BackLab Team
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Welcome to the lab of Prof. Dr. Mitja Back. My associates, students and I are interested in the interplay of personality and social relationships.

Our research focuses on how personality affects the initiation and maintenance of social relationships and how, in turn, social relationships feed back into the development of social identities. We are also developing methods to capture and analyze personality and social relationship dynamics.
Latest projects, cover topics such as self-enhancement, the popularity, self-esteem and affective states of narcissists, the conceptualization, assessment, and development of social skills, the determinants and accuracy of interpersonal judgments, social interactions and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, personality and speed-dating, personality and the development of friendships and social status, behavioral, affective, and cognitive state variability, methodological developments for testing discrepancy hypotheses (e.g., response surface analysis), the development of extraversion and self-esteem in social context, as well as perceived societal marginalization, conspiracy mentality and threat towards refugees.

In teaching, we provide a comprehensive B.Sc.- and M.Sc.-program in personality psychology and psychological assessment, including lectures and courses on psychodiagnostics, test theory, differential psychology, performance, ability and personality tests, test construction, and psychological examination.

PhD and PostDoc positions

Read this pdf for information about available PhD positions and this pdf for information about available PostDoc positions!
Also see: "Join us"


Read the pdf for information about available student assistant jobs!

Stellen für Forschungspraktika

Read the pdf for further information!

Latest news

See all our news entries here.

A new paper by Martina Bader, Lau Lilleholt, Christoph Schild, Benjamin E. Hilbig, Morten Moshagen and Ingo Zettler is now in press in "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology": Basic personality and actual criminal convictions. publications

A new paper by Sabrina Schneider, Sandy Sue Spormann, Carolyn Morf, Mitja Back, Andreas Mokros and Emanuel Jauk is now in press in "Psychological Assessment": The Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale: Updated and extended construct validation in community samples using a newly constructed German Version. publications

A new paper by Lukas Röseler, Hannah L. Bögler, Lisa Koßmann, Sabine M. Krueger, Sabrina L. C. Bickenbach, Ricarda Bühler, Jasmin della Guardia, Lisa-Marie A. Köppe, Jarl Möhring, Susanne Ponader, Konstantin Roßmaier and Jessica Sing is now published in "Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics": Need for Cognition, Cognitive Load, and Forewarning do not Moderate Anchoring Effects. A Replication Study of Epley & Gilovich (Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2005; Psychological Science, 2006). publications