
Topics in Mathematics Münster

Further Projects
Model Theory of Valued Fields with Endomorphism online
Geometric and Combinatorial Configurations in Model Theory online

Research Interests

Research Interests

$\bullet$ Model Theory: Geometric Stability and Simplicity Theory, Hrushovski Amalgamation
$\bullet$ Valued Fields and their Model Theory, in particular Valued Fields with Automorphism

Selected Publications

Hasson A, Hils M Fusion over sublanguages. Journal of Symbolic Logic Vol. 71 (2), 2006, pp 361-398 online
Hils M Generic automorphisms and green fields. J. London Math. Soc. (2) Vol. 85 (2), 2012, pp 223-244 online
Hils M La fusion libre: le cas simple. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu Vol. 7 (4), 2008, pp 825-868 online
Chernikov A, Hils M Valued difference fields and NTP2. Israel Journal of Mathematics Vol. 204 (1), 2014, pp 299-327 online
Baudisch A, Hils M Martin Pizarro A, Wagner F-O Die böse Farbe. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu Vol. 8 (3), 2009 online
Bays M, Hils M, Moosa R Model Theory of Compact Complex Manifolds with an Automorphism. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 369 (6), 2017, pp 4485-4516 online
Bays M, Gavrilovich M, Hils M Some Definability Results in Abstract Kummer Theory. International Mathematics Research Notices Vol. 2014 (14), 2014, pp 3975-4000 online

Recent Publications

Recent Publications of Prof. Dr. Martin Hils

$\bullet $ Martin Hils and Silvain Rideau-Kikuchi. Un principe d'Ax-Kochen-Ershov imaginaire. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, July 2024. doi:10.4171/jems/1492.

$\bullet $ Martin Hils, Ehud Hrushovski, Jinhe Ye, and Tingxiang Zou. Lang-Weil type estimates in finite difference fields. arXiv e-prints, June 2024. arXiv:2406.00880.

$\bullet $ Martin Hils, Martina Liccardo, and Pierre Touchard. Stably embedded pairs of ordered abelian groups. arXiv e-prints, August 2023. arXiv:2308.09989.

$\bullet $ Martin Hils and Rosario Mennuni. Some definable types that cannot be amalgamated. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 69(1):46–49, May 2023. doi:10.1002/malq.202200046.

$\bullet $ Martin Hils and Stefan Marian Ludwig. An approximate AKE principle for metric valued fields. arXiv e-prints, August 2022. arXiv:2208.10186.

$\bullet $ Pablo Cubides Kovacsics, Martin Hils, and Jinhe Ye. Beautiful pairs. arXiv e-prints, December 2021. arXiv:2112.00651.

$\bullet $ Martin Hils and Silvain Rideau-Kikuchi. Un principe d'Ax-Kochen-Ershov imaginaire. arXiv e-prints, September 2021. arXiv:2109.12189.

$\bullet $ Martin Hils and Rosario Mennuni. The domination monoid in henselian valued fields. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.13999.

$\bullet $ Martin Hils, Ehud Hrushovski, and Pierre Simon. Definable equivariant retractions in non-archimedean geometry. arXiv e-prints, January 2021. arXiv:2101.02619.

$\bullet $ Martin Hils and François Loeser. A First Journey through Logic. Volume 89 of Student Mathematical Library. American Mathematical Society, 1. edition, September 2019. doi:10.1090/stml/089.