ZIN newsletter and activity report online on own website
Since September 2018, the newly designed newsletter of the ZIN is online – on its own website! The newsletter gives an overview of the activities of the ZIN, its members and its staff. In the future, the newsletter will be published and updated twice a year.
In the first issue of 2018, the newsletter provides information on sustainability-related publications. In addition, events such as workshops, lectures and conferences are reported that have either been organized by members or staff or in which they have participated. Furthermore, the newsletter provides an overview of research projects and other activities such as media appearances, research stays, collaborations or appointments in committees and awards.
Together with the newsletter, the ZIN activity report is also available on the homepage. The first activity report was published in spring 2018 and provides an overview of the work of the ZIN in the years 2015 – 2017. After an explanatory introduction into the organization and tasks of the ZIN, an overview of sustainability-relevant research is given. The current research projects of ZIN members and members of staff revolve around the topics energy transition, sustainable consumption, climate policy as well as social aspects of sustainability. The report also provides information on publications, participation in conferences, lectures and courses relevant to sustainability. In addition, the cooperation and networking of the ZIN, its members and its members of staff with the city of Münster as well as national and international committees is presented. Finally, the report reflects the media presence of the ZIN and gives an outlook on upcoming projects.
The ZIN Newsletter and activity report is available here.