Our team at the ECS 2023 Conference in Gothenburg

Group picture at the ECS Conference
© IfbM

From 8 to 12 October, a seven-member team from our institute travelled to Gothenburg, Sweden, together with Prof. Lux, to attend the 244th meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS). The conference brought together experts from all over the world working on various topics in electrochemistry and battery research. Many internationally renowned battery researchers shared their knowledge on the latest cutting-edge developments in electrochemistry, battery technology and energy conversion.

Four of our young scientists also had the opportunity to present their research projects to the assembled global scientific community. This was a remarkable opportunity for the researchers to receive valuable feedback from battery experts, as well as stimulating discussions.

  • Our Master's student Anne Sehnal presented her Master's thesis on "The Trade-Off between Extended Lifetime and Resource Utilisation Efficiency - a Critical Analysis of Battery Second-Use Concepts Using Materials Flow Analysis". Her work focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of extended battery life on the one hand and improved resource use efficiency on the other.
  • Our PhD student Jannis Wesselkämper dedicated his presentation to the topic "Towards a Circular Economy of Lithium-Ion Batteries - Is a Fast Ramp-up of Recycling and Circularity Sustainable?" Among other things, he predicted regional differences in the race for a profitable circular economy of batteries.
  • Our PhD student Philipp Voss presented his research entitled "Toward Large-Scale Production of Solid-State Batteries: Manufacturing Process Analysis and Cost Assessment for the Composite Cathode". His work focused on the challenges of economical mass production of solid-state batteries.
  • Our PhD student André Hemmelder discussed data-driven approaches in battery technology and how they can be used in the global battery industry to increase competitiveness and innovation in his research contribution entitled "Data-Driven Strategic Decision Making in Battery Technology - How to Compete in Global Battery Industry?

Attending the ECS conference not only provided a platform to present our research, but also allowed us to interact with leading experts from academia and industry. Our team took the opportunity to make valuable contacts and gain insight into the latest developments in battery research.

The trip to Gothenburg was an outstanding experience for our researchers. They returned to Münster with new inspiration and a broader understanding of battery science. These insights will undoubtedly have a positive impact on their research and our future projects. We look forward to incorporating the knowledge gained into the further development of our research and the advancement of battery technology.