Command reference

In general all HTCondor commands are executed via a console window. The Morfeus Grid also provides a graphical user interface (Morfeus Console).

At this point we will only briefly explain the most important commands. For a quick introduction to using the Morfeus grid, first take a look at the introductory example. Further information can then be found in the short manual (German). A comprehensive official guide to HTCondor, which does not deal with the special features of the Morfeus grid, can be found here.

The most important commands

Befehl Kommentar
condor_status List of all current members of the HTCondor pool.
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condor_q You get the local queue of the currently used computer. In other words, you will see all jobs ordered on this specific computer.
If you want to see the global queue, you have to add -global to the command.
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condor_store_cred add Before you can submit a job, this command must be executed once. HTCondor must store your password locally for smooth operation. (Don't worry, it will be stored securely and encrypted, just as Windows does it.)
If you want to change your password, you must also notify HTCondor of this change. First execute "condor_store_cred delete" and then "condor_store_cred add" again.
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condor_submit job.sub With this command you can send jobs to the Morfeus Grid. But first you have to write a so called job description file (see below). If this is your first job, HTCondor will report an error if you have not yet stored your password on the machine (see condor_store_cred).
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condor_rm ID You can use this command to undo your own jobs from the queue. If you want to delete all your jobs from the queue write "condor_rm -all".
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condor_userprio -all -allusers This command queries the priority of all accounts registered with HTCondor. You can find out when your job is worked on. The higher the numerical value of the priority, the worse it is. The best priority is 0.5.
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condor_hold ID This command stops the job with the corresponding ID. The status of the job is then "Held" (H). The job can be released again with condor_release.
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condor_release ID This command releases the job with the corresponding ID if it remains in the status "Held" (H).
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