Gender Equality Funds at FB10

Employees and students of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (FB 10) can apply here for funding for measures to support equal opportunity and families. Please follow the instructions there.
You can find a list of measures eligible for funding in this document.

MINT-Mentoring-Programme for women

In the summer term 2024, 12 female Master's students took part as mentees and 4 female doctoral students as mentors in the MINT-mentoring-programme at FB 10.

International Women in Maths Day

The "International Women in Maths Day" on 12 May is a great opportunity to celebrate women in mathematics and make their achievements more visible. The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster participates in these celebrations as part of the "celebrating gender diversity" week.

"Erstklassig!" ("first-class!")

Mentoring-Programme Erstklassig! ("first-class!") by the university of Münster