Endnote X6

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is available for the following platforms:

  • Windows

    1. Citrix
      You can use Endnote via the terminal server nwzCitrix.
    2. SCCM
      For installing software, please consult your responsible IT administrator.

  • macOS

    For installing software, please consult your responsible IT administrator.

EndNote is a literature management program that allows online searching in databases (e.g. PubMed) and creating/managing literature databases. Information about various types of literature (books, articles, lectures, term papers, theses, etc.) can be collected, managed and stored. EndNote can also be linked to Apple Pages or Microsoft Word. In this way, sources can be added to the text within a document, which can then be automatically merged into a bibliography. It is also compatible with Citavi, for example.

More information on Endnote X6 can be found here.

For installing software, please consult your responsible IT administrator.