
Topics in Mathematics Münster

T4: Groups and actions

Further Projects
CRC 1442 - A01: Automorphic forms and the p-adic Langlands programme online
CRC 1442 - A02: Moduli spaces of p-adic Galois representations online

Research Interests

Research Interests

$\bullet$ Algebraic number theory.
$\bullet$ Arithmetic geometry.
$\bullet$ Representation theory.
$\bullet$ $p$-Adic analysis.

Recent Publications

Recent Publications of Prof. Dr. Peter Schneider

$\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Otmar Venjakob. Compairing categories of Lubin–Tate $(\varphi _l,\gamma _l)$-modules. Results in Mathematics, September 2023. doi:10.1007/s00025-023-01998-0.

$\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Claus Sorensen. Dg-Hecke duality and tensor products. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.08795.

$\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Konstantin Ardakov. The Bernstein center in natural characteristic. Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 320:1–20, May 2023. doi:10.4213/tm4254.

$\bullet $ Konstantin Ardakov and Peter Schneider. Stability in the category of smooth mod-$p$ representations of $\mathrm S \mathrm L_2(\mathbb Q_p)$. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.02585.

$\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Claus Sorensen. Duals and admissibility in natural characteristic. Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society, 27(02):30–50, March 2023. doi:10.1090/ert/634.

$\bullet $ Konstantin Ardakov and Peter Schneider. The Bernstein Centre in Natural Characteristic. Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 320(1):1–20, March 2023. doi:10.1134/s0081543823010017.

$\bullet $ Konstantin Ardakov and Peter Schneider. The central sheaf of a Grothendieck category. arXiv e-prints, October 2022. arXiv:2210.12419.

$\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Rachen Ollivier. On the pro-$p$ Iwahori Hecke Ext-algebra of SL$_2(\mathbb Q_p)$. Mémoires SMF, October 2022. doi:10.24033/msmf.483.

$\bullet $ Sarah Scherotzke and Peter Schneider. Derived parabolic induction. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 54(1):264–274, March 2022. doi:10.1112/blms.12606.

$\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Claus Sorensen. Duals in natural characteristic. arXiv e-prints, February 2022. arXiv:2202.01800.

$\bullet $ Laurent Berger, Peter Schneider, and Bingyong Xie. Rigid character groups, Lubin-Tate theory, and $(\varphi ,\Gamma )$-modules. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 263(1275):v + 79, February 2020. doi:10.1090/memo/1275.

$\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Ernst-Wilhelm Zink. Zelevinsky operations for multisegments and a partial order on partitions. Pacific J. Math., 304(1):181–207, January 2020. doi:10.2140/pjm.2020.304.181.

$\bullet $ Rachel Ollivier and Peter Schneider. The modular pro-$p$ Iwahori-Hecke Ext-algebra. In Avraham Aizenbud, Dmitry Gourevitch, David Kazhdan, and Erez M. Lapid, editors, Representations of Reductive Groups, volume 101 of Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, pages 255–308. October 2019. doi:10.1090/pspum/101.

$\bullet $ Vladimir Berkovich, Walter Gubler, Peter Schneider, and Annette Werner. Non-Archimedean geometry and applications. Oberwolfach Rep., 16(1):513–575, February 2019. doi:10.4171/OWR/2019/8.