Research Interests

Research Interests

$\bullet$ Scalar curvature
$\bullet$ Spin geometry and Dirac operators
$\bullet$ Index theory, K-theory and non-commutative geometry

Selected Publications

Cecchini S, Zeidler R Scalar and mean curvature comparison via the Dirac operator. Geometry and Topology online
Zeidler R Band width estimates via the Dirac operator. Journal of Differential Geometry Vol. 122 (1), 2022 online
Xie Z, Yu G, Zeidler R On the range of the relative higher index and the higher rho-invariant for positive scalar curvature. Advances in Mathematics Vol. 390 (107897), 2021 online
Nitsche M, Schick T, Zeidler R Transfer maps in generalized group homology via submanifolds. Doc. Math. Vol. 26, 2021, pp 947-979 online
Engel, Alexander; Wulff, Christopher; Zeidler, Rudolf Slant products on the Higson-Roe exact sequence. Annales de l’Institut Fourier Vol. 71 (3), 2021, pp 913-1021 online
Zeidler R Width, Largeness and Index Theory. SIGMA Vol. 16, 2020, pp 15 pages online
Bárcenas N, Zeidler R Positive scalar curvature and low-degree group homology. Annals of K-theory Vol. 3 (3), 2018, pp 565-579 online
Zeidler R An index obstruction to positive scalar curvature on fiber bundles over aspherical manifolds. Algebraic and Geometric Topology Vol. 17 (5), 2017, pp 3081-3094 online
Zeidler R Positive scalar curvature and product formulas for secondary index invariants. Journal of Topology Vol. 9 (3), 2016, pp 687-724 online
Cecchini S, Zeidler R The positive mass theorem and distance estimates in the spin setting. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society online

Recent Publications

Recent Publications of Prof. Dr. Rudolf Zeidler

$\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Georg Frenck, and Rudolf Zeidler. Positive scalar curvature with point singularities. arXiv e-prints, July 2024. arXiv:2407.20163.

$\bullet $ Simone Cecchini and Rudolf Zeidler. The positive mass theorem and distance estimates in the spin setting. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, June 2024. doi:10.1090/tran/8942.

$\bullet $ Simone Cecchini and Rudolf Zeidler. Scalar and mean curvature comparison via the Dirac operator. Geometry and Topology, 28:1167–1212, May 2024. doi:10.2140/gt.2024.28.1167.

$\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Sven Hirsch, and Rudolf Zeidler. Rigidity of spin fill-ins with non-negative scalar curvature. arXiv e-prints, April 2024. arXiv:2404.17533.

$\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Martin Lesourd, and Rudolf Zeidler. Positive mass theorems for spin initial data sets with arbitrary ends and dominant energy shields. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024(9):7870–7890, January 2024. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnad315.

$\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Daniel Räde, and Rudolf Zeidler. Nonnegative scalar curvature on manifolds with at least two ends. Journal of Topology, 16(3):855–876, June 2023. doi:10.1112/topo.12303.

$\bullet $ Simone Cecchini and Rudolf Zeidler. Scalar curvature and generalized Callias operators. In Perspectives in Scalar Curvature, pages 515–542. World Scientific, March 2023. doi:10.1142/9789811273223_0002.

$\bullet $ Rudolf Zeidler. Band width estimates via the Dirac operator. J. Differ. Geom., September 2022. doi:10.4310/jdg/1668186790.

$\bullet $ Zhizhang Xie, Guoliang Yu, and Rudolf Zeidler. On the range of the relative higher index and the higher rho-invariant for positive scalar curvature. Adv. Math., 390:Paper No. 107897, 24, October 2021. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2021.107897.

$\bullet $ Martin Nitsche, Thomas Schick, and Rudolf Zeidler. Transfer maps in generalized group homology via submanifolds. Doc. Math., 26:947–979, August 2021. doi:10.15388/namc.2021.26.24502.

$\bullet $ Alexander Engel, Christopher Wulff, and Rudolf Zeidler. Slant products on the Higson–Roe exact sequence. Ann. Inst. Fourier, 71(3):913–1021, June 2021. doi:10.5802/aif.3406.

$\bullet $ Rudolf Zeidler. Width, largeness and index theory. SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl., 16:Paper No. 127, 15, December 2020. doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2020.127.