
We are interested in the dynamic interplay of personality and social relationships.

Using a multimethodological approach to the measurement of individual differences (self- and peer reports, behavioral measures, indirect tests) and social interactions (laboratory tasks, experience sampling, online diaries, computer-mediated communication), we investigate how personality affects the initiation and maintenance of social relationships and how, in turn, social relationships feed back into the development of social identities. We are applying and developing state-of-the art statistical techniques to analyze the resulting complex data structures.

Latest projects, cover topics such as self-enhancement, the popularity, self-esteem and affective states of narcissists, the conceptualization, assessment, and development of social skills, the determinants and accuracy of interpersonal judgments, social interactions and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, personality and speed-dating, personality and the development of friendships and social status, behavioral, affective, and cognitive state variability, dynamic response surface analyses, the development of extraversion and self-esteem in social context, as well as perceived societal marginalization, conspiracy mentality and threat towards refugees.