book chapter on “Online social networks in the work context” by Juliane Stopfer and Sam Gosling is now published in D. Derks & A. Bakker (Eds.), The Psychology of Digital Media at Work (pp. 39-59). Hove: Psychology Press.
Paper by Sarah Hirschmüller, Boris Egloff, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back, is now published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – “The dual lens model: A comprehensive framework for understanding self-other agreement of personalty judgments at zero acquaintance” pdf
Mitja Back was invited to remain on the Editorial Board of Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Steffen Nestler and Mitja Back have contributed to the latest Brunswik Society Newsletter: "Applications and extensions of lens model analyses in personality psychology" (p. 32-34)pdf
New paper by Steffen Nestler and Mitja Back now in press in Current Directions of Psychological Science: "Applications and extensions of the lens model to understand interpersonal judgments at zero acquaintance"pdf
Roos Hutteman has successfully passed her doctoral examination. Congratulations!
Mitja Back gave an invited talk at the Department of Psychology, Bergische Universität Wuppertal: "From partner preferences to romantic relationships: Unfolding the dating black box".
On October 17th, the habilitation process was opened for Meinald Thielsch to obtain the venia legendi for the field Psychology.
New paper by Uwe Kanning, Meinald Thielsch, Lisa Träumer, and Torsten Brandenburg now published in Report Psychologie: "Gaudeamus igitur? – Das Psychologiestudium aus der Sicht von Berufspraktikern."
Juliane Stopfer and Roos Hutteman started as research assistants in our lab - welcome!
Prof. Dr. Mitja Back is appointed Associate Editor of the European Journal of Personality (official starting period 1 January 2013).
With 7 talks, 2 poster presentations and 2 chaired symposia our work group made a strong contribution to the 48th Congress of the German Psychological Society in Bielefeld.
Dr. Juliane Stopfer and Dr. Albrecht Küfner have now officially received their doctoral degree and are appointed as postdoctoral researchers at our department. Congratulations!
Best paper award (MuC Forschungspreis) for Meinald Thielsch and Rafael Jaron (Nordlight Research) in Konstanz at the Mensch & Computer 2012 conference. WWU press release center.tv interview
New paper by Sarah Hirschmüller, Boris Egloff, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back, now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "The Dual Lens Model: A Comprehensive Framework for Understanding Self-Other Agreement of Personality Judgments at Zero Acquaintance" pdf
Juliane Stopfer and Albrecht Küfner have successfully passed their doctoral examination. Congratulations!
New paper by Roos Hutteman, Wiebke Bleidorn, Lars Penke, and Jaap Denissen, now in press in Journal of Personality: "It takes two: A longitudinal dyadic study on predictors of fertility outcomes" pdf
With 5 talks our workgroup made a strong contribution to the 16th European Conference on Personality in Trieste. Moreover, we chaired 3 symposia: Albrecht Küfner chaired a symposium together with Michaela Schröder-Abé, titled "The Social Life of a Narcissist: Intra- and interpersonal processes", and Mitja Back chaired a symposium together with Chris Nave titled "How personality can be a truly behavioral science" as well as an invited symposium on "Self-knowledge" together with Simine Vazire.
Paper by Felix Schönbrodt, Mitja Back, and Stefan Schmukle that describes a new R package for social relations analyses (TripleR) is now published in Behavior Research Methods - "TripleR: An R package for social relations analyses based on round robin designs" pdf
Our research on the accuracy of self- and other perceptions of personality is featured in the June issue of " ZEIT Wissen Magazin " (S. 60 ff)
New paper by Olga Bechler and Meinald Thielsch, now in press in Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung - "Schwierigkeiten bei der Vorbereitung auf schriftliche Prüfungen" pdf
Our research on friendship is featured in the June issue of "NEON"
our research on friendship was recently featured in the " Frankfurter Allgemeine Hochschulanzeiger" (pdf)
New paper by Steffen Nestler, Boris Egloff, Albrecht Küfner, and Mitja Back, now in press in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – “An integrative lens model approach to bias and accuracy in human inferences: Hindsight effects and knowledge updating in personality judgments” pdf
New paper by Morten Moshagen and Meinald Thielsch, now in press in Behaviour & Information Technology - "A short version of the visual aesthetics of websites inventory."pdf
Our research on personality and online social networks was covered in a recent article on cnn.com
New paper by Meinald Thielsch, Lisa Träumer, Leoni Pytlik, and Uwe Kanning, now published in the Journal of Business and Media Psychology - "Personalmarketing aus Bewerbersicht: Nutzung und Bewertung." pdf
New paper by Meinald Thielsch and Gerrit Hirschfeld, now in press in Ergonomics - "Spatial frequencies in aesthetic website evaluations – explaining how ultra-rapid evaluations are formed." pdf
new paper by Albrecht Küfner, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back now in press in the Journal of Personality – “The two pathways to being an (un-)popular narcissist” pdf
new paper by Meinald Thielsch, Lisa Träumer, and Leoni Pytlik, now published in Information Technology and Management - "E-Recruiting and fairness – the applicant’s point of view." pdf
new paper by Sascha Krause, Mitja Back, Boris Egloff und Stefan Schmukle now published in the European Journal of Psychological Assessment - „A new reliable and valid tool for measuring implicit self-esteem: The response-window affective priming task“ pdf
Prof. Dr. Mitja Back is appointed professor for psychological assessment and personality psychology as per April 1st, 2012
Best poster award for Meinald Thielsch and Rafael Jaron (Nordlight Research) at the General Online Research (GOR) 2012.
new paper by Meinald Thielsch and Isabel Perabo, now in press in Technical Communication - "Use and evaluation of presentation software. " pdf
Prof. Dr. Mitja Back has received the William-Stern-Preis for outstanding innovative work in the field of personality psychology of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Branch for Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment
Prof. Dr. Mitja Back, Prof. Dr. Boris Egloff and Dr. Steffen Nestler are supported by a grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project „The longitudinal course of narcissists’ reputations: A developmental social interaction approach”
A new paper by Niclas Kuper, Simon M. Breil, Kai T. Horstmann, Lena Roemer, Tanja Lischetzke, Ryne A. Sherman, Mitja D. Back, Jaap. A. Denissen, & John F. Rauthmann is now published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Individual differences in contingencies between situation characteristics and personality states. Publications
Our work on the personality of millionaires is featured in an interview in Capital.