Recent Publications of apl. Prof. Dr. Lutz Hille
$\bullet $ Klaus Altmann, Amelie Flatt, and Lutz Hille.
Extensions of toric line bundles.
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 304(1):3, March 2023.
$\bullet $ Edward L. Green, Lutz Hille, and Sibylle Schroll.
Algebras and varieties.
Algebras Represent. Theory, 24(2):367–388, April 2021.
$\bullet $ Mark Blume and Lutz Hille.
Quivers and moduli spaces of pointed curves of genus zero.
Algebraic Comb., 4(1):89–124, February 2021.
$\bullet $ Lutz Hille and David Ploog.
Exceptional sequences and spherical modules for the Auslander algebra of $k[x]/(x^t)$.
Pacific J. Math., 302(2):599–625, November 2019.
$\bullet $ Lutz Hille and David Ploog.
Tilting chains of negative curves on rational surfaces.
Nagoya Math. J., 235:26–41, September 2019.