ZIN activity report for 2018 now available online

The ZIN activity report 2018 is now available online. It provides an overview of sustainability-related publications by ZIN members and junior scholars in 2018, as well as information on sustainability-related research projects launched in the same year and addressing a range of sustainability-related issues. In addition, the report lists the numerous workshops and conferences to which the ZIN members contributed last year, as well as their courses on sustainability-related topics. Furthermore, it informs about ZIN events, including the interdisciplinary symposium “Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit. Hindernisse – Wege – Strategien" ("Transformation towards Sustainability. Obstacles - Paths - Strategies" )(October 2018, organised jointly with the Akademie Franz Hitze Haus).
In the final chapter, the report provides an overview of the media activities of ZIN members and junior scholars in the past year.
The ZIN activity report for 2018 is available here (German only).

Read more:
Click here for the ZIN Activity Report 2015 - 2017.
Click here for the ZIN Newsletter 01|2018.
Click here for the ZIN-Newsletter 02|2018.