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is available on the following platforms: 

  •  Windows

    1. Citrix
      You can use TreePuzzle via the terminal server nwzCitrix.

    2. DFS
      You can open TreePuzzle on every computer of IVV Naturwissenschaften from the start menu and the biology folder.

  •  macOS

    To install software, please contact your IT administrator.

  •  Linux

    To install software, please contact your IT administrator.

TreePuzzle is a program for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from molecular sequence data using maximum likelihood. It implements a fast tree search algorithm, called "quartet puzzling," that allows analysis of large data sets and automatically assigns a support estimate to each internal branch. It also computes pairwise maximum likelihood distances as well as branch lengths for user-defined trees.

More information on TreePuzzle can be found here.

For installing software, please consult your local IT administrator.