Mathematik und Informatik

Dr. Vladimir Molchanov, Institut für Informatik

Current PublicationsRave, Hennes; Molchanov, Vladimir; Linsen, Lars De-cluttering Scatterplots with Integral Images. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol. 0 (0), 2024 online
Rave, Hennes; Molchanov, Vladimir; Linsen, Lars Uniform Sample Distribution in Scatterplots via Sector-based Transformation. , 2024 online
Evers M, Herick M, Molchanov V, Linsen L Coherent Topological Landscapes for Simulation Ensembles. Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2022, pp 223-237 online
Rave, Hennes; Molchanov, Vladimir; Linsen, Lars Axes Bundling and Brushing in Star Coordinates. , 2021 online
Machicao* Jeaneth, Ngo* Quynh Quang, Molchanov Vladimir, Linsen Lars, Bruno Odemir A Visual Analysis Method of Randomness for Classifying and Ranking Pseudo-random Number Generators. Information Sciences Vol. *Equally contributing first authors, 2020 online
Jawad M, Molchanov V, Linsen L A Reproducibility Study for Visual MRSI Data Analytics. Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2020, pp 362-388 online
Herick M, Molchanov V, Linsen L Temporally Coherent Topological Landscapes for Time-varying Scalar Fields. Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications -- Volume 3: IVAPP, 2020, pp 54-61 online
Molchanov V, Linsen L Smooth Map Deformation Using Integral Images. Journal of WSCGJournal of WSCG Vol. 1-2, 2020, pp 18-26 online
Molchanov V, Hamid S, Linsen L Efficient Morphing of Shape-preserving Star Coordinates. 2020 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2020, pp 136-145 online
Current ProjectsTrustworthy Interactive Visual Exploration of Multidimensional Data Using Projections

Multidimensional data stemming from measurements, observations, and simulations are a significant source of new knowledge. The huge amount of data however, requires techniques such as dimensionality reduction and projection methods to enable more efficient exploration and analysis of multidimensional datasets. Data attributes may range on different scales, often depending on arbitrary measurement units. Therefore, data preprocessing and, in particular, data normalization is necessary prior to applying any dimensionality reduction method. Existing data normalization techniques usually assume certain data characteristics, e.g., obeying standard statistical models, or poorly scale as the data size increases. Improper normalization of raw data attributes may result in artificial misleading data structures (clusters, outliers, shapes, density hierarchies) in the lower-dimensional domain. We propose a research project aimed at developing efficient, scalable and generally applicable approaches for normalizing multidimensional data. New normalization techniques will be coupled with linear and non-linear projection methods. Then, data structures observed by the users in the projection domain reliably represent intrinsic features of the raw data. Optimization, analysis and interpretability of normalization coefficients when preprocessing time-varying and ensemble datasets are parts of the proposed techniques.

Phone+49 251 83-33753
FAX+49 251 83-33755
Room605 a
Secretary   Sekretariat Sichma
Frau Katharina Sichma
Telefon +49 251 83-32700
Fax +49 251 83-33755
Zimmer 604b
AddressDr. Vladimir Molchanov
Institut für Informatik
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster
Einsteinstrasse 62
48149 Münster
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