Beatrix  Hilbt-Niggemann
Beatrix Hilbt-Niggemann
Diplom-Supervisorin (DGSv) Organisationsentwicklerin Gruppendynamikerin (DAGG) Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin
  • Career

    Since 2001

    Supervisor and coach for upper and middle management

    Organisational consultant

    Trainer for managers and employees in the areas of general management, cross-functional management, intra and interdisciplinary work communication

    Lecturer in the areas of management, cooperative work, communication, training for job applications and potential analysis

    Until 2001

    Advisor to and developer of managers at Siemens AG and VOGT electronic Witten GmbH

    Social counselor at Siemens AG

    Manager of a communal day centre for children

  • Teaching

    Since summer semester 2007      Management knowledge and cross-functional management