Recent Publications of Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger, Theo Grundhöfer, and Linus Kramer.
Weil tensors, strongly regular graphs, multiplicative characters, and a quadratic matrix equation.
J. Algebra, 656:170–195, October 2024.
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger.
Dynamical systems for arithmetic schemes.
Indagationes Mathematicae, June 2024.
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger and Michael Wibmer.
On the proalgebraic fundamental group of topological spaces and amalgamated products of affine group schemes.
arXiv e-prints, June 2023.
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger.
Primes, knots and periodic orbits.
arXiv e-prints, January 2023.
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger.
There is no "Weil-"cohomology theory with real coefficients for arithmetic curves.
arXiv e-prints, April 2022.
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger.
A pro-algebraic fundamental group for topological spaces.
arXiv e-prints, May 2020.
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger and Annette Werner.
Parallel transport for vector bundles on $p$-adic varieties.
J. Algebraic Geom., 29(1):1–52, January 2020.
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger.
$p$-adic limits of renormalized logarithmic Euler characteristics.
Groups Geom. Dyn., 14(2):427–467, January 2020.
arXiv:1801.02412, doi:10.4171/GGD/550.
$\bullet $ Christopher Deninger and Anton Mellit.
$\mathbb Z R$ and rings of Witt vectors $W_S(R)$.
Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova, 142:93–102, June 2019.