MINT-Mentoring-Porgramme at the FB 10

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (FB 10) offers a mentoring group to FLINTA (women lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people in German) students, who work on their master thesis in mathematics or computer science. A mentoring group consists of a female PhD student or postdoctoral researcher as a mentor and three students as mentees. During group meetings and individual meetings the mentees learn from the mentor through exchange of experiences. The mentees also receive support in writing their thesis, in career and life planning and personal skill development.
If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

MINT is a German abbreviation for math, computer science, (natural) science and engeneering.



The Mathematical Institutes and the Institute of Computer Science offer every year "Ada-Lovelace doctoral positions" for FLINTA doctoral candidates. Usually, these are given to two doctoral students per year and consist of an upgrade from 75% to 100% TVL E13 for the whole contract period.

FLINTA is a german abbreviation for women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people.

MATHRIX Assistant Professor Programme

Every three years, the mathematical institutes of the department call for two W1 junior professorships, which are intended to make a visible contribution to gender equality in the mathematical sciences. The latter can be documented, for example, by presenting a relevant concept.

Network of FLINTA scientists

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has a "Network of FLINTA scientists" which, among other things, organizes regular meetings between professors and junior scientists.
If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

FLINTA is a german abbreviation for women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people.


Since 2011, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has participated in the nationwide Girls'Day to interest more girls in schools in studying computer science or mathematics. Girls in secondary school will get an insight into a working group of the department and will be guided through the day by students and graduates.
Further information can be found at Girls'Day [de].

Individual offices

Pregnant women and parents of infant children can get one-person offices with suitable equipment (e.g. gymnastics ball, standing desk, armchair, toys, baby bed, mobile changing table, etc.).

Mentoring-Programme "Erstklassig!" ("first-class!") by the university of Münster

The department participates in the mentoring programme "Erstklassig!" by the university of Münster, which promotes women with the goal of becoming professors in their academic careers. Several of the department's participants in previous rounds now hold permanent professorships.
Further information can be found on the site Mentoring-Programme "Erstklassig!" [de] .

Mentoring-Programme "Frauen managen Hochschule" ("women manage universities") by the university of Münster

The department participates in the mentoring programme "Women manage universities" by the university of Münster which promotes women who are interested in a career in university administration. In the round 2018/19 of this program, a post-doctoral student from the department participated.

Job extension during maternity leave

If the employment contract of a (scientific or non-scientific) employee ends no more than two months before the start of maternity leave, the contract can be extended by three months, but at least until the end of the maternity leave.  
Explanation: During maternity leave, the health insurance pays a “Mutterschaftsgeld” (maternity allowance) of 13 euros per day, which is topped up by the employer to the previous average monthly net salary. If the employment contract ends before or during maternity leave, the employer and also its salary supplement no longer exist. Then only the sickness allowance of the health insurance is paid. An early start of the parental allowance is also possible. But all this brings financial disadvantages.
Restriction: For scientific employees, this applies only within the framework of the maximum duration of the fixed-term contract under the German Science Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz).

Further information can also be found on the pages of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.