Recent Publications

Recent Publications of JProf. Dr. Aleksandra Kwiatkowska

$\bullet $ Włodzimierz Charatonik, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, and Robert Roe. The projective Fraïssé limit of the family of all connected finite graphs with confluent epimorphisms. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, December 2024. doi:10.1090/tran/9258.

$\bullet $ Włodzimierz J. Charatonik, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Robert P. Roe, and Shujie Yang. Projective fraïssé limits of trees with confluent epimorphisms. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.16915.

$\bullet $ Alessandro Codenotti and Aleksandra Kwiatkowska. Projective Fraïssé limits and generalized Ważewski dendrites. arXiv e-prints, October 2022. arXiv:2210.06899.

$\bullet $ Filippo Calderoni, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, and Katrin Tent. Simplicity of the automorphism groups of order and tournament expansions of homogeneous structures. J. Algebra, 580:43–62, August 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2021.03.028.

$\bullet $ Aleksandra Kwiatkowska and Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos. The automorphism group of the random poset does not admit a generic pair. arXiv e-prints, December 2020. arXiv:2012.04376.

$\bullet $ Aleksandra Kwiatkowska and Maciej Malicki. Ordered structures and large conjugacy classes. J. Algebra, 557:67–96, September 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2020.03.021.

$\bullet $ Dana Bartošová and Aleksandra Kwiatkowska. The universal minimal flow of the homeomorphism group of the Lelek fan. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 371(10):6995–7027, May 2019. doi:10.1090/tran/7548.

$\bullet $ Aleksandra Kwiatkowska and Maciej Malicki. Automorphism groups of countable structures and groups of measurable functions. Israel J. Math., 230(1):335–360, March 2019. doi:10.1007/s11856-018-1825-7.