Topics in Mathematics Münster
T1: K-Groups and cohomologyT2: Moduli spaces in arithmetic and geometry
T4: Groups and actions
Further Projects
• CRC 1442: Geometry: Deformation and Rigidity - A05: Moduli spaces of local shtukas in mixed characteristic online
• Geometry and Arithmetic of Uniformized Structures online
Current Cluster Publications of Prof. Dr. Eva Viehmann
$\bullet $ Eva Viehmann. On Newton strata in the $B_dR^+$-Grassmannian. Duke Mathematical Journal, 173(1):177–225, January 2024. doi:10.1215/00127094-2024-0005.
$\bullet $ Kieu Hieu Nguyen and Eva Viehmann. A Harder-Narasimhan stratification of the $B^+_dR$-Grassmannian. Compositio Mathematica, 159(4):711–745, March 2023. doi:10.1112/S0010437X23007066.
$\bullet $ Urs Hartl and Eva Viehmann. The generic fibre of moduli spaces of bounded local $G$-shtukas. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 22(2):799–878, July 2021. doi:10.1017/s1474748021000293.
$\bullet $ Eva Viehmann. Minimal Newton strata in Iwahori double cosets. Int. Math. Res. Not., 2021(7):5349–5365, March 2021. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnz351.
$\bullet $ Eva Viehmann. On Newton strata in the $B_dR^+$-Grassmannian. arXiv e-prints, January 2021. arXiv:2101.07510.
$\bullet $ Elizabeth Milićević and Eva Viehmann. Generic Newton points and the Newton poset in Iwahori-double cosets. Forum Math. Sigma, November 2020. doi:10.1017/fms.2020.46.
$\bullet $ Paul Hamacher and Eva Viehmann. Finiteness properties of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties. Doc. Math., 25:899–910, January 2020. doi:10.25537/dm.2020v25.899-910.
$\bullet $ Paul Hamacher and Eva Viehmann. Irreducible components of minuscule affine Deligne–Lusztig varieties. Algebra Number Theory, 12(7):1611–1634, October 2018. doi:10.2140/ant.2018.12.1611.
$\bullet $ Eva Viehmann and Han Wu. Central leaves in loop groups. Math. Res. Lett., 25(3):989–1008, May 2018. doi:10.4310/MRL.2018.v25.n3.a13.
$\bullet $ Miaofen Chen and Eva Viehmann. Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties and the action of $J$. J. Algebraic Geom., 27(2):273–304, April 2018. doi:10.1090/jag/693.