Student Advisory Service

Dr. Stephan Völlmicke talks with a student
© IfK | Julian Wortmann

You are not sure how best to plan your studies at the IfK? Do you have questions about exam administration? Would you like to have your academic achievements recognised? Do you need a certificate for the Bafög office? For these and similar questions, the staff of the IfK Service Office, Dr Stephan Völlmicke, (Room E 206 in the foyer of the IfK) will be happy to help you in person or by telephone during opening hours. (We ask for your understanding that email enquiries can only be processed during office hours.)

You can register for a counselling appointment via Learnweb. Prospective students and external students can register for consultation hours via the email address

  • Consultation hours and Student Advisory Service

    Dr. Stephan Völlmicke

    Room: E 206 in the E building (Foyer)
    Bispinghof 9-14
    D-48143 Münster

    Registration for consultation hours is possible online via Learnweb.
    Prospective students and external students can register for consultation hours via the email address

    Personal counselling takes place in person, by Zoom conference, by email or by telephone on the following dates after prior registration at Learnweb:
    Extension: + 49 251 83-23006

    The counselling times during the lecture period are

    • Mon 10:00 am – 12:00 am
    • Tue 13:00 pm – 15:00 pm (also telephone consultation)
    • Tue 13:00 pm – 15:00 pm
    • Thu 13:00 pm – 15:00 pm

    Counselling times during the lecture-free period:

    • Thu 13:00 pm – 15:00 pm

    To avoid overlaps and waiting times, please continue to book your appointments for consultation hours on Learnweb. Recognition of general studies, external modules and other exam credits is possible online via PDF/scan in consultation with the Examination Office. You can request certificates for the Bafög office and other certificates online or by telephone.

  • Recognition of General Studies and External module

    Please use the following templates for the recognition of study and exam credits within the framework of the General Studies and the external module. Please complete the forms for the recognition of external modules and general studies using Acrobat Reader (freeware, link to download). Forms filled out with the Safari browser or the Preview app (macOS) cannot be displayed correctly on the computers of the University of Münster.

    From WS 20/21 Exam regulations (V20)

    From exam regulations V20 onwards, external modules and General Studies can only be registered and deregistered via QISPOS. It is therefore no longer necessary or possible to have General Studies and external modules recognised by the Student Advisory Service using recognition forms. Please note that courses that were not registered via QISPOS can no longer be recognised retrospectively.

    From WS 15/16 Exam regulations (V15)

    The grade for the external module is recorded in QISPOS as a whole by the Examination Office. For examination regulations V15, this is based on a recognition issued by the IfK's academic advisor (for V20 this recognition is not required, see above). You can have this issued by email by submitting your certificates of achievement by email/scan, which show that you have earned all 20 credit points for the external module. Please provide a QISPOS printout to prove that you have already completed the external module in QISPOS.
    In addition to the recognition form you have completed yourself, please, also send us your certificates of achievement by email/PDF.

  • Certificate of compulsory internship

    Certificate of compulsory internship (interactive pdf)

    If you need a certificate of a compulsory internship for your internship provider, please fill out the PDF. Enter the address of the internship provider in the address field and fill in the remaining blank fields. Please sign the document and send it by email to

    Please fill out the forms using Acrobat Reader (freeware, link to download). Forms filled out with the Safari browser or the Preview app (macOS) cannot be displayed correctly on the computers of the University of Münster.

  • Doctoral Degree

    Important information on requirements, admission and procedures can be obtained from the Doctoral Examination Office

    Counselling by all professors of the department during their office hours. Please contact Mr Höwelhans (Tel: +49 251 83-24260) or Ms Schierenberg (Tel: +49 251 83-24261) for appointments during consultation hours.

    For information on the structured Doctoral programme at the Graduate School of Communication Science, please contact Mr Höwelhans (Tel: +49 251 83-24260)

  • Counselling for students with children

    Information on studying with children can be found on the website of the Equal Opportunity Office at the University of Münster.


  • Counselling for students with disabilities

    Dr. Stephan Völlmicke

    Room E 206
    Tel.: +49 251 83-23006

    Registration by email:

    By appointment

  • Founding a start-up

    The REACH – EUREGIO Start-up Centre of the University of Münster and the FH Münster advises students and academics in all phases of their start-up projects. Founders receive support with questions regarding the development of the start-up idea, strategy, finances, organisation, implementation and the acquisition of funding (e.g. EXIST or Start-up Transfer.NRW).

    Further information on the University Start-up Centre at Münster University: REACH – EUREGIO Start-up Centre

    Registration for an initial consultation:

  • Contact person for student complaints

    Dr. Katherine M. Engelke (currently on parental leave)

    Room E 217
    Tel.: +49 251 83-21264

    Registration by email:

    Consultation hours:
    By appointment

    Dr. Stephan Niemand

    Raum E 218
    Tel.: +49 251 83-24263

    Registration by email:

    Consultation hours:
    By appointment

    Students can contact the complaints office at department level if they have problems with the organisation and design of studies, teaching, examinations and study conditions.

  • Study programme coordinator

    Dr. Katherine M. Engelke (currently on parental leave)

    Room E 217
    Tel.: +49 251 83-21264

    Registration by email:

    Consultation hours:
    By appointment

    Dr. Stephan Niemand

    Raum E 218
    Tel.: +49 251 83-24263

    Registration by email:

    Consultation hours:
    By appointment